Solving quadratic equations by factoring worksheet answers algebra 1


In order to solve any quadratic for the x-intercepts (or roots) you must set the entire equation equal to zero.

Remember, before factoring using FOIl or any similar method, always check for a GCF!

The GCF is 16x. Pulling this in front, we have:


We know we need two roots, since the equation has a degree of two. One is in parentheses, the other is on the outside. Set both equal to zero, solve and you have:

x=3 and x=0.

Hope this helped!

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How do I solve a quadratic equation by factoring?

To solve an quadratic equation using factoring :.
1 . Transform the equation using standard form in which one side is zero..
2 . Factor the non-zero side..
3 . Set each factor to zero (Remember: a product of factors is zero if and only if one or more of the factors is zero)..
4 . Solve each resulting equation..

What are 5 methods of solving a quadratic equation?

There are several methods you can use to solve a quadratic equation:.
Completing the Square..
Quadratic Formula..

How do you solve by factoring?

The Solve by Factoring process will require four major steps:.
Move all terms to one side of the equation, usually the left, using addition or subtraction..
Factor the equation completely..
Set each factor equal to zero, and solve..
List each solution from Step 3 as a solution to the original equation..