Percy jackson fanfiction reading the books with the old heroes ao3

Chapter Text

Athena read the title out.

“What?” Hermes yelped. “What’s this about my staff?”

“We won’t know unless you let me read.” Athena rolled her eyes, but Hermes wasn’t looking at her, he was eyeing Percy.

“I’ve got no idea.” Percy shrugged. “It probably hasn’t happened yet.”

Annabeth and I were relaxing on the Great Lawn in Central Park when she ambushed me with a question.

Apollo grimaced. That was not a good start.

“You forgot, didn’t you?”…one frown from her and I freaked. What had I done wrong?

Apollo frowned. He hoped Percy wasn’t that unsettled with him, but he made a mental note not to drop questions like that on his boyfriend.

“I know that feeling.” Beckendorf commiserated.

I mentally reviewed the picnic list: Comfy blanket? Check. Annabeth’s favorite pizza with extra olives?

Connor made a mental note of Annabeth’s favourite pizza. It was always good information to know.

Check. Chocolate toffee from La Maison du Chocolat? Check. Chilled sparkling water with twist of lemon? Check.

Connor began to wish he had a notebook to write all of this down. He was sure to forget. Except the pizza. Seriously, who had extra olives?

Weapons in case of sudden Greek mythological apocalypse? Check…Second, she was too smart. She’d see right through me.

“Wise choice.” Annabeth told him with a grin.

“It’s just not worth trying to lie. I’m terrible at it.” Percy laughed.

So I did what I do best. I stared at her blankly and acted dumb.

Poseidon and Apollo both noted that phrasing. What Percy did best was act dumb. Of course, they both knew Percy was intelligent but the fact that he acknowledged that he acted dumb quite often was interesting and they wanted to know why he did it.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Percy, today is September eighteenth…that wasn’t the answer she’d been hoping for.

“That makes it your one-month anniversary.” Silena told him.

“Oh.” Percy shrugged. He hadn’t realized that was overly important. Yearly anniversaries were obviously important but monthly ones? He guessed as a demigod he was always lucky to live another month so it did make sense to celebrate while they could.

All the females in the room, except Artemis, rolled their eyes at his reaction.

It didn’t help my concentration that Annabeth looked so good today…I just wished that their fierce look wasn’t directed at me.

Apollo scowled while Annabeth smiled at Percy.

I tried to think. One month ago we’d defeated the Titan Kronos…I have to remember birthdays, holidays, and all anniversaries?

“Er, do you expect me to remember all those because the date you asked me out is a bit skewed by weird time travel magic?” Percy asked Apollo in a whisper.

“I’ll let you off that one. And my birthday too, seeing as that’s a little difficult.” Apollo grinned at him and Percy let out a sigh of relief.

“We can make a new anniversary once we get this all sorted out and I get back to my time.” Percy promised.

“I’ll hold you too that.” Apollo nodded.

I tried for a smile. “That’s why we’re having this great picnic, right?”…take me out for a special dinner tonight. Remember?

“Probably not.” Grover chuckled at his friend’s predicament. Percy frowned. Why would he do that to himself? And surely he wouldn’t have forgotten if he had promised to plan something special? He was forgetful but not that forgetful.

It’s not that I expect it, but you said you had something planned. So…?”…Annabeth kissed me, which had sort of sent me into a fog.

Percy nodded to himself. If that version of him felt even remotely like he did after Apollo kissed him he could understand saying or promising anything without actually realizing it.

Maybe a Greek god had disguised himself as me and made her that promise as a prank. Or maybe I was just a rotten boyfriend.

“You’re definitely not a rotten boyfriend.” Apollo stated.

“Good to know but give it time.” Percy told him.

“No matter how long I wait, you could never be a terrible boyfriend.”

Time to fess up. I cleared my throat. “Well—”…Lettered on the side were the words: HERNIAS ARE US

“What?” Triton asked as he burst out laughing.

“I’m dyslexic.” Percy reminded him.

Wait…sorry. I’m dyslexic. I squinted and decided it probably read: HERMES EXPRESS

“That’s not even close.” Hermes pouted. Apollo wanted to cheer on his brother for interrupting Percy’s date.

“Oh, good,” I muttered. “We’ve got mail.”…I knew from experience he was actually in his mid-five-thousands.

“Not too far off then.” Hermes grinned. “I think I’m looking good for a guy that old.”

Hermes. Messenger of the gods. Personal friend, dispenser of heroic quests, and frequent cause of migraine headaches.

“Personal friend?” Hermes asked, smiling at Percy.

“I’d say so, but I’ve got a feeling you’re about to give me a quest in the middle of my date so maybe not.” Hermes pouted. That changed to a smirk when he saw Apollo mouthing a ‘thank you’ over at him.

“I do agree with the causer of migraines though.” Dionysus drawled.

“Just like his children.” Katie said, smirking at Travis.

“Hey!” All the Hermes kids protested. Travis pouted at Katie who just shrugged.

“Easter bunnies on our roof.” She reminded him.

He looked upset. He kept patting his pockets and wringing his hands. Either he’d lost something important or he’d had too many espressos at the Mount Olympus Starbucks.

“You lost your staff?” Apollo asked, trying, and failing, to smother his laughter. Hermes glowered at his brother. It was not funny! He needed his staff!

“Serves you right.” Athena told Hermes.

Finally he spotted me and beckoned, Get over here!...saved me from explaining myself to Annabeth, I was too relieved to care.

“Really?” Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

“I doubt I’ll stay relieved for long.” Percy assured her.

“Bummer.” I tried to sound regretful…If there’s an etiquette guide for that, I haven’t read it.

“You don’t say.” Dionysus muttered sarcastically.

“Usually, the etiquette is to kneel.” Poseidon told his son.

“Yeah, but I’m guessing it’s also supposed to be an honour to be given a quest as opposed to an annoyance.” Percy pulled a face.

“It should be, yes.” Apollo nodded.

“It’s only been a month since we saved Olympus. I think we’ve earnt a bit of a break from quests.” Percy muttered.

“You have.” Poseidon agreed.

I’m never sure if I’m supposed to shake hands…I’d also fought his demigod son Luke, who’d been corrupted by the Titan Kronos,

Hermes grimaced at the reminder.

in a mortal combat smack-down for the fate of the world…I decided to start simple. “Hi.”

“That works.” Hermes nodded. “I’m good with that.”

Hermes scanned the park as if he was afraid of being watched…She’ll have to swear to keep her mouth shut.”

“I have a name.” Annabeth glared at Hermes.

“Also, why does Annabeth need to swear to not say anything, but Percy doesn’t?” Connor frowned. Hermes shrugged.

