Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers solutions pdf





Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

PURPOSE OF LESSON: To show what partial differential equations are, why they are useful, and how they are solved; also included is a brief discussion on how they are classified as various kinds and types. An overview is given of many of the ideas that will be studied in detail later.

Most physical phenomena, whether in the domain of fluid dynamics, electricity, magnetism, mechanics, optics, or heat flow, can be described in general by partial differential equations (PDEs); in fact, most of mathematical physics are PDEs. It’s true that simplifications can be made that reduce the equations in question to ordinary differential equations, but, nevertheless, the complete description of these systems resides in the general area of PDEs.

What Are PDEs?

A partial differential equation is an equation that contains partial derivatives. In contrast to ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where the unknown function depends only on one variable, in PDEs, the unknown function depends on several variables (like temperature u(x,t) depends both on location x and time t).

Let’s list some well-known PDEs; note that for notational simplicity we have called

A Few Well-Known PDEs

Note on the Examples

The unknown function u always depends on more than one variable. The variable u (which we differentiate) is called the dependent variable, whereas the ones we differentiate with respect to are called the independent variables. For example, it is clear from the equation

ut = uxx

that the dependent variable u(x,t) is a function of two independent variables ϰ and t, whereas in the equation

u(r, θ, t) depends on r, θ, and t.

Why Are PDEs Useful?

Most of the natural laws of physics, such as Maxwell’s equations, Newton’s law of cooling, the Navier-Stokes equations, Newton’s equations of motion, and Schrodinger’s equation of quantum mechanics, are stated (or can be) in terms of PDEs, that is, these laws describe physical phenomena by relating space and time derivatives. Derivatives occur in these equations because the derivatives represent natural things (like velocity, acceleration, force, friction, flux, current). Hence, we have equations relating partial derivatives of some unknown quantity that we would like to find.

The purpose of this book is to show the reader two things

How to formulate the PDE from the physical problem (constructing the mathematical model).

How to solve the PDE (along with initial and boundary conditions).

We wait a few lessons before we start the modeling problem; now, a brief overview on how PDEs are solved.

How Do You Solve a Partial Differential Equation?

This is a good question. It turns out that there is an entire arsenal of methods available to the practitioner; the most important methods are those that change PDEs into ODEs. Ten useful techniques are

Separation of Variables. This technique reduces a PDE in n variables to n ODEs.

Integral Transforms. This procedure reduces a PDE in n independent variables to one in n – 1 variables; hence, a PDE in two variables could be changed to an ODE.

Change of Coordinates. This method changes the original PDE to an ODE or else another PDE (an easier one) by changing the coordinates of the problem (rotating the axis and things like that).

Transformation of the Dependent Variable. This method transforms the unknown of a PDE into a new unknown that is easier to find.

Numerical Methods. These methods change a PDE to a system of difference equations that can be solved by means of iterative techniques on a computer; in many cases, this is the only technique that will work. In addition to methods that replace PDEs by difference equations, there are other methods that attempt to approximate solutions by polynomial surfaces (spline approximations).

Pertubation Methods. This method changes a nonlinear problem into a sequence of linear ones that approximates the nonlinear one.

Impulse-response Technique. This procedure decomposes initial and boundary conditions of the problem into simple impulses and finds the response to each impulse. The overall response is then found by adding these simple responses.

Integral Equations. This technique changes a PDE to an integral equation (an equation where the unknown is inside the integral). The integral equation is then solved by various techniques.

Calculus of Variations Methods. These methods find the solution to PDEs by reformulating the equation as a minimization problem. It turns out that the minimum of a certain expression (very likely the expression will stand for total energy) is also the solution to the PDE.

Eigenfunction Expansion. This method attempts to find the solution of a PDE as an infinite sum of eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions are found by solving what is known as an eigenvalue problem corresponding to the original problem.

Kinds of PDEs

Partial differential equations are classified according to many things. Classification is an important concept because the general theory and methods of solution usually apply only to a given class of equations. Six basic classifications are

Order of the PDE. The order of a PDE is the order of the highest partial derivative in the equation, for example,

ut = uxx (second order)

ut = ux (first order)

ut = uuxxx + sin ϰ (third order)

Number of Variables. The number of variables is the number of independent variables, for example,

ut = uxx (two variables: ϰ and t)

(three variables: r, θ, and t)

Linearity. Partial differential equations are either linear or nonlinear. In the linear ones, the dependent variable u and all its derivatives appear in a linear fashion (they are not multiplied together or squared, for example). More precisely, a second-order linear equation in two variables is an equation of the form


where A, B, C, D, E, F, and G can be constants or given functions of x and y; for example,

utt = e-tuxx + sin t (linear)

uuxx + ut = 0 (nonlinear)

uxx + yuyy = 0 (linear)

xux + yuy + u² = 0 (nonlinear)

Homogeneity. The equation (1.1) is called homogeneous if the right-hand side G(x,y) is identically zero for all ϰ and y. If G(x,y) is not identically zero, then the equation is called nonhomogeneous.

