Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

What is a separable differential equation?

A separable, first-order differential equation is an equation in the following form


where ???f(x)??? and ???g(y)??? are functions of ???x??? and ???y???, respectively. The dependent variable is ???y???; the independent variable is ???x???.

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

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We can easily integrate functions in this form by separating variables.



???dy=f(x)g(y)\ dx???

???\frac{dy}{g(y)}=f(x)\ dx???

???\frac{1}{g(y)}\ dy=f(x)\ dx???

???\int \frac{1}{g(y)}\ dy=\int f(x)\ dx???

Sometimes in our final answer, we’ll be able to express ???y??? explicitly as a function of ???x???, but not always. When we can’t, we just have to be satisfied with an implicit function, where ???y??? and ???x??? are not cleanly separated by the ???=??? sign.

How to solve separable differential equations

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

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Solving separable DEs with a trig function


Solve the differential equation.


First, we’ll write the equation in Leibniz notation. This makes it easier for us to separate the variables.


Next, we’ll separate the variables, collecting ???y???’s on the left and ???x???’s on the right.

???dy=y^2\sin{x}\ dx???

???\frac{dy}{y^2}=\sin{x}\ dx???

???\frac{1}{y^2}\ dy=\sin{x}\ dx???

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

Sometimes in our final answer, we’ll be able to express y explicitly as a function of x, but not always.

With variables separated, and integrating both sides, we get

???\int \frac{1}{y^2}\ dy=\int \sin{x}\ dx???

???\int y^{-2}\ dy=\int \sin{x}\ dx???


Note: You can leave out the constant of integration on the left side, because in future steps it would be absorbed into the constant on the right side.



Note: We just multiplied through both sides by ???-1???, but we didn’t change the sign on ???C???, because the negative can always be absorbed into the constant.



Sometimes we’ll encounter separable differential equations with initial conditions provided. Using the same method we used in the last example, we can find the general solution, and then plug in the initial condition(s) to find a particular solution to the differential equation.

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

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Learn mathNovember 16, 2020math, learn online, online course, online math, differential equations, separable differential equations, separable DEs, separating variables, separating differential equations, leibniz notation

Solve differential equation by separation of variables calculator

Examples of differential equations

  • The simplest differential equations of 1-order
  • y' + y = 0
  • y' - 5*y = 0
  • x*y' - 3 = 0
  • Differential equations with separable variables
  • (x-1)*y' + 2*x*y = 0
  • tan(y)*y' = sin(x)
  • Linear inhomogeneous differential equations of the 1st order
  • y' + 7*y = sin(x)
  • Linear homogeneous differential equations of 2nd order
  • 3*y'' - 2*y' + 11y = 0
  • Exact Differential Equations
  • dx*(x^2 - y^2) - 2*dy*x*y = 0
  • Solve a differential equation with substitution
  • x^2*y' - y^2 = x^2
  • Change y(x) to x in the equation
  • x^2*y' - y^2 = x^2
  • Other
  • -6*y - 5*y'' + y' + y''' + y'''' = x*cos(x) + sin(x)

What can the calculator of differential equations do?

  • Detailed solution for:
    • Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
    • Separable Differential Equation
    • Bernoulli equation
    • Exact Differential Equation
    • First-order differential equation
    • Second Order Differential Equation
    • Third-order differential equation
    • Homogeneous Differential Equation
    • Non Homogeneous Differential Equation
    • Substitution Differential Equation
    • A system of ordinary differential equations (System of ODEs)
  • Plot of graphs of solution set
  • The solution of the Cauchy problem
  • Classification of differential equations
  • Examples of numerical solutions

The above examples also contain:

  • the modulus or absolute value: absolute(x) or |x|
  • square roots sqrt(x),
    cubic roots cbrt(x)
  • trigonometric functions:
    sinus sin(x), cosine cos(x), tangent tan(x), cotangent ctan(x)
  • exponential functions and exponents exp(x)
  • inverse trigonometric functions:
    arcsine asin(x), arccosine acos(x), arctangent atan(x), arccotangent acot(x)
  • natural logarithms ln(x),
    decimal logarithms log(x)
  • hyperbolic functions:
    hyperbolic sine sh(x), hyperbolic cosine ch(x), hyperbolic tangent and cotangent tanh(x), ctanh(x)
  • inverse hyperbolic functions:
    hyperbolic arcsine asinh(x), hyperbolic arccosinus acosh(x), hyperbolic arctangent atanh(x), hyperbolic arccotangent acoth(x)
  • other trigonometry and hyperbolic functions:
    secant sec(x), cosecant csc(x), arcsecant asec(x), arccosecant acsc(x), hyperbolic secant sech(x), hyperbolic cosecant csch(x), hyperbolic arcsecant asech(x), hyperbolic arccosecant acsch(x)
  • rounding functions:
    round down floor(x), round up ceiling(x)
  • the sign of a number:
  • for probability theory:
    the error function erf(x) (integral of probability), Laplace function laplace(x)
  • Factorial of x:
    x! or factorial(x)
  • Gamma function gamma(x)
  • Lambert's function LambertW(x)
  • Trigonometric integrals: Si(x), Ci(x), Shi(x), Chi(x)

The insertion rules

The following operations can be performed

2*x- multiplication3/x- divisionx^2- squaringx^3- cubingx^5 - raising to the powerx + 7- additionx - 6- subtractionReal numbersinsert as 7.5, no 7,5


pi- number Pie- the base of natural logarithmi- complex numberoo- symbol of infinity