Annabeth crossed her arms. “The girl can hear you…She already thinks she’s so much cleverer than I am.”

“It’s a little late for that.” Athena smirked over at Hermes. He scowled. “And I am cleverer than you.”

“So you frequently tell us.” Hermes rolled his eyes. “Saying it often doesn’t make it true.”

“No, but it is true all the same.” Athena pointed out loftily.

“She is,” Annabeth said. Of course, she’s prejudiced. Athena is her mom.

“It’s not prejudice. It’s stating facts.” Annabeth shrugged. Athena smiled at her daughter.

Hermes glared at her. “Promise. Before I explain the problem…“It was stolen. And I wasn’t asking for your help, girl!”

“No, you were about to ask for Percy’s which is pretty much the same as asking for Annabeth’s.” Grover said.

“Don’t talk to my daughter like that, Hermes.” Athena said warningly.

“The great thief has now been stolen from.” Apollo sniggered.

“Oh, shut up.” Hermes grumbled.

“Fine,” she said. “Solve your own problem…my girlfriend, and I didn’t want to be on either side of that.

“Well, it makes a change. Usually it’s you picking the fights.” Triton laughed.

A little background: Annabeth used to adventure…Luke died in war. Hermes and Annabeth blamed each other.

Hermes grimaced. He knew he had a much bigger portion of the blame than Annabeth, or anyone else. Now he knew Luke’s fate was set and nobody could change Fate.

Apollo thought it might be a little much for him to hope Hermes blasted Annabeth to pieces considering he was fairly certain now that she wasn’t going to steal his boyfriend.

Confused? Welcome to my world…Let me hear him out, and I’ll meet you back at the picnic blanket, okay?”

“Percy playing the peacemaker. This is a novelty.” Rachel laughed.

“And he actually seems to be quite good at it.” Grover said.

“Well, if there is anyone Annabeth will listen to, it’s Percy.” Thalia pointed out.

I gave her a smile that I hoped conveyed something like…It’s not my fault! Please do not kill me!

There were a few chuckles.

Before she could protest or cause me bodily harm…couple of boxes labeled TOXIC SERPENTS. THIS END UP.

“Not a good place to sit.” Poseidon said worriedly. His son had been poisoned quite enough for one lifetime.

Maybe that wasn’t the best place to sit…DRAKON EGGS, DO NOT STORE NEAR EXPLOSIVES.

“And yet, it seems like the safest place to sit.” Connor muttered.

“If you’re not supposed to store the eggs near explosives, why do you have explosives in there too?” Chris asked his dad.

“Limited space.” Hermes shrugged.

“You really should be more careful.” Apollo told him. It set his nerves on edge to have Percy near so many dangerous things, most of which could kill him easily.

“So what happened?” I asked him…staff of Asclepius the medicine god, blah, blah, blah. But whatever.)

“They can use either.” Apollo said. “It’s more of a personal choice than anything.”

“But Asclepius is the god of medicine and stuff so why would they use Hermes’ staff?” Percy frowned.

“Because Hermes was the god of medicine before Asclepius was born.” Apollo told him.

“Why wasn’t it you as you’re god of healing?” Will wanted to know. Apollo shrugged.

“That’s just the way duties were divided.” Hermes stated.

I was kind of fond of George and Martha…“Yes, yes. He works there. Network television.”

“What?” Annabeth asked curiously.

“No idea. I can’t think why a television company would hire Janus. He’d be a nightmare.” Hermes frowned.

“Say what?” The last time I’d met Janus he’d been…He loves ordering new shows and canceling them after two episodes.

“That would get frustrating.” Piper muttered.

God of beginnings and endings, after all…“So I left my caduceus on the dashboard and ran inside with the box.

“Why do you care about double parking?” Rachel wondered. “Isn’t your truck like invisible to most mortals?”

“That doesn’t mean I can just park where I like.” Hermes looked scandalized by the thought. Everyone gave him strange looks.

Then I realized I needed to have Janus sign for the delivery…“If that ugly brute has harmed my snakes, I swear by the Styx—”

“So you know who stole it? Well, that’s a good start.” Percy said.

“Hold on. You know who took the staff?”…I talked with the wind nymphs. The thief was clearly Cacus.”

“Urgh. Not him.” Apollo scowled. In fact most of the gods looked unhappy at the name. Hephaestus sighed. He hated that his son had become a thief instead of making his own things. Cacus was one of his greatest disappointments.

“What did he do to you?” Percy asked. Apollo just continued to scowl.

“He stole his cattle.” Hermes grinned.

“Didn’t you do that?”

“Yep.” Hermes said smugly. Apollo glowered at him.

“Cacus.” I’d had years of practice looking dumb when people threw out Greek names I didn’t know. It’s a skill of mine.

“I’m not sure that can be counted as a skill.” Triton told him in amusement.

“Sure it does.” Percy said.

“It does take something special to know about the Greek gods and myths being real and not bother to read up on any of it.” Rachel laughed.

“It’s quicker for people just tell me what I need to know when I need to know it.” Percy shrugged.

Annabeth keeps telling me to read a book of Greek myths…“A small giant, not one of the big ones.”

Piper, Jason and Leo exchanged looks. Was he working for Gaea already? Could she be planning the destruction of the gods already? Leo knew she had been messing with his life for years so it was definitely a possibility.

“A small giant.”

“Yes. Maybe ten feet tall.”

“Practically miniscule.” Percy muttered sarcastically.

“Tiny, then,” I agreed…But I did it first, and with much more style.

Apollo glared at Hermes yet again.

“You really need to look after those cattle better.” Percy told his boyfriend. “By my count they’ve been stolen at least twice and then looked after by a monster who turned them into burgers.”

Apollo’s glare deepened but Percy wasn’t too concerned. Apollo hated to admit that Percy was correct. He really needed to take better care of his cattle. He needed somewhere that would actually protect them. No place sprung to mind. Maybe he could take them to his and Percy’s island? It wouldn’t take much effort to create a paddock for them with some nice grass.

At any rate, Cacus is always stealing things from the gods…why you need me, a sixteen-year-old kid, to do it for you.”

“Because gods need heroes for that sort of thing or the mortal world wouldn’t survive.” Annabeth said. “They tend to be a little destructive.”

“So is Percy.” Thalia snickered.

Hermes tilted his head. “Percy, that almost sounded like sarcasm…and believe me, that happens a lot. We need heroes for that sort of errand.”

Aphrodite frowned unhappily at Hermes. She didn’t lose her hairbrush that often.