Kinds of Coefficients. If the coefficients A, B, C, D, E, and F in equation (1.1) are constants, then (1.1) is said to have constant coefficients (otherwise, variable coefficients).

Three Basic Types of Linear Equations. All linear PDEs like equation (1.1) are either




Parabolic. Parabolic equations describe heat flow and diffusion processes and satisfy the property B² – 4AC = 0.

Hyperbolic. Hyperbolic equations describe vibrating systems and wave motion and satisfy the property B² – 4AC > 0.

Elliptic. Elliptic equations describe steady-state phenomena and satisfy the property B² – 4AC < 0.


ut = uxxB² – 4AC = 0 (parabolic)

ut = uxxB² – 4AC = 4 (hyperbolic)

uξη = 0 B² – 4AC = 1 (hyperbolic)

uxx + uyy = 0 B² – 4AC = – 4 (elliptic)

(In the case of variable coefficients, the situation can change from point to point.)


1. In general, B² – 4AC is a function of the independent variables; hence, an equation can change from one basic type to another throughout the domain of the equation (although it’s not common).

2. The general linear equation (1.1) was written with independent variables x and y. In many problems, one of the two variables stands for time and hence would be written in terms of x and t.

3. A general classification diagram is given in Figure 1.1.

FIGURE 1.1 Classification diagram for partial differential equations.


Classify the following equations according to all the properties we’ve discussed in Figure 1.1:

ut = uxx + 2ux + u

ut = uxx + e-t

uxx + 3uxy + uyy = sin ϰ

utt = uuxxxx + e-t

How many solutions to the PDE ut = uxx can you find? Try solutions of the form u(x,t) = eax + bt.

If u1(x, y) and u2(x, y) satisfy equation (1.1), then is it true that the sum satisfies it?; if yes, prove it.

Probably the easiest of all PDEs to solve is the equation

Can you solve this equation? (Find all functions u(ϰ,y) that satisfy it.)

What about the PDE

Can you find all solutions u(x, y) to this equation? (How many are there?) How does this compare with an ODE like

insofar as the number of solutions is concerned?


1. Elementary Partial Differential Equations by P. W. Berg and J. L. McGregor. Holden-Day, 1966. Clearly written with several nice problems; a nice book to own.

2. Analysis and Solution of Partial Differential Equations by R. L. Street. Brooks-Cole, 1973. A well-written text covering many of the topics we will cover in this book.


Diffusion-Type Problems


Diffusion-Type Problems (Parabolic Equations)

PURPOSE OF LESSON: To show how parabolic PDEs are used to model heat-flow and diffusion-type problems. The physical meaning of different terms (such as ut ux, uxx, and u) are explained and a few examples of parabolic equations presented.

The idea of an initial-boundary-value problem is introduced along with an example. One of the major goals of this lesson is to give the reader an intuitive feeling for parabolic-type problems.

We begin this lesson by introducing a simple physical problem and showing how it can be described by means of a mathematical model (which will involve a PDE). We then complicate the problem and show how new partial differential equations can describe the new situations. The partial differential equations in this lesson are not derived or solved now, but will be in later lessons.

A Simple Heat-Flow Experiment

Suppose we have the following simple experiment that we break into steps:

STEP 1 We start with a reasonably long (say L = 2 m) rod (say copper) 2 cm in diameter whose lateral sides (but not the ends) we wrap with insulation. We could even use copper tubing provided we pour some sort of insulation down the inside. In other words, heat can flow in and out of the rod at the ends, but not across the lateral boundary.

STEP 2 Next, we place this rod in an environment whose temperature is fixed at some temperature T0 (degrees °C) for a sufficiently long time, so that the temperature of the entire rod comes to a steady-state temperature similar to the environment. For simplicity, we let the temperature of the environment T0 = 10°C.

STEP 3 We take the rod out of the environment at a time that we call t = 0 and attach two temperature elements to the ends of the rod. The purpose of these elements is to keep the ends at specific temperatures T1 and T2 (say T1 = 0°C and T2 = 50°C). In other words, two thermostats constantly monitor the temperature at the ends of the rod, and if the temperatures differ from their prescribed values T1 and T2, strong heating (or cooling) elements come into operation to adjust the temperature accordingly. Our experiment is illustrated in Figure 2.1.

FIGURE 2.1 Schematic diagram of the experiment.

STEP 4 We now monitor the temperature profile of the rod on some type of display. (Why we want to perform an experiment of this kind is another question; we will talk about that later.) This completes our discussion of the experiment. The main purpose of this lesson is to show how this physical problem (and variations of it) can be explained (modeled) by parabolic PDEs.

