My synthetic wig is dry and frizzy

There’s no better way to change your appearance than with the help of a synthetic wig. Synthetic wigs are relatively cheap and come in a variety of colors. But how do you stop synthetic hair from frizzing?

Let’s find out!

You can easily prevent synthetic hair from frizzing by storing your wig properly and washing it using only products meant for synthetic hair. You should also spend time detangling the wig and dry it when it gets wet.

  • What’s The Difference Between Synthetic And Natural Wigs?
  • Why Do Wigs Become Frizzy?
  • How to Keep Synthetic Hair From Frizzing 
  • How Do You Defrizz Your Synthetic Wig?

What’s The Difference Between Synthetic And Natural Wigs?

High-quality synthetic wigs can look almost the same as natural hair wigs.

However, there are very important differences. Knowing these differences is important when learning how to keep synthetic hair from frizzing. 

The main differences are:

Make-up Of The Hair

Natural hair wigs, as the name suggests, are made of natural hair that is harvested from human hair.

However, this means that natural hair wigs take a lot of maintenance to upkeep their appearance.

Natural hair wigs also have a limited number of colors available.

Although their colors can be beautiful and unique, they won’t be as bold or bright as synthetic wigs. Natural wigs are also easier affected by weather conditions.

Synthetic hair wigs, on the other hand, are made of man-made fibers made of acrylic or nylon.

They come in an endless amount of colors and textures that are permanent and don’t change as natural hair does.

However, because they are made of acrylic or nylon, they can’t be washed like natural hair wigs.

The method you use to wash the wig and the products you use have to be specially designed for synthetic wigs.


A natural wig can be stylized to fit virtually any style you want.

This is because, as they are made of natural hair, you can safely (and confidentially) curl, flat-iron, and blow-dry your hair without damaging the wig itself.

You’ll still have to make sure you don’t go overboard and cause heat damage.

Synthetic wigs can’t usually be treated with heat due to their fibers.

However, many heat-friendly synthetic wigs are now available and allow you to curl and flat-iron them with ease.

This is especially good to know since one of the methods we’ll teach you to get rid of frizz involves heat. 


Like natural hair, natural wigs have to be maintained through shampoos, conditioning, washing, and detangling.

You should use any kind of product you normally use on your own hair on your natural hair wig.

This makes natural hair wigs a bit of a chore to maintain, especially if you wear them daily.

Synthetic wigs must also be maintained properly.

However, you never want to use shampoos and conditioners that aren’t meant for synthetic hair on your synthetic wig. You also should avoid dyeing synthetic wigs.

This will ruin the look of your wig and make it even more frizzy.

Also Read: How Tight Should A Wig Be? (Easy Ways To Tell)

Why Do Wigs Become Frizzy?

Just like our natural hair, synthetic wigs are prone to becoming frizzy and dry over time.

This is especially true around the hairline areas of the wig, and around the ends of the synthetic hair strands. 

If you wear your wig every day, chances are the hairline is being exposed to a lot of heat.

All of this heat leads to the synthetic hair building up static electricity.

With natural human hair, we can easily repel this frizz through the natural oils in our hair that moisturize and keep our hair smooth.

Synthetic wigs, on the other hand, don’t have any natural oils and are completely dry.

So, when you rub your wig against your pillow or you store it improperly, your wig has a high chance of becoming frizzy.

Without the help of some of the techniques below, your wig will more than likely stay that way. 

It’s important to follow these tips below so you keep your wig (and you) looking its best.

Proper Storage

Store your wig properly, whether on the head of a mannequin or on your knee when brushing it out.

Don’t let it rub against pillows, clothes, or anything else as this can cause it to frizz up because of static electricity.

Wash Your Wig

Wash your wig gently, using only synthetic-friendly products that are sulfate and paraben-free.

Even for regular hair, sulfates can dry out and irritate the scalp.

A quick search online can let you know which products are safe to use on your synthetic wig and which aren’t.

