One bright day in the middle of the night riddle answer

This took place in Alaska, where there is no darkness. The boys stood back-to-back alright, but each faced a mirror, thus capable of seeing the other one. They did pull out a knife, but used a gn instead to kill each other. The policeman is deaf now, but wasn't then. The man is blind now but wasn't then. The two dead boys killed each so they're dead, but not before they killed each other. When it says they started to fight, he is describing them as dead now, after they shot each other. If this is confusing, read slowly again. If it's still confusing, to bad.

One bright day

in the middle of the night

two dead boys got up to fight

back to back they faced each other

drew their swords and shot each other

a deaf policeman heard the noice

and Ran out to save the two dead boys

if you don’t believe this stories true

ask the blind man he saw it to

This is a monologue poem. It's more fun to tell it in a scary story voice around a campfire.

I come before you, to stand behind you,
To tell you something I know nothing about.
Admission is free, so pay at the door;
Pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

Early this morning late last night
Two dead soldiers began to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other.

A legless donkey passing by
Kicked both men right in the eye.
It knocked them over a 10 foot wall
Into a ditch and drowned them all.

A deaf policeman heard their cries
And came and shot those two dead guys.
If you don't believe this story's true,
Ask the blind man - he saw it too!


Jan 31, 2014 - priyanka

this is veryy funny............

Jan 24, 2015 - Dick

One Bright Morning Skit (variation) One bright morning in the middle of the night, Two dead boys began to fight. Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise, And came and shot the two dead boys.

Apr 08, 2015 - John Wulf

Ladies and gentelmen, hoboes and tramps, bald headed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants. I stand before you to stand behind you to tell you about something I know nothing about: One bright morning in the middle of the night two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, pulled out a knife and shot each other. The deaf policeman heard the noise and went to kill the two dead boys. If you don't believe this story is true, ask the blindman he saw it too!

Oct 06, 2015 - Sandy & Darrell D. Davis

I am 77 yrs old, my dad born in 1893 use to say the "One bright morning----when I was a kid.  The only differance was about the deaf policeman.  Dad told it as "came and arrested those two dead boys."  This skit is quite old.

Jan 13, 2020 - Ryan GB

One Bright Morning (In Spanish) - Una Mañana Brillante (En Español) -

Una mañana brillante. Una mañana brillante en medio de la noche, dos chicos muertos salieron a pelear. De espaldas se peleaban, sacaban espadas y se disparaban. Un policía sordo oyó el ruido, y vino y mató a los dos niños muertos.

Jul 23, 2020 - EricO

I learned a different the ending:

If you don't believe this tale so tall
Ask the blind man, he saw it all

Aug 22, 2020 - Izuku Midoriya

One bright morning in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise, and ran up to save the two dead boys. If you dont believe me this story's true.

Ask the blindman- he saw it too 😝

I heard this from my friend

Sep 15, 2020 - Holly Lettau

The version I hear was :

Late lastnight in the middle of the day,
Two dead boys went out to play.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
The deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to rescue the two dead boys.
and if you don’t believe my story’s true,
Ask the blind man! He saw it too

Oct 11, 2020 - Chi Chi O.

The version my momma taught me LONG LONG LONG TIME AGO... :)

Early in the morning in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys began to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Pulled out their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came and killed those two dead boys.
Now if you don't believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man, he saw it too!

miss you, mama!
love you!!

Nov 13, 2020 - EBAY

Love it I am about to go on a campout for boy scouts and I need to put together a skit and this has just the right vibe.

Dec 27, 2020 - lielac maxwell

Oh my god I love this skit!

Jan 30, 2021 - George Davis

The ending which I learned after the deaf policeman stirred by the noise, was  "One ran around the corner in the middle of the block and the other hid in a house on a vacant lot"

Jan 30, 2021 - George Davis

In the poem which starts with;"Ladies and gents" after the colon, I learned, "Christopher Columbus sailed up the Missoslopy River with the Star Spangled Banana in one hand and the Declaration of Indigestion in the other".

Mar 09, 2021 - YourLocalWeeb

I found this poem on a tik-tok and they said it so well that I played over and over again until I figured it out.

Mar 25, 2021 - DEBRA

I learned
one bright morning in the middle of the night two dead boys got up to fight, back to back they faced each other drew their swords, and shot each other. the deaf policemen heard the noise and came and shot those two dead boys. if you think my tale is tall, ask the blind man, he saw it all.

May 02, 2021 - Jimmie everett

I was in second grade when a teacher taught me this into this day I don't know why she taught me it

   One Bright Day in the middle of the night two dead boys got up the fight
Back to back they faced each other through their swords and shot each other the death policeman heard the noise came to shoot the two Dead boys if you don't believe this lie is true as the blind man he saw it too.

   That's 45 years ago I learned that I always thought it was interesting thanks to Google I just said it and it brought me to this page hope you guys enjoy it

Sep 21, 2021 - Me-ooks

I use to beg my uncle to tell this one to me over and over... I wonder if he ever got tired of it. I miss him. He passed away my forth year of college from cancer.

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Who is the two dead boys poem by?

Two dead boys (My favorite poem of all time!) This is my favorite poem. It's by Tyler Rager and I honestly don't know why I love this poem. But ever since I heard it from the movie I just couldn't wait to find it online and read it.

Who wrote one bright day in the middle of the night?

One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night.

What type of poem is one fine day in the middle of the night?

Nonsense poems, Night poem, Poems.

What kind of poem is two dead boys?

Although the Two Dead Boys poem (“One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night”) is often referred to as a nonsense rhyme, the description is not strictly accurate.


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