The Mathematical Model of the Heat-Flow Experiment

The description of our physical problem requires three types of equations

The PDE describing the physical phenomenon of heat flow.

The boundary conditions describing the physical nature of our problem on the boundaries.

The initial conditions describing the physical phenomenon at the start of the experiment.

The Heat Equation

The basic equation of one-dimensional heat flow is the relationship


which relates the quantities

ut = the rate of change in temperature with respect to time (measured in deg/sec)


uxx = the concavity of the temperature profile u(x,t) (which essentially compares the temperature at one point to the temperature at neighboring points).

This equation will be derived from the basic conservation of heat equation in later lessons, but for the time being, we examine it by itself. This equation simply says that the temperature u(x,t) (at some point along the rod x and at some point in time t) is increasing (ut > 0) or decreasing (ut < 0) according to whether uxx is positive or negative. Figure 2.2 illustrates the change in temperature at different points along the rod.

FIGURE 2.2 Arrows indicating change in temperature according to ut = α² uxx.

To see how uxx can be interpreted to measure heat flow, suppose we approximate uxx by the difference quotient

Since this can be rewritten

we have the following interpretation of uxx:

If the temperature u(x, t) < average of the two neighboring temperatures, then uxx > 0 (here, the net flow of heat into x is positive).

If the temperature u(x, t) = average of the two neighboring temperatures, then uxx = 0 (here the net flow of heat into x is zero).

If the temperature u(x,t) > average of the two neighboring temperatures, then uxx < 0 (here the net flow of heat into x is negative).

This is illustrated in Figure 2.2. In other words, if the temperature at a point x is greater than the average of the temperature at two nearby points x – ∆x and x + ∆x, then the temperature at x will be decreasing. Furthermore, the exact rate of decrease ut is proportional to this difference. The proportionality constant α² is a property of the material, and we will discuss this constant more in the next few lessons.

Boundary Conditions

All physical problems have boundaries of some kind, so we must describe mathematically what goes on there in order to adequately describe the problem. In our experiment, the boundary conditions (BCs) are quite easy. Since the temperature u was fixed for all time t > 0 at T1 and T2 at the two ends ϰ = 0 and ϰ = L, we would simply say


Initial Conditions

All physical problems must start from some value of time (generally called t = 0), so we must specify the physical apparatus at this time. Since we started monitoring the rod temperature in our example from the time the rod had achieved a constant temperature of To, we have


We have now mathematically described the experiment. By writing equations (2.1), (2.2), and (2.3) together, we have what is called an initial-boundary-value problem (IBVP)


The interesting thing here, which is not at all obvious, is that there is only one function u(x, t) that satisfies the problem (2.4), and that function will describe the temperature of the rod. Hence, our goal in the near future will be to find that unique solution u(x, t) to (2.4).

Before finishing this lesson, we will discuss some variations of this basic problem. We start with a few modifications of the heat equation ut = α²uxx.

More Diffusion-Type Equations

Lateral Heat Loss Proportional to the Temperature Difference

The equation

ut = α²uxx – β (u – u0) β > 0

describes heat flow in the rod with both diffusion α²uxx along the rod and heat loss (or gain) across the lateral sides of the rod. Heat loss (u > u0) or gain (u < u0) is proportional to the difference between the temperature u(x, t) of the rod and the surrounding medium u0 (with β the proportionality constant). If β is very large in contrast to α², then the flow of heat back and forth along the rod will be small in contrast to the flow in and out the sides, and, hence, the heat will drain out the sides (at each point) according to the approximate equation ut = – β (u – u0).

In chemistry where u may stand for concentration, the equation

ut = a²uxx – β(u – u0)

says that the rate of change (u1) of the substance is due both to the diffusion α²uxx (in the x-direction) and to the fact that the substance is being created (u < u0) or destroyed (u > u0) by a chemical reaction proportional to the difference between two concentrations u and u0.

Internal Heat Source

The nonhomogeneous equation

ut = α²uxx + f(x, t)

corresponds to the situation where the rod is being supplied with an internal heat source (everywhere along the rod and for all time t). It may be that a wire carrying electrical current passes through the rod and the resistance generates a constant heat source f(x, t) = K.

Diffusion-convection Equation

Suppose a pollutant is being carried along in a stream moving with velocity v. It is obvious that the concentration u(x, t) of the substance changes as a function of both ϰ (positive ϰ measures the distance downstream) and time t. The rate of change ut is measured by the diffusion-convection equation

ut = α²uxx – vux

The term α²uxx is the diffusion contribution and – vux is the convection component. Whether the pollutant primarily diffuses or convects depends on the relative size of the two coefficients α² and v. You have probably seen smoke rising from a smoke stack. Here, the smoke particles are convected upward with the hot air and, at the same time, diffuse within the air currents.