“Uh-huh. And if you went looking for the staff yourself, it might be a little embarrassing.”

Hermes went a little red and fought back a scowl. So much for keeping it quiet. Stupid books.

Hermes pursed his lips. “All right. Yes. The other gods…I’d be ridiculed for centuries.

“Maybe not centuries.” Ares told him while sniggering rather loudly.

“You’re right, it will be millennia.” Dionysus smirked.

“I hate all of you. This hasn’t even happened yet.” Hermes complained.

“But it would have done if we hadn’t had to go through this reading. The almighty thief will be stolen from.” Ares grinned. Hermes pouted.

The idea is too horrible. I need this resolved quickly…Hermes smiled. “What a fine offer! Thank you.

“It don’t think that was actually an offer.” Percy grumbled. “In fact, I’m certain it wasn’t. I was just clarifying what it was you wanted.”

And I’ll need it before five o’clock this evening so I can finish my deliveries.

“By five?” Poseidon frowned. “They were having lunch so it must be at least midday already.”

“If I wait any longer one of you will notice.” Hermes explained grumpily.

The caduceus serves as my signature pad…“I’m sure you can figure that out. And just a warning: Cacus breathes fire.”

“Oh I’m so glad you’re feeling helpful.” Percy muttered sarcastically.

“Of course he breathes fire.” Annabeth sighed.

“Naturally,” I said…petrify me if I told anyone about the theft.

“Hermes.” Poseidon glowered at his nephew.

“Well, it’s not like it matters now. Everybody knows.” Hermes complained.

“That is not the point.” Poseidon snapped.

“Oh I wouldn’t turn him to stone. I happen to like Percy.”

“Gee, thanks.” Percy muttered.

“No but you would turn my daughter to stone.” Athena now glared at Hermes too. He just shrugged.

I swallowed the sawdust taste out of my mouth. “Of course.”…An idea occurred to me. Yes—I do get ideas occasionally.

“You have plenty of ideas. They are just usually dangerous and life threatening.” Poseidon said grimly. Percy grinned.

“How about we trade favors?” I suggested…“Of course. ” I told him what I wanted for my reward.

“What could you want?” Travis frowned.

“Probably help organizing a dinner for me and Annabeth.” Percy shrugged. Connor and Apollo both scowled.

I was in better spirits when I rejoined Annabeth…She didn’t slap me, but she looked like she wanted to.

“You do realize it’s a bad idea to turn down a request for help from a god?” Clarisse pointed out. “As you told Percy when he didn’t want to get dad’s shield back.”

“Yeah, and now I understand far better why Percy reacted the way he did.” Annabeth muttered. She didn’t feel the same way about Hermes now as she clearly did in the future. She knew Fate couldn’t be messed with and Hermes was far from the only god who was a terrible parent. Hopefully the changes Percy had wished for would prevent what happened to Luke from happening to anyone else.

“Why is tracking down a fire-breathing giant good news?...George and Martha must be terrified—”

“Poor George and Martha.” Percy frowned. He was quite fond of those snakes really.

“Is this an elaborate joke?” she asked...But please—no more promises. let’s just find this giant.”

“Hey, I always come up with something in the end.” Percy protested. “And now a god owes me a favour so I’m sure it’ll be great.” Apollo and Connor looked rather unhappy about what Percy might have planned.

She stowed our blanket in her backpack and put away…I asked. “Cacus is supposed to be underground.”

“It’s at least worth a try.” Beckendorf shrugged. “Just because he lives underground doesn’t mean he will be there all the time. Or at least it might be able to show you the entrance to where he is living.”

Annabeth shrugged. “Worth a try. Shield, I want to see Cacus.”…“That’s Secaucus, New Jersey. Read the sign on the water tower.”

Rachel laughed and so did Beckendorf.

“You really had to give it a sense of humour?” Annabeth asked him in exasperation.

“Hey, I probably didn’t do anything. Most magical items have a limited mind of their own.” He reminded her.

She rapped her knuckles on the bronze surface…train track that had been turned into a park with trees and wildflowers.

“I like that place.” Grover smiled.

“It’s pretty nice.” Percy agreed.

I remembered my mom and stepdad taking me there…“Why would the police seal off a hole in the street?”

“Well, there is steam coming out of it.” Connor pointed out.

“Which probably isn’t a good sign.” Travis continued.

“Steam hopefully means fire breathing giant.” Percy said but his tone was quite unenthusiastic.

“I remember this,” Annabeth said. “It was on the news yesterday.”…digging a new service tunnel or something, and a fire broke out.”

“Fire, like a fire breathing giant?” Leo suggested.

“Seems likely.” Jason agreed.

 “A fire,” I said. “As in, maybe a fire-breathing giant?…boyfriend wants to take me to a dangerous cave to fight a fire-breathing giant.”

“Well, when you say wants to, that is probably an exaggeration.” Percy stated. “I don’t really want to go either.”

“You’re awesome,” I said…Apparently even monsters wanted to stay here.

“I wouldn’t call that a good thing.” Katie muttered.

“No, that is a downside.” Rachel agreed.

We made our way to the construction site…“We climb down,” she said. “We find the giant. We get the caduceus.”

“You’ve been spending too much time with the boy.” Athena sighed.

“Well, our plans usually go to Hades anyway, why bother making them in the first place?” Percy shrugged.

“No, your plans usually go to Hades.” Annabeth corrected. “Mine work perfectly.”

“Not all the time.” Thalia said pointedly. Annabeth flushed and glared at her friend.

“Wow,” I said. “Both wise and strategic.”

“Shut up.” Annabeth glared at him.

“Shut up.”

Everybody laughed.

We climbed over the barricade, ducked under the police tape…I didn’t want to know what was in that water.

Percy and Annabeth both grimaced. This was going to be even worse than they had thought.

“Nothing like a bit of sewage.” Travis said cheerfully. Both of them glared at him and he grinned.

There wasn’t much light, but the cavern looked like a cross…skinned, gutted, and ready for butchering.

Apollo and Hera both scowled furiously. If Apollo found out that Geryon had sold his beloved cattle to this scum he was going to have to bring him back just to kill him all over again. He hoped Percy made Cacus’ death as painful as possible.

“Definitely Cacus’ place.” Hermes grimaced.

“Lovely.” Leo wrinkled his nose.

Judging from the smell and the flies, they weren’t very fresh…except for the pesky fact that I loved cheeseburgers.

Grover sighed despairingly while Thalia laughed and nodded her approval.

No sign of a giant. I hoped he wasn’t home…as if made by a huge snake. Oh…bad thought.

