The invisible life of addie larue pdf free download

V. E. Schwab, a writer from the United States, is the author of the fantasy novel The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. On October 6, 2020, Tor Books brought out its publication of it. The invisible life of Addie Larue PDF is centers on a young French woman in 1714.

She deals with the devil to ensure her immortality in exchange for the calamity of being overlooked and unremembered by everyone she interacts with. It gained great attention and was considered for the Locus Award in 2020 for Best Fantasy Novel.

The Invisible Life Of Addie Larue PDF

Additional Information

Name The Invisible Life Of Addie Larue PDF
Author V. E. Schwab
Pages 448
Published on October 6, 2020
Category Fantasy
Updated on 13 August 2022


A narrative that takes place in the present day in New York City and flashbacks that begin with Addie’s youth in France and continue through her travels traveling the world and being a witness to significant historical events provide a good balance for the story.

The story of The invisible life of addie larue PDF opens in the early 1700s and focuses on Addie as a young woman struggling under the weight of forced marriage and begging the gods for her freedom.

She inadvertently attracts the attention of a god of the night, whom she would later come to know as Luc. He promises her that she will have all the time she desires on the condition that nobody will ever remember her after just one encounter.

With time, she has had a subtle influence on many individuals, leaving her mark on history and motivating others to write songs and create art about her. After they have made their deal, Luc will pay her a visit once a year and ask for her soul; however, she will always refuse him.

Over time, the couple builds a relationship that lasts for around twenty years. It comes to an unexpected end when Luc begs her once more to give over her soul, and Addie realizes that their love was nothing more than a game.

Addie had a chance encounter with a man named Henry Strauss in 2014, and he can recall her and call her by name. The two start a romantic relationship, but it is cut short when Addie learns that Henry has only 35 days to live due to the restrictions of the deal he made with Luc.

Henry felt trapped in his life due to the strong familial demands placed on him, and he attempted suicide due to a failed marriage proposal. Luc paid him a visit and fulfilled his wish: every time somebody saw him, they would see what they desired the most.

Addie’s prayer that anyone would remember her was granted thanks to Henry’s ability to remember her. After the book, Addie makes a selfless commitment to Luc by promising to remain, and he desires it. She does not hand up her soul to Luc because he now claims to be in love with her.

Therefore she decides against doing so. In exchange for Henry’s release, Luc consents to this deal on the condition that Addie’s request is fulfilled: Henry must always remember Addie. Henry puts the things that Addie told him about her history into a book called The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.

The book was an immediate hit after it was released. Addie harbors the faint hope that she may somehow convince Luc to let her go and find some measure of contentment in their relationship. End Through the use of a nonlinear timeline, which juxtaposes the main plot with flashbacks of the early days of Addie’s immortality, the characters’ intricate interactions and the complexities of their personalities are explored.


The invisible life of addie larue PDF is told from Addie’s point of view and demonstrates how her personality develops throughout the book, the character of Henry is fleshed out more through flashbacks that explore his past. There is never a sense of confusion when jumping around in time.

With each chapter, Schwab perfects the balance between providing enough answers to please and creating enough new questions to keep readers guessing. In fact, the plot’s speed and the chapters’ organization make it nearly impossible to put the book down.

The novel has the entrancing cadence of a fairy tale because of its rhythm, imagery, and word choice. This distinction works in favor of Schwab’s inventive approach to narrative, although the focus of this novel is not so much on the plot as it is on the characters.

This book’s fanciful and delightful qualities come from the fantastical elements interwoven throughout it, but the narrative never loses touch with its realistic and approachable underpinnings. Read More Fantasy Novels like The Atlas and Shatter Me, etc.

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Hi, This is Grayson Perry. I love reading books and writing reviews. I have 4.2 years of experience in writing books as well as I reviewed many books in 4 years. I am a writer at

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Fantasy Book Club: “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” (ages 12–adult)

Is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue LGBT?

The book's queer representation is also a plus. Although the main romance is between a man and a woman, both of the main characters have had relationships with people of the same sex. This isn't addressed in a way that feels tokenized but normalizes queerness in opposite-sex couples.

Is there a movie for The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue?

Augustine Frizzell is set to direct “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue,” a feature film adaptation of V.E. Schwab's fantasy novel. Frizzell will also write the script with her husband, filmmaker David Lowery.

How many pages does The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue have?

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is a novel that spans 300 years in a mere 400 pages and makes the journey unforgettable.


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