In addition to these modifications in the heat equation, the boundary conditions of the rod can also be changed to correspond to other physical situations. We will discuss some of these modifications in Lesson 3.


The heat equation ut = α²(x)uxx with a variable coefficient α(x) would correspond to a problem where the diffusion within the rod depends on ϰ (the material is nonhomogeneous). For example, if copper and steel slabs were placed next to each other (see Figure 2.3) and if the left side of the copper slabs were fixed at


u(0,t) = 0°C and the right side of the steel sheet were fixed at u(L,t) = 20°C, then the PDE that describes the heat flow would be

ut = α²(x)uxx 0 < x < L


If the initial temperature of the rod were

u(x,0) = sin πx 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

and if the BCs were

u(O,t) = 0

u(1,t) = 0

what would be the behavior of the rod temperature u(x,t) for later values of time?

HINT Use the physical interpretation of the heat equation u, = α²uxx.

Suppose the rod has a constant internal heat source, so that the basic equation describing the heat flow within the rod is

u, = α²uxx + 1 0 < x < 1

Suppose we fix the boundaries’ temperatures by u(0,t) = 0 and u(1,t) = 1. What is the steady-state temperature of the rod? In other words, does the temperature u(x,t) converge to a constant temperature U(x) independent of time?

HINT Set ut = 0. It would be useful to graph this temperature. Also start with an initial temperature of zero and draw some temperature profiles.

Suppose a metal rod loses heat across the lateral boundary according to the equation

ut= α²uxx— βu 0 < x < 1

and suppose we keep the ends of the rod at u(0,t) = 1 and u(1,t) = 1. Find the steady-state temperature of the rod (graph it). Where is heat flowing in this problem?

Suppose a laterally insulated metal rod of length L = 1 has an initial temperature of sin (3πx) and has its left and right ends fixed at temperatures zero and 10°C. What would be the IBVP that describes this problem?

*Note that the boundary and initial data do not match up in this problem.


1. Equations of Mathematical Physics by A. N. Tikhonov and A. A. Samarskii. Macmillan, 1963; Dover, 1990. An encyclopedia of information; contains many good examples and problems.


Boundary Conditions for Diffusion-Type Problems

PURPOSE OF LESSON: To show how heat-flow and diffusion-type problems can give rise to a variety of boundary conditions and to introduce the important concept of flux.

Three important types of BCs discussed are

u = g(t) (temperature specified on the boundary).

Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers solutions pdf
+ λu = g(t) (temperature of the surrounding medium is specified; n is the outward normal direction to the boundary).

Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers solutions pdf
= g(t) (heat flow across the boundary specified).

When describing the various types of boundary conditions that can occur for heat-flow problems, three basic types generally come to mind. Lesson 3 discusses these three kinds of BCs and gives an example of how they occur in experiments.

Type 1 BC (Temperature specified on the boundary)

Consider the heat flow in the one-dimensional rod illustrated in Figure 3.1 and suppose we make the ends of the rod follow the temperature curves g1(t) and g2(t).

FIGURE 3.1 Temperature specified on the boundary.

As we mentioned in the previous lesson, an apparatus that keeps the ends at specified temperatures requires a thermostat at each end and heating elements to adjust the temperature accordingly. Problems with BCs of this kind are fairly common. It may even be that the goal of the problem is to find the boundary temperatures (boundary control) g1(t) and g2(t) that will force the temperature to behave in a suitable manner. In the steel industry, it is often necessary to determine the boundary controls so that the temperature of the metal inside the furnace changes over time but the temperature gradient from one point to another is small.

Similar types of BCs also apply to higher dimensional domains, for example, in two dimensions, we could imagine the interesting problem of finding the temperature inside the circular disc (of radius R) when the boundary temperature is specified in polar coordinates to be

u(R,θ,t) = cos t sin θ

See Figure 3.2.

FIGURE 3.2 Oscillating boundary temperature.

Of course, we’d have to have an initial temperature to get this experiment started, but in this case, the effects of our IC would vanish after a short period of time, and the resulting temperature inside the circle would depend on the boundary temperature.

Type 2 BC (Temperature of the surrounding medium specified)

Suppose we consider again our laterally insulated copper rod, but now instead of requiring the two boundaries to be specified at temperatures g1(t) and g2(t), we only bring them in contact with surrounding mediums that have those temperatures. In other words, suppose the left side of the rod is enclosed in a container of liquid that has a changing temperature g1(t), while the right end is enclosed in another liquid with temperature g2(t) (Figure 3.3).

FIGURE 3.3 Convection cooling at the boundaries.

By specifying these types of BCs, we cannot say the boundary temperatures of the rod will be the same as the