My daughter is my best friend quotes

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To my daughter’s best friend,

On my daughter’s first day of kindergarten, she walked into a classroom where she didn’t know a single person. We’d only lived in the area for a few months. Of course, to an outgoing five-year old like herself, this wasn’t a big deal. She walked into the place like she owned it.

In no time at all, she met you. Stories vary on exactly how that happened, but I started hearing your name more often at home. The summer before she started school, I’d prayed two things. First, that this new place would become community to our family. Second, that my daughter would have close friends who lived nearby, because our school district is vast and I didn’t want to drive all over the countryside for play dates and such.

You were prayed for. You are God’s answer to my prayer for my our daughter. We hear tons of stories that include your name, and I’m thankful for you.

When the two of you show up somewhere, anywhere—4-H meetings, annual Easter Egg hunts, Gems girls’ club, the school bus or any of a number of classrooms—you look for one another. It appears you are her place.

I didn’t grow up with a friend like that. My friends came and went based on the girls who were in my class each year. I always had lots of friends, but not one particular sidekick.

When one hears about a certain friend so often, and that friend spends so much time in our home, you become like family. You’re like an adjunct family member to us. I often include you and your family in my prayers.

If I’m completely honest though, I get nervous sometimes, because I know how girls can be. Who’s to say your friendship will always be this easy? Sure, you have spats from time to time now, but what if you actually grow apart? Ugh, what if you get in a big fight over a boy? Is my daughter’s heart safe from the possibility of hurt?

But really, none of us are safe from hurtful relationships. Not if we give of ourselves freely. Part of friendship includes giving all of yourself and trusting the other person to handle that gift with tender care.

Instead of worrying my mama’s heart over such things, I’ll choose to encourage you both to enjoy life together. We’ll go to plays and restaurants and each other’s houses and shopping malls and to hotels for overnight stays, doing the fun things friends do. As a family, we’ll embrace your great laugh, your funny stories, and all the times you break out your mom voice to reign in our fun-loving child.

Lord willing, you will celebrate the freedom found in your teenage years together. As roommates, or across hundreds of miles, you can cheer each other on in the college years. When you’re officially adults (whatever age that actually is), you can call one another on the phone or meet up for coffee, and have a whole lifetime of memories to recall as the foundation for a lifelong friendship.

Your best friend’s mom

Her View Shop

Traci Rhoades

Traci Rhoades is a writer and Bible teacher. She lives in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area with her family and an ever-changing number of pets. Connect with her online at or @tracesoffaith on twitter. She is the author of "Not All Who Wander (Spiritually) Are Lost."

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How can I express my love to my daughter?

I love you, my daughter. You are such a beautiful girl, and I'm so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage. I can't wait to witness all the amazing things that you will do with your life when you get older.

Can a daughter be a best friend?

Your daughter can definitely be your best friend just as long as you know where you and she stand. Set rules and boundaries but be open enough that she knows there's someone she can confide in. The mother-daughter bond is special – enjoy it to the fullest!

How do I write a status for my daughter?

10 Things to Write in a Letter to Your Daughter.
“I love you from the bottom of my heart.” ... .
“I believe in you.” ... .
“I think you're beautiful.” ... .
“You make me proud in so many ways.” ... .
“I want you to know what my treasures are.” ... .
“Let me tell you about the day you were born.” ... .
“Don't ever settle for second best.”.

How do you say sweet words to your daughter?

Dear daughter, you are my pride. No matter how hard my life gets, I will never let sadness touch you. In the end, your smile is what matters to me most. You don't just have a beautiful face but also a beautiful heart.