Weather in salt lake city utah in december

Temperature for December

In Salt Lake City, UT during December the average high temperature is 39.5°F. The hottest day on record was December 1, 1995 when the temperature recorded was 68.0°F.

Salt Lake City, UT daily average and extreme temperature range for December

Low Temperature

Overnight in December the average temperature drops below freezing at 23.0°F, with the lowest temperature of -14.1°F being recorded on December 15, 1972. On average there are 7 days in December when the temperature stays below freezing all day. In the worst December there were 18 days when the temperature did not make it above freezing. Overnight temperatures drop below freezing between 15 and 31 times in December.

Precipitation for December

In December the average monthly rainfall in Salt Lake City, UT is 0.80 inches with rain usually falling on between 5 and 6 days. 1948 was the driest December with only 0.00 inches of rain falling, and 1983 was the wettest December with 4.77 inches of rain. The wettest single day in December was 8 December 2007 when 1.15 inches of rain fell.

In December it usually snows on between 12 and 13 days. In December there have been some years when thunderstorms have occurred, although there are other years when there hasn't been a thunderstorm in December.

What’s the weather like in Utah in December?

Winter in Utah is a sight to behold. Snow covers the land and snow sports such as snowboarding and skiing are very popular in Park City. Temperatures are very cold and it’s more likely to snow than rain.

Geographical influences

Utah weather in December is very chilly with temperatures at their lowest at night. Utah is located on the west of the USA and is home to beautiful scenery including woodlands, red rock landscapes and idyllic lakes. If you’re not a fan of snow sports, head to the Natural History Museum in Salt Lake City. Here, you’ll find dinosaur bones and photography opportunities around every turn.


The average temperature during the day is just 2°C, which is perfect weather for skiing down the snowy slopes in Park City. There are nine hours of sunlight per day with an average rainfall of just 7mm, making December one of the driest months of the year in terms of rainfall. Humidity levels are a lot higher in winter than the summer with highs of 77% and 6mph winds.

The weather in Utah in the month of december comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics for all the month, but also by clicking on the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Utah in december

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Utah in december.

The climate of Utah in december is very bad

In december in Utah, the climate is rather dry (with 1.7in of precipitation over 3 days). The weather's not getting better compared to the previous month since in november there is an average of 1in of precipitation over 1 days.

The climate is quite cold in that area december. Do not forget to take with you warm clothes! The high seasonal norm is 32°F. In the morning the temperature drops to 20°F. Thus, the mean temperature average in december in Utah is 27°F. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Utah in the month of december with a maximum record of 54°F in 2015 and a minimum record of -9°F in 2009.

On this month of december, day length in Utah is generally 09:24. Sunrise is at 07:38 and sunset is at 17:02.

December: another location in the United States (USA)?

If you want to go to the United States (USA) in december, there are destinations with better weather than Utah:

In december, Miami (Florida) has perfect weather.

Furthermore, Hawaii (Honolulu), Houston, Phoenix (Arizona), Carolina Beach, Dauphin Island (Alabama) and Edisto Beach have good weather.

Finally, California, Louisiana, Austin, Atlanta, Dallas and Myrtle Beach have a tolerable climate, but better than Utah.

more information about United States's weather in december

Seasonal average climate and temperature of Utah in december

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are generated from the weather statements of the last years of december.

November December January
Outside temperature
Average temperature 38°F 27°F 25°F
Highest temperature 45°F 32°F 32°F
Lowest temperature 29°F 20°F 18°F
Highest record temperature 67°F
Lowest record temperature -7°F
Number of days at -32°F 21 day(s)
30 day(s)
31 day(s)
Wind speed 14km/h 12km/h 11km/h
Wind temperature 25°F 13°F 13°F
Precipitation (rainfall)
Rainfall 1in 1.7in 1.4in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
3 day(s)
3 day(s)
Record daily rainfall 1.1in
Snowfall 161.2cm 348.6cm 306.1cm
Other climate data
Humidity 64% 76% 82%
Visibility 9.6km 8.61km 8.11km
Cloud cover 17% 27% 29%
UV index 3 2 2
Daily sunshine hours 9 8 8
Sunrise and sunset
Time of sunrise 07:09 07:38 07:43
Time of sunset 17:09 17:02 17:26
Length of day 10:00 09:24 09:43
Our opinion about the weather in december
Our opinion at very bad very bad very bad

How was the weather last december?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Utah in december 2021:


38°F to 52°F


36°F to 52°F


36°F to 52°F


36°F to 50°F


34°F to 50°F


32°F to 41°F


29°F to 45°F


29°F to 38°F


29°F to 36°F


16°F to 27°F


14°F to 25°F


18°F to 32°F


20°F to 31°F


23°F to 38°F


18°F to 36°F


18°F to 29°F


16°F to 29°F


14°F to 27°F


18°F to 31°F


20°F to 31°F


22°F to 31°F


23°F to 31°F


25°F to 29°F


29°F to 41°F


22°F to 34°F


23°F to 31°F


18°F to 25°F


13°F to 22°F


11°F to 22°F


16°F to 27°F


22°F to 32°F

Map: other cities in the United States (USA) in december

Cities near Utah:

Arches National Park (Utah) in december very bad weather
Moab in december very bad weather
Canyonlands National Park (Utah) in december very bad weather
Salt Lake City in december very bad weather
Bryce Canyon in december very bad weather
Page (Arizona) in december very bad weather
Monument Valley in december very bad weather
Zion National Park in december very bad weather
Mesa Verde National Park (Colorado) in december very bad weather
Grand Canyon in december very bad weather
Havasu Falls (Arizona) in december very bad weather
Rachel (Nevada) in december very bad weather
United States in december: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in december.


perfect weather
very bad

Weather data for Utah in december:

Weather data for Utah for december are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Utah. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Utah can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Utah.

Weather in november in Utah

Weather in january in Utah

Is December a good time to visit Salt Lake City?

High Season: December - March Whether you want to do tricks in a terrain park, maneuver down some chutes, or just hit the bunny trail, December through March are great months to visit. Utah is known for its light, dry snow, which is why it is a popular place for winter sports.

Will Utah have snow in December?

Utah weather December Winter in Utah is a sight to behold. Snow covers the land and snow sports such as snowboarding and skiing are very popular in Park City. Temperatures are very cold and it's more likely to snow than rain. Utah weather in December is very chilly with temperatures at their lowest at night.

Will Salt Lake City have snow for Christmas?

While less than even, the odds of snow blanketing Milwaukee, Cleveland or Salt Lake City on Dec 25th are still pretty high, at 40 percent or more. ... Chances of Snow for Christmas at USA Cities..

What is the coldest month in Salt Lake City?

The cold season lasts for 3.0 months, from November 22 to February 24, with an average daily high temperature below 47°F. The coldest month of the year in Salt Lake City is January, with an average low of 23°F and high of 37°F.


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