Thanks for making my birthday so special my boyfriend

The name implies it all. The message expresses thankfulness and appreciation, while the text of the card stands on its own as a unique birthday message. This thank you message for birthday wishes to boyfriend and husband is what you need if you are lost for words or want to surprise your man with something that is not just alright but extra special.

  1. Thank you for making my day so special by exceeding all of my expectations. I could not have imagined it to be better than it was. I hope we get to make all of our birthdays like this one for a long time.
  2. Thank you for all the times you were there for me. Whenever I needed your help in life, you were always willing to lend a hand. Thank you for loving me and cheering me up on my bad days. You are a wonderful boyfriend, thank you for choosing me.
  3. Thank you always being so understanding and helpful. You are a good friend and a happy companion to have in life. I appreciate this aspect of your personality.
  4. Thank you for all the fun we have together. You always tell me about your day and keep me up to date on your activities. With that, I feel like we are closer and I feel like our relationship is more special because of it.
  5. Thank you for making me feel better when I am not feeling all that cheerful. You know that I’m not a morning person, but you still are always there to support my morning routine. You simply have helped me out a lot and I appreciate it so much.
  6. Thank you for bringing me the yummiest cake in town and singing to me. Thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world. I’m so happy to have you for a boyfriend. I always thought I was never good enough, but you proved me wrong. Last but not least, thank you for making my day so spectacular.
  7. Thank you for being my best friend and always being there to support me, take care of me, and tell me that I am doing the right thing. I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you for always being there for me. Every time I was in trouble or needed a friend, you were the one who I would go to. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you and all that you do for me. Love you.
  9. Thank you for being the greatest boyfriend a girl could ask for. I know you sometimes get annoyed with me because I always want to be by your side, but I can’t help it because I love you and want to be with you every second.
  10. Thank you for coming over to my house every weekend. I really enjoy our time together, just sitting there and relaxing, talking and watching a movie. Thank you for giving me some of your delicious homemade cookies too.
  11. Thank you for watching the World Cup matches with me. I know that you don’t cheer for Germany, but I enjoyed it very much because it was such a fun experience for us to watch as a couple. I am so glad that you are here with me.
  12. Thank you for not forgetting my birthday. So many people do and I know it is so hard to keep track of it. For remembering my birthday, I am grateful. I can’t believe that today is your birthday! It seems like only yesterday you were a kid when your family threw a party for you. It makes me sad to think that someday you are going to get old and then die. But thanks for making it easy for me to love you by being my friend and boyfriend. You make me feel good about myself because you always make me laugh no matter what is happening in our lives or your crazy work schedule.
  13. I would like to thank you for the amazing birthday surprises you’ve given me. You always know when I need a nice evening out, and when I need to be treated with a good day at home. I love it because this means I can give the same to you. Thank you for being there for me always, even before we became boyfriend and girlfriend. You’re special to me.
  14. Thank you for the beautiful letter, wishing me a happy birthday. I appreciate how much time you spent researching and formulating it. I will proudly display it where I can see it first thing in the morning, as I have my coffee.
  15. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever. I feel so luck to have met you. You are always there for me to cheer me up when I am sad and always give me gifts and surprises. I really really really really really really really really really love you. Thank you.
  16. I like to spend my birthdays with you because you always bring me happiness. You are such a wonderful boyfriend, always bringing me presents and making sure that I am happy. I feel very lucky to have you in my life. I’m so grateful to have you.
  17. Thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world. I love you to bits and can’t wait to spend our next birthday together.
  18. Thank you for being the person I like to talk to the most. Some of my best memories are with you. You make me laugh when I need it and you don’t judge me even when I’m being insensitive (which is just as often as when I’m not). Thank you for being an amazing best friend.
  19. Thank you for being my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have always been there for me, the most important parts of my life, and I think that is why we have been together so long.
  20. Thank you for being my best friend and allowing me to open up to you and share my feelings. I feel very safe with you.
  21. Always remember how special you are to me. I am so grateful to have you in my life and there are no words that could explain it. Thank you, happy birthday!
  22. Thank you for being with me today, celebrating my birthday. I’m lucky to have a boyfriend who cares so much. Thank you for the roses and kisses. Thank you for the romantic evening. Everything was perfect.
  23. Thank you for being there when I needed you. For my birthday present, I wanted to treat myself to a luxury hotel in Paris, but instead you knew that wine and cheese and time just hanging out with you is the best gift! This year for your birthday, I will pick you up some French wine and delicious brie and we will celebrate your years on this Earth.