Don’t Overuse

Limit using your wig if possible.

We know it can be difficult if you love wearing it, but limiting wear can help extend the life of your wig by a couple of months and prevent static frizz.

Less Washing

Even if you do wash your wig using the right method, you should reduce the number of times you wash your wig. The more washes your synthetic wigs go through, the more softness is lost over time. 

How Do You Defrizz Your Synthetic Wig?

There are a variety of ways you can de-frizz your wig, and luckily, all are easy to do and can leave your wig looking amazing.

Below are some tips you can use to de-frizz your wig in no time:

Washing Your Wig

Wash your wig using the right method for synthetic hair. To do so:

1. Fill a sink up with cold water, never hot as this can further damage your wig

2. Mix your favorite synthetic wig shampoo with the water in the sink or bowl

3. Let your wig soak into the water for 15 or more depending on your shampoos instructions 

4. Gently remove excess shampoo from the wig strand by strand using your fingers, especially if your wig has textured or curly hair. Do NOT rub your wig excessively as this can cause more frizz

5. Once you’ve gotten rid of excess water and shampoo, condition your wig with your favorite detangling or leave-in conditioner 

6. If your wig is heat-friendly style your hair as usual with a blow-dryer or your favorite method! Make sure to not ring out your wig and instead pat it dry with a towel if you’re not wearing it right away.

Use Dryer Sheets

Did you know you can use dryer sheets to get rid of extra static on your wig? It’s true.

Simply get a dryer sheet and rub it gently on any strands that are sticking out of your wig to get rid of static electricity and smooth out your wig.

Detangle Your Wig

Just like regular hair, you should try and detangle your wig which is one of the best ways to get rid of frizz and kinks.

However, with a synthetic wig, it’s never a good idea to use a fine-tooth comb, as this can break up the fibers in acrylic and other artificial strands of hair.

Instead, use a wide-tooth comb to get rid of tangles, or look for a brush specifically designed for wigs.

This method should only be used for straight or wavy hair wigs. For wigs with curly hair, detangle the hair using your fingers in a downward motion.

Use Heat

We will say it again to prevent you from ruining your wig- only use heat on heat-friendly wigs.

If you’re not sure if your wig can be heat-treated, ask your beauty supply store or look at the product information.

If your wig is heat-friendly, use a flat iron to smooth away any frizz.

Start with the lowest setting on your flat iron and use more heat only if necessary. This is a great method to use if you don’t have time to wash and condition your wig.

Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide professional or medical advice. All of the content on is for informational purposes only. All advice should be followed at your own discretion. Ingredients may change at any time so always check the product label before using. Check our full disclaimer policy here.

How do you fix a frizzy synthetic wig?

Tips And Tricks To Fix Frizzy Synthetic Wigs.
Smooth Hair Fibres Using Dryer Sheets. ... .
Brush Through Sections With A Wide Tooth Comb. ... .
Flat Iron Hair Lengths. ... .
Dissolve Static With A Portable Steamer. ... .
Apply Leave-In Conditioner. ... .
Smooth And Shape With A Hot Air Brush. ... .
Snip And Trim..

How do you rehydrate a synthetic wig?

After adding your wigs in a bath full of love and cold water, along with a softener and detergent, the next step is to let them soak all the love from the bathtub. Leave the wigs in this water for a few hours or overnight. This step will give the chemistry of wigs and cold water enough time to have some chill.

Why is my synthetic wig so dry?

This can occur because synthetic wigs lack the moisture of real human hair, and the chemicals in the hair change and cause static cling, resulting in losing the style of the wig. FIX – To repair a synthetic wig that has become dry, some of our wig wearers try using fabric softener as a conditioner.

Why is my synthetic wig dry and frizzy?

Heat makes the wigs drier, and the synthetic fibres start producing static electricity. The negative charges and ions accumulate together that result in the appearance of static charge. As these artificial wigs don't have natural moisture, they tend to become messy and dry very soon.


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