San antonio texas retirement division lawyers

Lawyer Handling Qualified Domestic Relations Orders in Texas

Dividing property following a divorce can be an emotional and contentious issue, particularly when it comes to dividing retirement benefits. A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) will be part of a divorce settlement that will carry the terms for how retirement funds and pension plans are to be divided. At the Law Firm of Mysti Murphy, we are experienced in handling qualified domestic relations orders in Texas. We will work closely with you and your spouse to identify all of your assets so things are divided as fairly as possible.

If you are going through a divorce and have questions about the division of retirement plans, we can answer them. Contact our Texas divorce lawyer onlineor call 210-807-8227 for an initial consultation.

Experienced Handling of QDROs for All Types of Plans

The attorney at our Bexar County divorce law firm are experienced in handling QDROs for all types of retirement and pension plans, including:

  • Private and corporate pension plans
  • 401(k)s
  • 403(b)s
  • TIAA accounts
  • IRAs
  • Stocks and securities

QDROs can establish the non-employee’s right to receive payments or a percentage of the pension for spousal support, a division of the marital estate, and child support. It is important that you let us know about all of your bank accounts and assets so we can help this part of property divisiongo as effectively and efficiently as possible. A QDRO may also raise a host of tax questions. We work with dedicated investment advisors to help ensure that your tax liability is limited. Unlike most law firms, we have the skills and resources to handle QDROs from beginning to end.

We Also Help With Military Pension Plans

In addition to helping civilians with QDROs, we also provide family law and divorce services for military personnel. We are sensitive to the unique issues faced by our servicemen and women, particularly when it comes to military pension plans and benefits. We will thoroughly explain how a QDRO may impact your retirement plans through the military.

Call for a Consultation With a San Antonio Property Division Attorney

If you want to know more about the impact of divorce on retirement and pension plans, we can help. Contact our San Antonio spousal support lawyer online or call 210-807-8227 for a consultation to discuss your situation. Evening and weekend hours are available by appointment and we accept credit cards.

Protecting Your Best Interests In A Military Divorce

At the Ruiz & Associates, PLLC, we have years of experience with complex family matters. During a divorce where one person is an active service member, these issues can take on a new level of complexity. Our focus is always on protecting your rights and preserving both parent’s relationship with their children.

During your free consultation, we will review the issues unique to your divorce and ensure you know all your options.

Attorney George C. Ruiz knows how to navigate the nuances of your military divorce successfully. We are skilled at representing both military members or their spouses.

We can guide you through common divorce issues and matters unique to military members, such as:

  • Fair splitting of a military pension
  • Compliance with state and federal laws
  • Difficulties with custody due to various deployments
  • Determining fair visitation rights, even if you live in different parts of the world
  • The potential to pause a divorce while deployed
  • Geographic restrictions on where either parent can move (outside of military duty)
  • Out of state and out of country visitation plans
  • Your specific benefits and rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

Technology And Military Deployment

Technology has made it easier to have meaningful time with your child from anywhere in the world. To preserve your visitation rights, the Texas courts can order electronic communication between you and your children while you are out of state or overseas. This could be via phone calls, emails, or video chat services like Skype and FaceTime.

Near Or Far, You Have Rights To Your Children

The law provides many benefits and civil rights for our active service members. Let our George Ruiz and his support team help protect those rights and ensure you get the time with your family that you deserve. We provide prompt communication and an honest outlook on your case. We can advise the best strategy for your situation or recommend mediation to resolve your legal matters.

Call, text or email our San Antonio, Texas, office at 210-899-4853. We are pleased to offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case. Se Habla Español.