  24. Dear boyfriend, today is your birthday! I am so happy you are with me, and that we have each other. I don’t know if the past year was a good one for you or not, but I hope that it is.
  25. Thank you for being my best friend and caring so much about me. Even when I get annoyed and angry with you, you are always there to listen to me and bring me back down to earth.
  26. Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes! I know you are a little busy this week with your final exams, but your thoughtfulness really means a lot to me. I hope you have a great time celebrating.
  27. Thank you for being my boyfriend. I like everything about you, your cute smile that always makes me want to kiss you, your sense of humor, the way you hold me tight when we cuddle, and how we are so comfortable with each other. Thank you for the birthday cake and the lovely gift. I love them a lot.
  28. Happy birthday to my boyfriend. I want to thank you for being so wonderful. You make me feel special, and I can’t imagine my life without you.
  29. Thank you for being there with me since so many years. I’ve never met anyone who laughs as much as you do, or can make fun of me and still like me. You’re special to me and I love you a lot.
  30. Thank you for celebrating my birthday. You made it so much fun! I was impressed by how well you planned the whole party with your friends. It’s really nice that we have the same circle of close friends. I feel like I have a lot of fun times ahead of me! Thanks for giving me a great memory.
  31. Thank you for taking time out of your day to wish me a happy birthday. I know that we don’t get to spend as much time together as we would like, but whenever I am with you I love the time we share.
  32. Thank you for being my best friend. I appreciate your companionship. You are the best boyfriend I ever had and I’m grateful that we are celebrating our birthdays this week together.
  33. Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend. I always look forward to waking up next to you and seeing your smiling face. Your birthday was another day in which I received the best present of all, you.
  34. Thank you for constantly making me laugh, my life definitely has a lot of sunshine thanks to you. You are the funniest guy I know and I appreciate how much joy you add to my life. You are very special.
  35. There are thank-you cards to buy, but I hardly ever send them. Instead, I will just let you know how thankful I am to have you in my life.
  36. Thank you for doing all the things you do for me. Even when I’m not there and having a bad time, you’re always there for me to help me feel better and happier. You never let me down, even when things don’t go my way.
  37. Thank you for your support. All through the years, you’ve been there for me and I’m grateful. Happy birthday to my boyfriend on his sixteenth.
  38. Thank you for being so close. Thank you for being there for me in the bad times and the good times. I appreciate that you know I’m not perfect and love me despite my flaws. I’m very thankful to have you in my life.
  39. Thank you for being there for me since we were 15 years old. I know it’s been a hard decade, but I wouldn’t have made it through any of it without you. Your friendship is one of the greatest gifts in my life.
  40. Thank you for being so supportive. There have been many times when I thought of giving up and you are there telling me that I can do it and to just finish one more thing. Thank you for always believing in me and my ideas. As the future unfolds, know that I am grateful for your presence in it.
  41. Thank you for being there for me. I’ve always looked up to you and this year you seem more mature than ever. I’m so happy we are able to celebrate this birthday together.
  42. Thank you so much my boyfriend for being the best boyfriend in the world. Last week, I lost my phone and it was stressing me out. You, though, were very understanding and that made me realize how lucky I am to have found you. Happy birthday.
  43. Dear sweet boyfriend, you’ve made today a day to remember. You surprised me with dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town. I’m sorry I popped out of our restaurant booth to thank the chef and all of the staff.
  44. Thank you for always making me laugh. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I don’t know how to feel about an event, but when I start talking to you, all of my worry goes away because we always have great conversations. I’m very happy that we get those moments together. I love you with all my heart.
  45. Thank you so much for being the best boyfriend in the world. Last week, I lost my Wallet and it was stressing me out. You were very understanding and that made me realize how lucky I am to have found you.

Also See: Thank You Message For My Boyfriend Long Distance Relationship

How can I thank my boyfriend for a surprise?

Thank you for being such a great boyfriend. I appreciate all of the thoughtful gifts and surprises you have given me. I love spending time with you and I know everyone else does too. Thank you for surprising me with flowers and a bowling night.

How do you thank someone for making your birthday special?

I just wanted to thank you for your birthday wishes. I feel lucky to have you as my friend! 29. Thank you all so much for the messages and well-wishes, and for making not just my birthday super special but for always being there in my life and making my whole year so amazing!

How can I thank my love for birthday surprise?

Thank You For Surprise Birthday Gift I really love your birthday gift to me. Thank you so much for putting your soul on it. The birthday gift you sent on my birthday is perfect! I'm surprised, humbled, and grateful.

How do you appreciate your boyfriend in words?

Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend.
You make me feel like royalty..
I love how _____ you are..
I feel so protected around you..
Thank you for putting up with me..
I'm so blessed that you're mine..
You've helped me become a better person..
I admire your integrity in everything that you do..
You are incredible..


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