“Yes, bad thought. Do not think of more monsters because you’ll probably summon them with your luck.” Apollo grimaced.

I didn’t like the idea of walking to the other side of the cave…“I think that’s how they dug the subway system a long time ago. ”

“What about the cars?” Pollux wanted to know.

“Maybe the giant did the same thing with them.” Dakota suggested.

“Or he has another entrance somewhere in the city that he can get bigger stuff through.” Beckendorf offered.

“What about the other junk?” I asked. “The cars and…why he hated being underground. It felt oppressive and dangerous.

Grover was nodding. “Underground is bad.”

“Surely it can’t be worse than the Labyrinth?” Rachel asked.

“I don’t know but it sounds horrible.” Percy grimaced. “You’d better take better care of your staff in future.” He glared at Hermes.

“You’re doing the whole of New York good by getting rid of this guy.” Hermes pointed out.

Demigods didn’t belong here. Something was waiting down that tunnel…when a groan echoed from the far tunnel.

Apollo and Poseidon gripped Percy tightly.

We ducked behind the bulldozer just as the giant…Secaucus, New Jersey, was a lot nicer-looking than Cacus the giant,

“That’s pretty gross.” Rachel wrinkled her nose.

“I don’t think any giant is exactly pretty.” Clarisse muttered.

“Definitely not.” Aphrodite put in. “They are hideous, with no fashion sense whatsoever.”

and that’s not a compliment to anybody…chest hair of a red/pink/orange color not found in nature.

“Ok, that really is hideous.”

“A ginger giant?” Leo laughed. This guy sounded a lot less scary than the giants he had seen on their recent quest but a lot more gross.

“In valentine pattern boxers?” Percy fought not to gag just at the idea.

Annabeth made a small gagging sound. “It’s the ginger giant.”…Annabeth and I looked at each other. She mouthed, Oops.

“Wonderful.” Apollo growled. “Now he knows you are there.”

“He would have found out sooner or later.” Percy shrugged.

“Well, I’d prefer later.” Poseidon muttered.

“Come on!” the giant said. “I don’t appreciate…despite the fact that he wore Valentine boxer shorts.

“I wouldn’t count on it. Giants aren’t known for their intelligence.” Athena scoffed.

“He was smart enough to be able to steal from a thief.” Apollo smirked. Hermes glowered. Apollo considered the teasing the least Hermes deserved for putting Percy in danger. And for probably helping Percy organize what was likely to be a great dinner with Annabeth later.

I took out my ballpoint pen and uncapped it…He sauntered over to the row of fly-specked cow carcasses.

“Oh don’t tell me he actually eats that?” Thalia looked slightly green at the idea.

“Again, giants are not the smartest and they are definitely not picky about their food.” Ares shrugged.

“Yeah, but there is not being picky and then there is eating that.” Percy said, gagging a little.

My stomach twisted. I muttered, “Oh, he’s not really gonna—”…downed the carcass in three massive bites, bones and all.

“Woah. Yuck.” Connor wrinkled his nose.

“At least he cooked it first?” Beckendorf offered weakly.

“Yep,” Annabeth said weakly. “He really did it.”…polite for a guy to protect his girlfriend from instant incineration.

“Thanks.” Annabeth grinned at him. “That is very nice of you.”

“Yes, that’s very sweet of you, but I don’t want you getting incinerated either.” Poseidon told his son.

“And Annabeth can take care of herself.” Apollo pointed out in a grumpy tone.

“I’m at least a little fireproof.” Percy reminded him with an indulgent smile. “I have a better chance of surviving than Annabeth.”

“Um, yeah,” I said. “We might be customers. What do you sell?”…I steal only the best! I’m a son of Hephaestus. I know quality fakes when I see them.”

“Wait? He’s a son of Hephaestus?” Beckendorf frowned in disgust. “But he’s a thief. We’re supposed to make stuff, not steal it.” He protested.

“Doesn’t that make him our half-brother?” Leo grimaced. This disgusting giant who wore valentine boxers was his brother? That was not a good thought.

“Yep.” Beckendorf looked as unhappy with this at Leo felt.

“Yes, well…” Hephaestus looked embarrassed. “What can you do?”

I frowned. “A son of Hephaestus? Then shouldn’t you be making things rather than stealing them?”

“Glad you think so too.” Beckendorf muttered.

Cacus snorted. “Too much work!

“What? But making stuff is awesome!” Leo exclaimed. There was nothing better than building and creating stuff. Beckendorf nodded his agreement.

Oh, sometimes if I find a high-quality item I’ll make my own copies. But mostly it’s easier to steal things.

Hermes nodded. He might not like the giant, and definitely didn’t like that he’d stolen his Caduceus, but he couldn’t disagree with this thinking.

I started with cattle thieving, you know…“Something real. And magic. But I guess you don’t have anything like that.”

“Good job, appeal to his ego.” Hermes nodded.

“Hopefully he can show you the caduceus.” Connor said. “So you can steal it back.”

“Ha!” Cacus clapped his hands. “A high-end shopper…“Hermes’s staff,” I said. “The caduceus.”

“Too specific. He’ll know dad sent you.” Travis shook his head in disappointment.

The giant’s face turned as red as his hair. His eyes narrowed…“Did he just call me Hermes’s kid? I’m going stab him in the—”

“Hey, it’s not that bad being my kid.” Hermes glared at her.

“I guess it’s more to do with how my future self feels about you.” Annabeth said in a small voice, hoping he understood she didn’t blame him here. Not to the point of hating him anyway.

“I’m Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon,” I told the giant…I looked him in the eyes and hoped my threat would work.

“Probably not. Nothing’s that easy with you.” Apollo grumbled.

“Tell me about it.” Percy complained.

“It was worth a try though.” Annabeth shot him a smile.

“You’d think killing Kronos would at least give him some pause.” Katie pointed out.

I know it seems ridiculous, a sixteen-year-old…But alas, the only demigod who ever defeated me was Hercules himself.”

“Urgh. Hercules again.” Percy groaned as Zeus puffed out his chest in pride. He glared at Percy as he registered the demigod’s words and annoyed tone.

“Doesn’t this guy know you’ve beaten a bunch of monsters that Hercules did?” Connor wondered. “And a bunch he did.”

“Obviously not.” Beckendorf shrugged. “Well, his mistake for not being scared.”

I turned to Annabeth and shook my head in exasperation…Annabeth shrugged. “He had a great publicist.”

“And my son was a great hero.” Zeus scowled. Artemis scoffed.

The giant kept boasting. “For centuries, I was the terror of Italy!...You’ll never get the caduceus. I have plans for that!”

