Purina one smartblend large breed puppy dry dog food

  • Made especially for large breed puppies, this dog food for puppies is loaded with DHA, a nutrient found in mothers' milk, to support vision and brain development.
  • Real chicken is the #1 ingredient, helping create a large breed puppy food packed with the protein your pal needs for his growing muscles, including his healthy heart.
  • Natural sources of glucosamine for dogs help your puppy maintain an appropriate growth rate while supporting his joint health, and four antioxidant sources promote his strong immune system.
  • Deliciously crunchy bites and tender meaty morsels create a tasty combo that puppies love, while a SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients like rice gives your pal wholesome nutrition.
  • This Purina ONE large breed puppy food is crafted by a veterinarian-recommended brand and proudly produced at Purina-owned, U.S. facilities with no artificial flavors or preservatives.

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Meat First Ingredient



  • Real chicken is the number 1 ingredient in this dry dog food for puppies to help provide the protein he needs for strong, growing muscles, including a healthy heart
  • Purina ONE puppy food made with DHA, a nutrient found in mothers' milk, to support vision and brain development, and the dry dog food features four antioxidant sources to support a strong immune system
  • High protein dry dog food with glucosamine helps maintain an appropriate growth rate and supports joint health for dogs
  • Deliciously crunchy bites and tender meaty morsels deliver great taste in this Purina ONE large breed puppy dry dog food formula made with no artificial flavors or preservatives
  • Dry dog food crafted in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities with a SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients, including omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to support a shiny coat and healthy skin


Pet Caution Statement: Approved for Use on Puppies over 8 weeks old

Used For: Joint Health, Immune System Health

Storage Instructions: Store in Dry Place

State of Readiness: Ready to Eat

Form: Diced, Dried, Kibble

Country of Origin: United States

Item Number (DPCI): 083-06-0923

Origin: Assem USA w/foreign/dom. parts


Give your large breed puppy the nutrition he needs for a great start in life with Purina ONE +Plus Natural Large Breed Puppy Formula dry dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Real chicken is the number 1 ingredient in this high protein puppy food, so you can be confident his dry dog food is made with high-quality ingredients. Our natural puppy food also contains rice for your puppy's delicate stomach. Purina ONE +Plus dry dog food for puppies contains no artificial flavors or preservatives and is crafted by a veterinarian-recommended brand. Plus, our dry puppy food for large breeds has 100 percent nutrition and 0 percent fillers, so every ingredient in the dry dog food has a purpose. Natural sources of glucosamine for dogs in Purina ONE large breed puppy food help support his growing joints, and high protein in this dry dog food helps support his strong, growing muscles, including a healthy heart. This Purina ONE dry puppy food contains DHA, a nutrient found in mothers' milk, to support vision and brain development, and a blend of four antioxidant sources helps promote a strong immune system. Protein-rich, tender and meaty morsels and crunchy dry dog food kibble with calcium combine to deliver a taste and texture he's sure to love while supporting his strong teeth and healthy gums. Serve your puppy a large breed puppy dry dog food that helps him maintain an appropriate growth rate, and give him the nutrition he needs to live a healthy life with you.

Meat First Ingredient

A pet food product that has an on-pack statement indicating that meat, poultry, or seafood is the first ingredient in the product.


Products that have an unqualified or qualified on-pack marketing claim for natural.

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Is Purina One SmartBlend good for large breed puppies?

Recommended for Growth: This product is for growth of large breed puppies and maintenance of adult dogs—not for reproducing or lactating females. If you have a pregnant or nursing female, we recommend Purina ONE SmartBlend Healthy Puppy Formula.

Is Purina One SmartBlend being discontinued?

Pressing this button will update the URL for sharing purposes. No, Purina ONE SmartBlend is not discontinued.

Is Purina ONE good for large breed dogs?

Purina ONE large breed dog food helps support your big dog's size and whole body health. With real protein as the first ingredient, these formulas help puppies build strong muscles and adult dogs maintain their ideal body condition.

Is Purina ONE plus the same as SmartBlend?

Purina ONE +Plus Large Breed Adult Formula combines nature and research for results you can see in your dog. That includes a SmartBlend® of high-quality ingredients, plus glucosamine, for a formula that supports the health of large breed dogs.

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