What blood pressure medication does not lower heart rate

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Do all blood pressure meds affect heart rate?

Can blood pressure medications affect heart rate? Yes, some blood pressure medications can affect heart rate. The main medications that can affect your heart rate are beta-blockers, like: Metoprolol (Lopressor)

Does blood pressure medication also lower heart rate?

Some medications used for high blood pressure, particularly beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers, can also cause a low pulse. In order to lower your blood pressure, these medications decrease your pulse, reducing the workload placed on your heart.

What blood pressure medicine controls heart rate?

Beta-Blockers to Slow Your Heart Rate Beta-blockers are a type of blood pressure medicine. Some of them are: Atenolol (Tenormin) Bisoprolol (Zebeta, Ziac)

Does lisinopril lower HR?

Will lisinopril lower my heart rate? No, lisinopril should not lower your heart rate. This effect wasn't seen in clinical studies. Depending on the condition you're using lisinopril to treat, other medications you take with lisinopril may lower your heart rate.


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