Stopping birth control mid pack to get pregnant reddit

I decided to skip my period this month by skipping the sugar pills and continuing on to a new pack. Now I'm a week in and regretting the decision. If I stop taking the pills right now, will I bleed? I believe that I will - but are there any negative side-effects to this? After a week I would plan on starting a new pack.

Please note that pregnancy is not an issue (I realize that stopping the pills will cause the actual birth control aspect to stop working) and I don't normally have wild period complications. The particular type of bc is Aviane.

I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right subreddit, so correct me if I'm wrong. I'm wondering how long it took you to get pregnant after stopping the birth control pill (assuming you stopped it to get pregnant)?

I was speaking with my naturopath today and she told me it could take up to a year, since I've been on birth control for quite awhile (about 11 years -- I'm 31). I'd like to start trying after my wedding in June (and stay on birth control until then to avoid any pre-wedding surprises), but she suggested possibly stopping before then (i.e. now) and using another form of birth control until it's go time. This would allow my body to get back into the swing of things and, perhaps, get pregnant quicker after the wedding (kind of a 'it can't hurt' mentality). I just really don't want to get pregnant before the wedding (I also don't mind the idea of being able to use my BC to skip a period should it decide to fall on my wedding day), but if it means making things easier down the road, maybe it's worth it. I'm not counting on getting pregnant on the first try, and even waiting up to six months is fine, but a year? That's a bit long.

I know I could be someone who gets knocked up ASAP, or it could take longer for all kinds of reasons totally unrelated to birth control, but I'm just wondering what experiences you folks have had.

Posted byu/[deleted]4 years ago


I’m sorry if this has been asked before, and I know it can be different for everyone. I’ve been on the pill for 7-ish years, and we are torn between whether or not I should get off the pill now since we’re hoping to start trying in like a year, or to take my pills up until we’re wanting to start. Please feel free to also list anything you did to help prepare your body before getting pregnant, tips on conceiving, etc! 😊 thank you all!

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help! I’ve been on bc pills for almost 19 years (I’m 33 now). I just started to realize that I think they are what’s causing me to have anxiety/depression, low motivation, low libido. I came on here just to see stories of coming off bc and it seemed like I typed out all of the horror stories I read from others experiences. It made me really sad to think I’ve been struggling with how I am for so long and it could just be my bc (I’ve been on it basically my whole life so who even am I without all these hormones??) I decided I wanted to see how I would be naturally without all these hormones. I originally went on bc for heavy periods, so hoping that’s changed in 19 years..

ANYWAYS, I’m here to see if others have had the situation I’m having. I stopped taking my bc after the first week of pills in the pack. I know I should have waited til the end of the pack but decided I just didn’t want to take it anymore. I started bleeding 4 days after stopping the pill (like red normal period bleeding where I need a tampon - not too heavy/ but not too light) It’s been 4 days and I’m still bleeding. Is this my period for the month since I stopped mid-pack?

Hi, I have a hysteroscopy on 3/30. My RE told me I have to be on birth control for it (I'm not currently on BC) so that my uterine lining stays thin and the hysteroscopy doesn't end up like, poking and damaging fluffy lining. They said to start it CD1 after my d&c. I *think * my period started yesterday? It was a weird and spotty flow, but definitely bright red. Not much coming out today. Very confused but started taking BC anyway...

Anyway, I obviously don't want to really be on it very long, because I want to try again soon. I would be 2 weeks through my BC at the time of hysteroscopy (mid-pack). Is it OK to stop BC mid-cycle- what are the consequences of doing so?

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Can you get pregnant if you stop birth control in the middle of the pack?

A person can stop taking birth control pills at any point, including during the middle of the pack. However, coming off birth control pills increases the likelihood of pregnancy in the absence of other birth control methods. Additionally, birth control pills override the natural menstrual cycle.

Are you most fertile after coming off the pill?

You may be able to get pregnant within 1-3 months of stopping a combination pill -- meaning those that have estrogen and progestin. But most women can get pregnant within a year. One study even found that women who took the pill for more than 4 or 5 years were more fertile than those who used it for 2 years or less.

What happens if you stop birth control midway?

If you stop mid pack, which is before you'd have your period normally, your body may take longer to reach its normal cycle. Also, if you stop taking your birth control pills in the middle of your cycle, you may experience cramping and spotting as soon as two days after your last pill.

How soon after stopping the pill will I ovulate?

Generally speaking, ovulation will resume two to four weeks after you stop the pill. It may take a bit longer for older women and women who have been on the pill for a long time, according to Columbia Health. In some cases, re-establishing a regular ovulation cycle can take a few months.


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