“Well, that doesn’t sound good.” Reyna stated.

“Monster plans are never good.” Michael replied grimly.

“And he could do a lot of damage with a godly item of power.” Thalia grimaced.

He raised his hand and the staff of Hermes appeared in his grip…Percy! A reptilian voice spoke in my mind. Thank the gods!

“I’m guessing that’s Martha.” Percy smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard George say an entire sentence without mentioning rats or food.”

The Hermes kids all felt another pang of jealousy that Percy knew their dad’s snakes well enough to tell something like that. After reading the past five books, they all could have made that guess too but Percy would have known without having to do that.

“Martha is the…politer of the two.” Hermes smiled.

Another snaky voice, deeper and grumpier, said, Yes, I haven’t been fed in hours.

“Yep. That’s George.” Percy laughed.

“He doesn’t change much.” Hermes grinned.

“Martha, George,” I said. “Are you guys all right?”…There are some nice rats down here. Could you catch us some?

“I think there are slightly more important things to deal with.” Katie rolled her eyes.

“Nothing is more important to George than his rats.” Percy smirked.

“Not even being rescued?” Travis raised an eyebrow.

“Apparently not.” Hermes shrugged.

George, stop! Martha chided. We have bigger problems…I’m their new master, and they’ll only get fed when they start taking orders.”

“Or I could take them back to their rightful owner.” Percy suggested lightly.

The nerve! Martha shrieked. You tell that ginger jerk—

“You tell him, Martha.” Hermes nodded approvingly.

“I like those snakes.” Thalia chuckled.

“They certainly have character.” Jason agreed.

“Hold on,” Annabeth interrupted. “Cacus, the snakes will never obey you…Just give it back and we’ll pretend this never happened.”

“That sounds like a great idea, so he’ll never go for it.” Piper sighed.

“Great idea,” I said…disturbing about “laser mode.” I really didn’t want Cacus figuring out that feature.

“That would be bad.” Connor winced.

“Very bad.” Chris agreed.

Finally the giant growled in frustration…Half a dozen granite cows broke to pieces.

“That’s not good.” Percy grimaced.

“Let’s hope that was just an accident and he doesn’t know how to do it again.” Annabeth muttered.

“Now, that’s interesting!” Cacus beamed…I will be the lord of traveling salesmen!”

“He thinks so small.” Hermes complained.

“That,” I said, “is truly evil.”…Now let’s see how I can kill you with it.”

“What?” Reyna frowned.

“Does that mean it wasn’t his idea to steal it?” Chris wondered.

“It sounds that way.” Clarisse nodded. “But who would want the staff?”

“Plenty of monsters would love to have a godly item of power.” Ares pointed out.

“True but who would make a deal with him for it?” Annabeth wanted to know. “That’s a more intelligent move that most monster could come up with.”

“Hopefully we can trick him into telling us.” Percy said.

“Wait!” Annabeth said. “You mean it wasn’t your idea…she announced. “‘Eighty-five percent off piano lessons.’”

Everybody laughed.

“Go George and Martha.” Connor cheered.

“Your snakes have a sense of humour.” Dionysus told Hermes, looking mildly amused.

“Gah!” Cacus glared at the snakes and breathed a fiery warning shot over their heads. “Obey me!”

“Leave them alone.” Hermes growled. He knew they hated fire.

George and Martha squirmed in alarm…When you defeated Kronos, did you think you eliminated all the enemies of the gods?

“No. It will take more than that.” Apollo sighed.

“We have quite a few enemies.” Ares added but he was grinning like this fact excited him.

“I wonder why.” Percy muttered sarcastically.

You only delayed the fall of Olympus for a little while longer…that’s only the first bit of chaos my friends have planned.”

“Friends? As in more than one?” Katie groaned.

“That’s just what we need. Another group that want to destroy Olympus.” Percy sighed. “I wonder if the prophecy is starting already. I mean, surely we get more than a single month off between Great prophecies?”

“Well, whoever his friends are, they are clever.” Athena said reluctantly. “It is more important than ever that you return Hermes’ staff.”

“Your friends?” Annabeth asked…I also knew I couldn’t leave George and Martha at his mercy.

Hermes smiled at that.

Besides, the world had enough traveling salesmen…staff and a collection of knockoff Rolexes.

“You’re a good kid.” Triton said with a fond smile.

I looked at Annabeth. “Time to fight?”…Wait, you just charged in without a plan?

“I might have done up until a few days ago. Now, I’m sadly used to it.” Poseidon sighed unhappily.

“There isn’t exactly much time to make a plan there.” Percy defended himself.

But Annabeth and I had been fighting together for years…Hmm…that sounded wrong. Oh, well.

A few people snickered.

“Well, you’ve had enough practice at both versions of fighting with Annabeth.” Grover pointed out.

Annabeth veered to the giant’s left. I charged him head-on…My next startling discovery: flaming breath is hot.

“Really? I would never have guessed.” Beckendorf said sarcastically.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m here to reveal such things to you.” Percy smirked. Beckendorf rolled his eyes.

I managed to leap to one side, but I could feel my arms…I rolled through the mud to douse the flames and knocked over a rack of women’s coats.

“Yuck.” Percy grimaced.

“Well, it was either that or stay on fire.” Thalia pointed out.

“Both are sucky option.” Silena said, wrinkling her nose.

The giant roared. “Look what you’ve done! Those are genuine fake Prada!”

“How can they be genuine and fake?” Jason frowned.

“They can’t.” Piper told him, resisting the urge to face palm.

Annabeth used the distraction to strike…usually a nice soft spot on monsters.

“Go Annabeth.” Connor cheered.

“A good spot to hit.” Ares nodded approvingly.

She leaped away as Cacus swung the caduceus, barely missing her.

Athena inhaled sharply.

The silver tip slammed into the bulldozer and the entire machine turned to stone.

“Nope, it seems he’s definitely worked out that feature.” Dakota said unhappily.

“Well, it does seem quite simple. Hit stuff with the tip and it turns stuff to stone.” Will pointed out.

“Maybe you should make it so you need to use a password to access the special features or something.” Percy suggested.

“Hmmm. Not a bad idea.” Hermes mused.

“I’ll kill you!” Cacus stumbled, golden ichor pouring…You’d think that would be enough, right? But no.

“No. Something that big will require a shot to the heart most likely. Or something very powerful.” Ares stated.

“If you can get the staff maybe you could turn him to stone.” Connor suggested.

“That would be one way to deal with him.” Hermes nodded.

“I wanna hear about this laser mode.” Chris said.

