Virginia medical license verification to another state

Search Instructions:

  • The online database of WV-licensed social workers is updated weekly.
  • You may search by license number, by a licensee's first or last names, or by any combination of these fields.
  • For any field, searches will return all matching records which contain the text you enter. For example, searching for a last name of "Jo" will return a list of last names such as "Jo," "Jones," "Lovejoy," and "Trejo."
  • Provisional or temporary licensed individuals will not appear in the results of this search. Contact the Board office to verify provisional/temporary licenses.

Enter the desired license number or name information and click the Search button to view a list of all matching WV-licensed social workers.

License Number: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 


Virginia Physician licensing

Virginia medical licensing process is pretty straight forward compared to anoher states. They also have a reciprocity which allows to expedite the process, but you must meet all of the qualifiers in order to be eligible. Board requires you to submit the Employment verifications, which can significantly slow down the process if you have multiple employers. Virginia Medical Board is also pretty backed up on the incoming mail processing. They run 15-20 days behind on it, meaning if you send in a verification it can only be looked at after they process the mail. If there is something wrong and the form needs to be re-sent you have to go through the same waiting process. We strongly suggest using UPS or FedEx when applying for Virginia license. Otherwise, board is pretty good on answering the phone and keeping you updated on the deficiensies with their online checklist. You should expect 2-3 months avergae licensing timeline.

Doctors of Medicine and Surgery, Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery and Podiatry that hold ACTIVE LICENSES with the Virginia Board of Medicine are required to provide information for these profiles. Other physician licensees of the Board, including interns & residents, university limited, international fellows, and restricted volunteers are not included in these profiles. If you cannot find an individual in the profiles search, you may perform a broader search with the Department of Health Professions' License Lookup. Other individuals that may appear in the License Lookup search include those with expired, suspended or revoked licenses.

Search Tips

  1. The fewer parameters you specify, the larger the search results. Example: if you have trouble finding a particular practitioner in a certain City/County, try searching "All Locations" or "Virginia Locations".
  2. If you're not sure how to spell a name, use just the first few letters. Example: for "Smith" you can type in "Smi"
  3. If a name begins with "Mc", "O'", "Del", "Von" ( i.e. Mc Mann or O' Brien) or any prefix you may need to leave a space after the prefix. Example: if McM doesn't work try Mc M.
  4. Searches are NOT case sensitive.

Current as of 11/19/2022 03:03

Not For Commercial Use! (read more)

This is a free public information service provided by the Department of Health Professions to enable individuals, agencies, or employers to review the status of health care professionals in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please note that this service is not intended to provide bulk license information to businesses or commercial entities. Businesses wishing to access bulk license information must subscribe to DHP Health Professional Data Services. If you attempt to use this site to verify multiple licenses without a subscription, limits are in place and an error will appear once the limit has been reached.

To Renew or Update Your License, Click Here

If you know the license number, you can search by license number.

You can also search by the last 4 digits of social security number and last name.

Otherwise, you can search by occupation, name, state, zip, status, or any combination of these search criteria.

This serves as primary source verification of the credential issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia and meets the requirements of the Joint Commission.

* You are searching database containing current (unexpired) licensee records and also records of licensees whose license has expired since January 1, 2000. Persons desiring to search only persons or businesses with current (unexpired) licenses should be advised to select the Status of "Current Licensees" in the Status Box.

Who We Are

The Virginia Board of Medicine consists of an 18-member Board, eleven professional Advisory Boards, as well as administrative, enforcement, licensing, and support staff.

What We Do

We license and regulate Doctors of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, Chiropractic and numerous other Allied professions. The complete listing can be found here.

Can Md practice in all 50 states?

Although federal standards govern medical training and testing, each state has its own licensing board, and doctors must procure a license for every state in which they practice medicine (with some limited exceptions for physicians from bordering states, for consultations, and during emergencies).

What states are the easiest to obtain medical licenses?

The Easiest States to get Medical License.
New York. Employment, malpractice, privileges, and medical licenses are not verified in New York, making it one of the fastest states to get medical licenses. ... .
Indiana. ... .
Michigan. ... .
Massachusetts. ... .
Texas. ... .
New Jersey..

How do I verify a medical license in North Carolina?

All routine verification requests must be done via our website at Once the verification request is completed it is immediately emailed. Any hard copy verification requests received will be discarded without action.

How do I verify a Tennessee medical license?

Licensure Information To request an official verification of your Tennessee license please send your request by e-mail to with the following information: Name, Profession, TN license number, the e-mail or mailing address where the verification should be sent.


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