Soldiers in the philippines graphic organizer answer key

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Soldiers in The Philippines Student Materials

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soldiers in the philippines student materials

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Soldiers in the philippines graphic organizer answer key

In 1902, Congress held hearings on the Philippine-American War in response to concerns about atrocities committed by American soldiers. In this lesson, students read a variety of primary sources including, a soldier's letter and testimonies to Congress. Students use close reading skills to explore hypotheses about why some soldiers behaved brutally during the war.

Soldiers in the philippines graphic organizer answer key

Image: Photo of Filipino prisoners of war taken in 1899. From the Library of Congress.

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General Information

Subject(s): Social Studies

Grade Level(s): 11

Instructional Time: 1 Hour(s)

Resource supports reading in content area:Yes
Freely Available: Yes

Keywords: Philippine War, imperialism, torture, contextualization, close reading

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

3 Lesson Plans

Reading Like a Historian: Explosion of the Maine

In this lesson, students analyze primary sources in an effort to answer the central historical question: What sank the Maine? The teacher introduces the concept of media sensationalism and shows a painting of the Maine's destruction and a propaganda song blaming the Spanish. Students then receive opposing newspaper accounts from Hearst's New York Herald and the New York Times; for each, they fill out a graphic organizer and/or guiding questions. A class discussion explores how the reporting of news influences readers' opinions. For homework, students explain--using textual evidence--which account they find more believable.

Reading Like a Historian: Philippine War Political Cartoons

In this lesson, students analyze political cartoons in an effort to answer the central historical question: Why did the United States annex the Philippines after the Spanish-American War? The teacher first uses a timeline to review basic information about the war, then distributes Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden," which students analyze in pairs. Then, students are split into 6 groups and receive 2 different cartoons each: 1 from a pro-imperial magazine like Judge or Puck, and 1 from an anti-imperial magazine like Life or The World. Using a graphic organizer, students examine the cartoons and then present 1 of them to the class, explaining how the cartoonist makes his point. A final class discussion contextualizes the cartoons and the events of the late 1890s.

Reading Like a Historian: Spanish American War

In this lesson, students analyze primary sources in an effort to answer the central historical question: Why did the U.S invade Cuba? The teacher streams a short film (link included) while students take notes as to possible reasons for the invasion. Students then read the following: 1) song lyrics of an anti-Spanish propaganda a song written after the Maine sinking, 2) a telegram sent by Fitzhugh Lee, U.S. Consul-General in Cuba, and 3) a Senate campaign speech from Albert Beveridge. For each, students complete a graphic organizer and guiding questions. A final class discussion goes back to the original class hypotheses and determines which ones are most supported by the evidence.

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