Cacus bellowed in pain. He turned with surprising speed…crashed into a pile of broken stone cows.

Poseidon growled in annoyance while Apollo gripped Percy’s hand and resisted the urge to check him for any injuries.

My vision blurred. Annabeth yelled, “Percy!” but her voice sounded as though it were underwater.

Apollo grew more worried. Percy might have a concussion and should be checked out. They probably didn’t even have any nectar or ambrosia with them.

Move! Martha’s voice spoke in my mind. He’s about to strike!

“Thank us for Martha.” Poseidon breathed.

Roll left! George said, which was one of the more helpful suggestions he’d ever made.

“And George.” Apollo added.

“Handy snakes.” Hades agreed.

“I definitely owe them a few rats.” Percy noted to himself.

I rolled to the left as the caduceus smashed into the pile of stone where I’d been lying.

Everyone winced.

I heard a CLANG! And the giant screamed, “Gah!”…Annabeth had just smacked her shield across the giant’s backside.

“Nice.” Thalia laughed.

“A dagger might have worked better.” Clarisse grumbled.

Being an expert at school expulsion, I’d gotten kicked out of several military academies where they still believed paddling was good for the soul.

“What?” Poseidon yelped furiously.

“It’s pretty common in military schools.” Nico said, though he didn’t look happy about it. “They allowed it at Westover.”

“Were you ever punished in such a manner?” Hades asked in a low, angry voice.

“No. Neither was Bianca but we knew a couple of kids who were.”

“What about you?” Apollo asked Percy through gritted teeth. This had been left out of his childhood recollection the other evening.

“A couple of times.” Percy muttered.

“Only a couple?” Poseidon raised an eyebrow. He had a fair idea how much trouble Percy had gotten in at school. He would be amazed if he had only been spanked a couple of times.

“You know. A few.” Percy shrugged, not wanting to talk about his anymore. Poseidon grimaced. He wanted to smite anyone who had dared lay a hand on his son. Especially considering Percy would have been living with that pathetic excuse for a human at the same time.

Thankfully, Athena seemed to take pity on him and continued reading before they could press anymore.

I had a fair idea how it felt to get spanked with a large flat surface, and my rump clenched in sympathy.

Apollo and Poseidon both scowled angrily.

Cacus staggered, but before Annabeth could discipline…He crumpled the Celestial bronze like paper and tossed it over his shoulder.

“No.” Beckendorf cried. “Not the shield. That took forever to make.”

“That’s not good.” Annabeth grimaced.

“I guess I’d better make a spare then.” Beckendorf sighed.

So much for that magic item…It became a cell phone and rang to the tune of “Macarena.”

A few people burst out laughing.

“Those snakes are great.” Apollo snickered.

George and Martha, now the size of earthworms…We danced to this at our wedding, Martha said. Remember, dear?

“Er…how exactly do snakes dance?” Leo wanted to know.

“Stupid snakes!” Cacus shook the cell phone violently…“Or I’ll turn you two into a fake Gucci handbag!”

“Don’t you touch them.” Hermes growled.

Annabeth ran to my side. Together we backed up…My ears were ringing. Her voice still sounded like she was underwater.

“You need some nectar or ambrosia.” Will noted.

“And to get checked out for a concussion.” Apollo added anxiously. “It’s not good you can still hear the ringing.”

“Well, I don’t think this guy is going to wait around for me to go and find a healer.” Percy shrugged. “It’ll have to wait.”

Wait…under water…Being the son of the sea god, I could sometimes control water. I wondered…

“You can always control water.” Travis said.

“Not always.” Percy corrected. “Just most of the time.”

“I don’t like you!” Cacus yelled.

“The feeling is entirely mutual.” Percy muttered.

He stalked toward us, smoke pouring from his nostrils…and I summoned it all into the broken pipes.

“This is going to be disgusting, isn’t it?” Annabeth grimaced.

“Probably.” Triton nodded. “I think most of it is going to be sewage water. And even if it came directly from one of the rivers, those aren’t pleasant either.”

“Wonderful.” She groaned.

Cacus towered over us, his mouth glowing like a furnace…sewer system of Manhattan to explode, do not stand underneath it.

“At least you can keep yourself dry.” Annabeth pointed out.

“Yeah but that’s not going to stop the smell.” Percy wrinkled his nose.

“Also, that’s good advice but you didn’t have that many options.” Apollo pointed out.

The whole cavern rumbled as a thousand water pipes burst…edge of the torrent, carrying Annabeth with me.

“I’m going to kill you.” She said, looking ill.

“What are you—?” She made a strangling sound. “Ahhh!”…except at a ninety-degree angle and with no slide—just water.

“Nice work.” Triton nodded.

Far below I heard Cacus bellowing as millions, maybe even thousands of filthy gallons of water slammed into him.

“Millions, maybe even thousands? You do realize millions is more than thousands?” Leo pointed out.

Percy just shrugged.

“Whatever, that is not going to help you get my Caduceus back.” Hermes added.

Meanwhile Annabeth alternately shouted, gagged, hit me, called me endearing pet names like “Idiot! Stupid—dirty—moron—” and topped it all off with “Kill you!”

“To be fair, you did just jump into a large amount of sewer water. I don’t blame her for being a little unhappy.” Connor pointed out fairly.

Finally we shot out of the ground atop a disgusting geyser…Annabeth had old cotton balls stuck in her hair and a wet candy wrapper plastered to her face.

“Oh, that’s gross.” Silena wrinkled her nose in horror.

“I hate you.” Annabeth told Percy, looking disgusted. Even Percy didn’t look exactly thrilled.

“At least we’re alive, if very grossed out.” He shrugged.

“That,” she said, “was horrible!”…Tartarus the way most defeated monsters do, and we could go collect the caduceus.

“No. It will take more than that.” Hephaestus said.

That sounded reasonable enough…Gag me, said George. Even for me that was disgusting, and I eat rats.

“You know it’s bad if George thinks it’s disgusting.” Hermes grimaced.

Incoming! Martha warned. Oh, no! I think the giant has figured out…carving a trench up the side of a glass office building, melting windows and vaporizing concrete.

“I’m guessing that’s laser mode.” Travis winced.

“Yep.” Hermes nodded.

“So definitely not good he’s work out how to do that.” Beckendorf cringed.

“I blame Percy’s luck.” Apollo muttered, gripping his boyfriend’s hand tightly.

The giant climbed from the pit, his velour housecoat steaming, and his face spattered with slime.

“And I thought he couldn’t look any worse.” Aphrodite looked disgusted.

He did not look happy. In his hands, the caduceus now resembled a bazooka with snakes wrapped around the barrel and a glowing blue muzzle.

