Shortness of breath chest and back pain

Back pain itself can be reason for concern, especially if it’s not going away with self-care efforts. But when back pain is combined with shortness of breath, the level of concern is understandably much greater. Below are five possible reasons you may be experiencing both back pain and shortness of breath.

1. Strained Intercostal Muscles

When you breathe, muscles that run between your ribs (intercostal muscles) help with the expansion and contraction of your chest cavity and ribcage. If one of these muscles becomes strained, you may experience spine-related symptoms that include:

  • Mild tenderness
  • Stiffness within the affected area
  • Sharp back pain

Shortness of breath can occur if the back pain you’re experiencing is aggravated with each expansion and contraction that happens as you breathe. The intercostal muscles themselves may become strained due to overexertion, overextension that results in torn muscle tissue, a hard fall, or direct impact to the mid/upper back area. Intercostal muscle strain is usually temporary, although it may take 6–8 weeks for healing to occur. In the meantime, your discomfort may be managed with:

  • Ice/heat applications
  • Over-the-counter pain meds
  • Prescription medication if pain is severe
  • Efforts to modify or limit activities that tend to trigger symptoms

2. Severe Thoracic Kyphosis

Your upper (thoracic) spine has a natural curve to it that’s perfectly normal and beneficial. If this curve gets to 50 degrees or more, it’s a condition known as severe thoracic kyphosis or hyperkyphosis. If this is the reason for your back pain and shortness of breath, you may be advised to wear a brace if your spine is still growing. The goal with bracing is to prevent the progression of the curve from becoming worse. If you’re beyond the age when bracing can be effective or if your symptoms are severe, you may be a candidate for spinal fusion surgery. Los Angeles patients with hyperkyphosis should consult a spine specialist to determine the best course of treatment for their circumstances.

3. Fractured/Displaced Ribs

Hard impacts from contact sports and accidental falls are just two of the ways a rib can become fractured (broken) or displaced. If this happens, you may feel sharp pain when you take breaths. A fractured or displaced rib could also contribute to a strained intercostal muscle, which could produce pain as you breathe. Symptoms often improve once the affected rib is treated.

4. Severe Scoliosis

The abnormal curvature of the backbone that’s characteristic of scoliosis sometimes affects the level of the spine around the chest. In rare cases, spinal curvature may be severe enough to affect breathing. Some patients with back pain and shortness of breath have both scoliosis and kyphosis. Treatment and symptom management may involve:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Pain relievers
  • Anti-inflammatory injections
  • Bracing, but only if the spine is still developing
  • Surgery that may involve a fusion procedure

5. An Allergic Reaction

Back pain medication being taken for another unrelated reason sometimes results in an allergic reaction that affects breathing. This sometimes happens with muscle relaxants, although other drugs may produce similar reactions. Signs of an allergic reaction to spine-related meds include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Throat swelling
  • Arm/leg swelling
  • Hives

Infections and blood clots may also contribute to back pain and shortness of breath. It’s possible for symptoms to go away with rest and modification of regular activities. However, if this doesn’t happen, see your doctor to get an evaluation. If a spine-related issue is suspected, you may be referred to a specialist.

If you’re experiencing back pain combined with shortness of breath, don’t wait to seek the advice of an experienced Los Angeles spine surgeon. The spine specialists at The Spine Institute have unparalleled expertise in diagnosing and treating back pain, and our physicians lead the industry in cutting-edge treatment methods. Give us a call us today at 310-828-7757 to schedule a consultation.

Chest pain is not something to ignore. But you should know that it has many possible causes. In many cases, it's related to the heart. But chest pain may also be caused by problems in your lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, or nerves, for example. Some of these conditions are serious and life threatening. Others are not. If you have unexplained chest pain, the only way to confirm its cause is to have a doctor evaluate you.

You may feel chest pain anywhere from your neck to your upper abdomen. Depending on its cause, chest pain may be:

  • Sharp
  • Dull
  • Burning
  • Aching
  • Stabbing
  • A tight, squeezing, or crushing sensation

Here are some of the more common causes of chest pain.

Heart Problems

These heart problems are common causes:

Coronary artery disease, or CAD. This is a blockage in the heart's blood vessels that reduces blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle. This can cause pain known as angina. It's a symptom of heart disease but typically does not cause permanent damage to the heart. It is, though, a sign that you are at risk for a heart attack in the future. The chest pain may spread to your arm, shoulder, jaw, or back. It may feel like a pressure or squeezing sensation. Angina can be triggered by exercise, excitement, or emotional distress and is relieved by rest.

Myocardial infarction (heart attack). This reduction in blood flow through heart blood vessels causes the death of heart muscle cells. Though similar to angina chest pain, a heart attack is usually a more severe, crushing pain usually in the center or left side of the chest and is not relieved by rest. Sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, or severe weakness may accompany the pain.

Myocarditis. In addition to chest pain, this heart muscle inflammation may cause fever, fatigue, fast heart beat, and trouble breathing. Although no blockage exists, myocarditis symptoms can resemble those of a heart attack.

Pericarditis. This is an inflammation or infection of the sac around the heart. It can cause pain similar to that caused by angina. But it often causes a sharp, steady pain along the upper neck and shoulder muscle. Sometimes it gets worse when you breathe, swallow food, or lie on your back.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyThis genetic disease causes the heart muscle to grow abnormally thick. Sometimes this leads to problems with blood flow out of the heart. Chest pain and shortness of breath often occur with exercise. Over time, heart failure may occur when the heart muscle becomes very thickened. This makes the heart work harder to pump blood. Along with chest pain, this type of cardiomyopathy may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, and other symptoms.