“I suggest you start running.” Poseidon stated worriedly.

“Good idea.” Hermes nodded.

“Okay,” Annabeth said faintly. “Um, what is that?”…Packing District now, since so many of you had to move out.

“Those poor mortals.” Hestia frowned.

Still, the real surprise is that we didn’t do more damage…Chunks of asphalt rained down like confetti.

“You really need to invent a password to use that thing.” Percy yelped. This monster was destroying his city.

“I’ll get right on that.” Hermes agreed. Personally, he hoped his Caduceus never gets stolen this time around, but it would be better to be safe than sorry.

Behind us, Cacus yelled, “You ruined my fake Rolexes! They aren’t waterproof, you know! For that, you die!”

“Really? That’s his biggest issue with what just happened? His watches are not waterproof?” Leo wondered.

“He’s a giant who lives in underground caves. He’s probably used to nasty things like sewage water.” Beckendorf pointed out.

“Or worse.” Nico added.

“Worse?” Will looked astonished. “Actually, I don’t want to know. This is the giant who also ate that meat earlier.”

“Don’t remind me.” Piper complained, feeling nauseated all over again.

We kept running. My hope was to get this monster away…“If we can get him off street level—”

“Not the poor park.” Grover groaned.

“It’s better than him being in the middle of a packed street.” Percy looked at his friend apologetically.

BOOM! The laser cut through a nearby food truck. The vendor dove out his service window with a fistful of shish kebabs.

“Yeah, ok. You’ve got a good point.” Grover nodded.

Annabeth and I sprinted for the park stairs…even think Annabeth and I were the problem. You just never knew.

“They probably would.” Poseidon grimaced.

“With your luck they’d think you are the problem and Annabeth is an innocent bystander.” Rachel laughed.

“He would deserve it after taking me through all that sewage.” Annabeth grumbled.

We climbed up to the park. I tried to get my bearings…The park’s flower beds were bursting with color.

“And he’s probably about to destroy them with his stupid laser.” Grover complained.

“My laser is not stupid.” Hermes frowned.

“Right now it might kill Percy, and Annabeth, so I’d call it stupid.” Apollo told him matter of factly.

The High Line was empty, though—maybe because it was a workday, or maybe because the visitors were smart and ran when they heard the explosions.

“That’s something at least.” Michael muttered.

Somewhere below us, Cacus was roaring, cursing, and offering panicked mortals deep discounts on slightly damp Rolexes.

“Well he is certainly dedicated to his sales.” Chris commented.

I figured we only had a few seconds before he found us…I’d never actually seen a child of Demeter do that, but it would be cool.

“I’m not sure about turning flowers into ninja throwing stars.” Katie laughed. “But we could certainly entangle him in plants.”

“That would be awesome though.” Travis mused. “Maybe you should try.”

“You don’t want me doing that.” She smirked at him. He gulped and nodded his agreement.

I looked at Annabeth. “Your turn for a brilliant idea.”…The way her Camp Half-Blood beads rested against her throat—Okay, sorry. Got a little distracted.

Apollo gritted in teeth in annoyance while Connor’s eyes slid to the beads that were still around Annabeth’s neck.

Percy turned sideways slightly and leaned back against Apollo’s chest to help calm him down.

Athena glared at Percy, glad they were definitely not together in this moment or she would have been tempted to smite him. Powers or not.

She pointed. “There!”…I was trying to swallow a quarter. “No,” I said. “Too dangerous.”

“If Percy is saying that then it must be dangerous.” Rachel noted.

“Or he is being overprotective.” Annabeth shrugged.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow. “Percy, you know I…head architect for redesigning the palace of the gods on Mount Olympus in her spare time.

Annabeth beamed with pride at that. She really hoped that job came true in the end.

“But can you operate it?” I asked…Keep him occupied while I grab him.”

“Sounds like Percy got the dangerous job.” Triton muttered.

“Doesn’t he always.” Poseidon grumbled.

“And then what?”…“Would you like fries and a drink, maybe?”

A few people laughed while Annabeth glared at Percy.

“Shut up, Percy.”…His red velour robe was in tatters. He’d lost his slippers.

“I’m sure that is no great loss.” Piper muttered.

His ginger hair was plastered to his head like a greasy shower cap…We’re trying, dear! Martha said.

“They’d best hurry up.” Apollo grimaced.

“I’m sure they are doing the best they can.” Hermes told him huffily.

My stomach hurts, George said. I think he bruised my tummy.

”Poor George.” Percy frowned.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine. George is a bit of a hypochondriac.” Dionysus said dismissively. Hermes glared at his half brother.

I backed up slowly down the dead end tracks…Oh, and Hermes is a way better salesman than you.”

Everybody laughed at that.

“Gah!” Cacus lowered the caduceus laser…I probably should’ve thought of that sooner.

“Ya think?” Apollo let out a strangled yelp.

“It’s Annabeth.” Thalia shrugged. “She’ll manage to think of something.”

“Well she had better hurry.” Rachel said anxiously.

Cacus pulled the trigger, and suddenly the caduceus changed form…but the only thing that came out was a paper receipt.

“Yes!” Hermes cheered. “Go George and Martha.”

“Definitely need some rats.” Percy muttered. Apollo and his dad were looking more freaked out by the second. Thankfully this was a brief reprieve.

Oh, yeah! George yelled in my mind. One for the snakes!...I launched myself forward, snatched the staff, and rolled under the giant’s legs.

“Yes.” All the Hermes kids cheered.

When I got to my feet, we’d changed positions…Unfortunately, the crane still wasn’t moving. And Cacus still wanted to kill me.

“Just wonderful.” Apollo groaned.

“Percy has the staff. If he can get George and Martha to change it back to laser mode that should be powerful enough to kill Cacus.” Thalia suggested.

“Yeah. That would be a deserved end.” Hermes nodded. He wouldn’t even complain about a mortal using his staff. It was better than the giant and it was to get revenge on the one who had stolen his staff in the first place.

“You put out my fire with that cursed sewage,” he growled. “Now you steal my staff.”

“It’s not his staff.” Hermes spluttered indignantly.

“Which you wrongfully stole,” I said…And reflected in one of those mirrors were Annabeth’s gray eyes.

“About time.” Triton muttered.

The claw opened and began to drop…“Her name is Annabeth,” I said. “And she’s one of a kind.”

Annabeth smiled.

The claw dropped, smacking Cacus on the head…but only managed to cough up some mud.

Everybody snickered.

“The problem is what are you going to do with him now he’s in the grabber?” Will asked.