Mitral valve prolapse. Mitral valve prolapse is a condition in which a valve in the heart fails to close properly. A variety of symptoms have been associated with mitral valve prolapse, including chest pain, palpitations, and dizziness, although it can also have no symptoms, especially if the prolapse is mild.

Coronary artery dissection. Many things can cause this rare but deadly condition, which results when a tear develops in the coronary artery. It may cause a sudden, severe pain with a tearing or ripping sensation that goes up into the neck, back, or abdomen.

Lung Problems

These are common causes of chest pain:

Pleuritis. Also known as pleurisy, this is an inflammation or irritation of the lining of the lungs and chest. You likely feel a sharp pain when you breathe, cough, or sneeze. The most common causes of pleuritic chest pain are bacterial or viral infections, pulmonary embolism, and pneumothorax. Other less common causes include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and cancer.

Pneumonia or lung abscess. These lung infections can cause pleuritic and other types of chest pain, such as a deep chest ache. Pneumonia often comes on suddenly, causing fever, chills, cough, and pus coughed up from the respiratory tract.

Pulmonary embolism. When a blood clot travels through the bloodstream and lodges in the lungs, this can cause acute pleuritis, trouble breathing, and a rapid heartbeat. It may also cause fever and shock. Pulmonary embolism is more likely following deep vein thrombosis or after being immobile for several days following surgery or as a complication of cancer.

Pneumothorax. Often caused by an injury to the chest, pneumothorax happens when a part of the lung collapses, releasing air into the chest cavity. This can also cause pain that gets worse when you breathe as well as other symptoms, such as low blood pressure.

Pulmonary hypertension. With chest pain resembling that of angina, this abnormally high blood pressure in the lung arteries makes the right side of the heart work too hard.

Asthma. Causing shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and sometimes chest pain, asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways.

COPD. This includes one or more of three disease: Emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive asthma. The disease blocks airflow by shrinking and damaging both the airways that bring gases and air to and from your lungs and the tiny air sacs (alveoli) that transfer oxygen to your bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide. Smoking is the most common cause.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal problems can also cause chest pain and include:

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Also known as acid reflux, GERD occurs when stomach contents move back into the throat. This may cause a sour taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in the chest or throat, known as heartburn. Things that may trigger acid reflux include obesity, smoking, pregnancy, and spicy or fatty foods. Heart pain and heartburn from acid reflux feel similar partly because the heart and esophagus are located close to each other and share a nerve network.

Esophageal contraction disorders. Uncoordinated muscle contractions (spasms) and high-pressure contractions (nutcracker esophagus) are problems in the esophagus that can cause chest pain.

Esophageal hypersensitivity. This occurs when the esophagus becomes very painful at the smallest change in pressure or exposure to acid. The cause of this sensitivity is unknown.

Esophageal rupture or perforation. A sudden, severe chest pain following vomiting or a procedure involving the esophagus may be the sign of a rupture in the esophagus.

Peptic ulcers. A vague, recurring discomfort may be the result of these painful sores in the lining of the stomach or first part of the small intestine. More common in people who smoke, drink a lot of alcohol, or take painkillers such as aspirin or NSAIDs, the pain often gets better when you eat or take antacids.

Hiatal hernia. This common problem occurs when the top of the stomach pushes into the lower chest after eating. This often causes reflux symptoms, including heartburn or chest pain. The pain tends to get worse when you lie down.

Pancreatitis. You may have pancreatitis if you have pain in the lower chest that is often worse when you lie flat and better when you lean forward.

Gallbladder problems. After eating a fatty meal, do you have a sensation of fullness or pain in your right lower chest area or the right upper side of your abdomen? If so, your chest pain may due to a gallbladder problem.

Bone, Muscle, or Nerve Problems

Sometimes chest pain may result from overuse or an injury to the chest area from a fall or accident. Viruses can also cause pain in the chest area. Other causes of chest pain include:

Rib problems. Pain from a broken rib may worsen with deep breathing or coughing. It is often confined to one area and may feel sore when you press on it. The area where the ribs join the breastbone may also become inflamed.

Muscle strain. Even really hard coughing can injure or inflame the muscles and tendons between the ribs and cause chest pain. The pain tends to persist and it worsens with activity.

Shingles. Caused by the varicella zoster virus, shingles may prompt a sharp, band-like pain before a telltale rash appears several days later.

Other Potential Causes of Chest Pain

Another potential cause of chest pain is anxiety and panic attacks. Some associated symptoms can include dizziness, sensation of shortness of breath, palpitations, tingling sensations, and trembling.

When to See the Doctor for Chest Pain

When in doubt, call your doctor about any chest pain you have, especially if it comes on suddenly or is not relieved by anti-inflammatory medications or other self-care steps, such as changing your diet.

Call 911 if you have any of these symptoms along with chest pain:

  • A sudden feeling of pressure, squeezing, tightness, or crushing under your breastbone
  • Chest pain that spreads to your jaw, left arm, or back
  • Sudden, sharp chest pain with shortness of breath, especially after a long period of inactivity
  • Nausea, dizziness, rapid heart rate or rapid breathing, confusion, ashen color, or excessive sweating
  • Very low blood pressure or very low heart rate

Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Fever, chills, or coughing up yellow-green mucus
  • Problems swallowing
  • Severe chest pain that does not go away

What causes chest and back pain at the same time?

Some causes of chest and back pain include muscle strains, gastrointestinal issues, heart disease, or lung problems. If you experience chest and back pain that is new, lasts more than a few minutes, or is concerning, get evaluated by a health care provider.

When should I worry about chest pain and shortness of breath?

Seek emergency medical care if your shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pain, fainting, nausea, a bluish tinge to lips or nails, or a change in mental alertness — as these may be signs of a heart attack or pulmonary embolism.