“Hold him in one place while we stab him in the heart?” Percy suggested.

“I think he’s a bit high up for that. You might need to risk putting him pretty close to the ground.” Michael pointed out.

“Given how high Percy can jump when he wants to, maybe not that low.” Nico muttered.

Annabeth swung the crane arm back and forth…“Do you think you could manage laser mode just once more for me?”

“Nice.” Apollo smirked.

With pleasure, George said…giant disintegrated into a beautiful starburst.

“Yes!” Everyone cheered.

“Nice shot.” Apollo said approvingly.

All of the Hermes kids felt another flash of jealousy. Percy had gotten to use their dad’s godly symbol of power and in laser mode. They would give anything to have a go at that, even if it meant facing an ugly giant dude.

“Good riddance.” Athena sniffed.

That, George said, was excellent. May I have a rat now?...“You’ve earned it,” I said.

“They certainly have.” Hermes agreed.

“But first we’d better check on Annabeth.”…romantic kiss when you’re both drenched in muck, but we gave it our best shot.

“You know, that’s one moment, I’m not going to try and best.” Apollo pulled a disgusted face.

“Good to know. I’d kill you if you tried.” Percy told him.

When I finally came up for air, I said, “Rats.”…I can tell you that George and Martha helped out with the vermin problem.

“You rescued my staff and fed my snakes. Thanks.” Hermes smiled gratefully at the two of them.

“Well the snakes did help save our lives. I think some rats are the least we could do for them.” Percy shrugged. “And I’ve been promising to bring them some rats for a while.”

As we traveled north, they curled around the caduceus…Hermes sighed with relief. “Thank you, Percy.”

“Excuse me?” Athena glared at Hermes. “My daughter played a rather important part in saving your staff.”

“Yeah.” Hermes sighed. “Sorry, Annabeth. And thanks for the help.”

“You’re welcome.” She said simply.

Annabeth cleared her throat…“That’s ironic, considering Zeus has been threatening…”

“What foolishness is our brother planning now?” Poseidon let out a long suffering sigh.

“How do you know it’s foolishness?” Zeus demanded.

“Because we know you.” Hades said dryly.

“Because you only threaten to do things when you’re annoyed. And I’m certain Percy’s refusal of godhood and his wish will have upset your greatly. So now you’re going to lash out and do something foolish.” Poseidon pointed out.

“It would seem our brother has not learnt anything from the past four years.” Demeter rolled her eyes.

“You’d best hope that whatever you threaten to do does not cause issues like you did in these books, brother. The last time you chose to ignore a problem, father almost destroyed us.” Poseidon scowled at Zeus who scowled right back.

His voice trailed off…They tend to turn you into small fuzzy mammals or potted plants.

“At least you learnt that eventually.” Apollo chuckled.

“Okay…” I said. “Any idea what Cacus meant about other enemies…Hermes obviously wasn’t going to enlighten us now.

“Or probably ever.” Percy muttered bitterly.

“At least not until it’s too late.” Nico agreed unhappily.

The god managed a smile. “At any rate, well done…I said. “Surely you didn’t forget.”

A few people laughed.

She opened her mouth and closed it again…Manhattan sewage is not a look you can pull off.

“That’s not a look anybody can pull of.” Silena said, wrinkling her nose.

“Yeah. New clothes would be nice.” Percy nodded. “Thanks.” He added, looking at Hermes.

“You did do my quite a large favour.”

Then the rest should be easy. God of travel, at your service.”…“I may not see you for a while, Percy,” Hermes warned. “But…well, enjoy tonight.”

“Is that because you have no reason to visit Percy or because of the foolishness my brother is planning?” Poseidon wanted to know.

“I have no idea.” Hermes shrugged.

“But I’m betting on the second option.” Hades muttered darkly.

He made that sound so ominous, I wondered again…lights of Paris and the boats on the River Seine. The Eiffel Tower glowed in the distance.

“Oh gods.” Annabeth breathed. “You got Hermes to take us to dinner in Paris?”

“It seems so.” Percy grinned, looking quite proud of himself. Apollo was scowling. Immediately he began planning dates in various cities around the world.

I was wearing a suit.

“Woah. I would love to see that.” Silena squealed. “You would look amazing.” Percy blushed.

“I definitely want to see that, too.” Apollo whispered to him.

“Don’t get your hopes up. I hate suits.” Percy muttered back.

“For me?” Apollo sent him a pleading look and Percy sighed.

“I’ll think about it.” Apollo grinned. He could work with that. And snap Percy into a suit at some point.

I hope someone got a picture, because I don’t wear suits…that showed off her long blond hair and her slim athletic figure.

Annabeth’s eyebrows rose while Connor wished he could have seen that.

Her camp necklace had been replaced by…and a Coke with ice for me (because I’m a barbarian).

“I don’t blame you.” Travis said. “Coke is the best.”

“Agreed.” Nico nodded.

“It’s terrible for you.” Will stated. Nico just shrugged.

We dined on a bunch of stuff I couldn’t even pronounce…I said. “And you thought I forgot.”

“Good try.” Thalia laughed “But you did forget.”

“Otherwise you wouldn’t have needed Hermes to organize this.” Rachel added.

“To be fair, it is better than anything I could organize myself.” Percy shrugged.

“And it’s a pretty impressive save.” Silena pointed out.

“You did forget, Seaweed Brain.”…She reached across the table and took my hand.

Apollo’s hand flexed around Percy’s.

Her expression turned serious. “Any idea why Hermes acted so nervous? I got the feeling something bad was happening on Olympus.”

“You’d probably know best as Olympus’ architect. I imagine you go there more than me.” Percy shrugged.

I shook my head. I may not see you for a while…“And Percy…feel free to start planning our two-month anniversary.”

“I’m not going to be able to top a trip to Paris.” Percy complained.

“Good thing you won’t need to then.” Annabeth said softly. He shot her a grateful smile and Apollo felt himself relax a little.

“Oh, gods. ” I felt panicky at the thought, but also really good…be with me next month, then that was good enough for me.

And Apollo’s scowl was back.

“Hey, I’m happy with you.” Percy told him in a quiet voice. “You really don’t need to be so jealous.”

“Oh, I do.” Apollo assured him. Percy rolled his eyes. “But I shall endeavour to make sure you remain very happy with me.”

“How about we go for that walk?” I pulled out…“I want to explore Paris with a beautiful girl.”

“Thanks, Hermes.” Percy smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Hermes grinned back.

“Done.” Athena announced. “Finally. That was far too long.”

“I guess that makes it my turn.” Hephaestus grumbled.