What is the difference between psychology and psychotherapy

Psychology students who are figuring out what kind of psychology professional they’d like to be after graduation often ask the question, what is the difference between a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist? Although these aren’t the only types of professions, with over seven professions listed in psychology, they are the most popular. Here are some of the ways that these professions are different.

Psychotherapist is an Umbrella Term

One of the biggest differences between these two professions is that one is an umbrella term while the other is a very specific profession; confusion between the two is common and has led to some people seeking help from the wrong professional.

A psychotherapist is an umbrella term, meaning all clinical psychologists, along with other psychology professionals, can put themselves under this term. A psychotherapist is a name that is given to professionals who provide therapy for clients.

Clinical Psychologists Have One Focus

Clinical psychologists differ from psychotherapists in one other major area: the area of emphasis of their work.

Clinical psychologists are either research-focused or applied in their emphasis; this professional can work as a researcher in labs and academic settings or become a therapist that works with clients in a clinical or private setting.

Psychotherapists generally only work in therapy with clients and don’t do any research. They can be found in schools, medical settings, community health centers and more.

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Academic Requirements Matter

When it comes to education, psychotherapists and clinical psychologists have requirements that need to be met before becoming licensed or certified. For both professions, a college education is required, which includes training in a real-world setting and research projects; at least an undergraduate degree is required for anyone looking to become certified in either profession.

But there are differences between the education that is required of psychotherapists and that of clinical psychologists.

Clinical psychologists major in psychology at the undergraduate degree level and then move on into clinical psychology programs at the doctorate level, which requires four more years of school. They are also required to complete clinical placements and a research thesis as well. Only after graduation can this professional seek licensure in their state; requirements for licensure can differ between states.

Psychotherapists, on the other hand, do not require an undergraduate education based in psychology; psychotherapy training begins at the graduate level, so as long as a student comes from a professional background, they will eligible to train as a psychotherapist. This profession requires a graduate education and some applied practice. Some states require psychotherapists to have certifications.

Professional Background can Differ

Professional backgrounds vary widely between psychotherapists and clinical psychologists, meaning that choosing one or the other comes with advantages.

Psychotherapists can have formal training in any profession prior to becoming a professional in psychology. This can include medicine, psychology, public policy, criminal justice, and more. They gain their professional training in this field at the graduate level, taking on internships while in school to understand how the career works.

Clinical psychologists, however, have worked nearly their entire adult life in psychology. Because so much schooling and clinical placements are required for clinical psychologists, they rarely work in any other industry, ensuring that they have a long and successful academic and professional career prior to being certified as a professional.

The psychology field can be difficult to navigate, particularly for students who know whether or not they want to be researchers or therapists. The above article has answered the question, what is the difference between a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist, and will allow both students and clients find the therapist that works best for them.

See also: Top 25 Most Affordable Master’s Degrees in Counseling in the Northeast

Are you ready to do impactful work in your community?

When it comes to seeking help for a mental illness or any kind of mental problems, two names come to mind: Psychologists and Psychiatrists. But who do we approach? Psychologists and psychiatrists are both trained in the same practice of mental health care, yet the treatments they offer vary on the type of mental condition. If you are seeking someone to counsel for mental illnesses, whom do you approach? 

Read on to understand what is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

Psychologist and Psychiatrist - Educational Background

While both psychologists and psychiatrists essentially study the same subject of mental health, their approach to the subject is very different. 

A psychiatrist studies to get a medical degree in the field of mental health either to attain an MD (doctor of medicine) or DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine). After they graduate with either of the degrees, they write an exam to gain a license to practice their field in a chosen state.

They are then required to continue the practice for a minimum of four years in a hospital under supervision from senior doctors. Psychiatrists must also renew their practice certifications every 10 years. 

A psychologist studies a graduate program in medicine for a period of four or six years to attain a PhD (doctor of philosophy) or PsyD (doctor of psychology) degree. They will also be required to complete an exam to gain license in a chosen state to practice professionally.  

Approach to Treatments

Being certified medical professionals, psychiatrists are authorised to diagnose and treat documented cases of mental illness. You would usually find a psychiatrist employed at a major hospital, a rehabilitation centre, a medical university, nursing homes or practicing in a private institution. 

Psychologists are not authorised to prescribe medications. Instead, they recommend talk therapies and exercises that are best suited for mild mental conditions, and this is all done through careful observation and counselling with their patients. They are also found in similar places as psychiatrists but prefer setting up a private practice. 

Whom to Consult - a Pyschiatrist or a Psychologist?

Before you approach a psychiatrist or a psychologist, you must first consider the kind of mental health issues you are facing. If someone you care about is undergoing lots of stress and shows signs of anxiety and depression, it is best to consult a psychologist. Psychologists will take them through mental therapy sessions to ease their troubled mind. 

Psychiatrists are best consulted when a person is undergoing severe cases of mental illness. This is evident through extreme fluctuations in mood, behaviour and an unusual pattern of disruptions in daily living due to mental health issues. The psychiatrist will be able to diagnose the issue and provide the best medications to help control their mental state. 

There are many cases where consulting both a psychologist and psychiatrist can prove beneficial. The two normally work in tandem, when it comes to diagnosing and treating a mental illness. 

On the financial front, make sure you have medical insurance to cover for the medications and if needed, medical therapies that a psychiatrist would recommend. Psychologists normally split their fees on a monthly or per-visit basis. 

Important Questions to Ask

When you have decided whom to consult, it’s best to be well prepared before your first visit. One good way to get comfortable with both a psychiatrist and a psychologist is to have a list of questions you should ask to break the ice and get familiar with them. 

Some questions to ask your psychiatrist: 

  • 1. What are the treatment options available? 
  • 2. How long is the medication process?
  • 3. Are there any side effects of the treatment?
  • 4. Will I develop a dependency of the medication?
  • 5. What happens if I skip treatment? 

Some questions to ask your psychologist:  

  • 1. How long have you been in practice? 
  • 2. Describe your ideal patient?
  • 3. How long will the sessions be? 
  • 4. Do you work independently? 
  • 5. How much do you charge? 


Both psychologists and psychiatrists are equally capable in their field to work with mental illness. No one is better than the other, they are experts in their own areas of specialization and effective results are seen when both of them work together to improve an individual’s mental wellbeing.

At Cadabam’s, we believe in a multi-approach for the best outcome. Meet the best of the psychiatrist and the psychologist who work hand in hand to give you the best treatment.


1.Is it better to see a psychiatrist or psychologist?

Ans. A question that everyone faces when they seek help for mental health , psychiatrist vs psychologist, whom to choose? Well, the answer depends, If you feel you need medication for your condition, you can approach a psychiatrist. However, if you feel you do not want to take the medication route, you can consult a psychologist. Further, if you feel undecided, a psychologist would be a good starting point. 

2.How is a psychologist different from a psychiatrist?

Ans. What is the difference between psychologist and psychiatrist? A question we have been asked innumerable times. Psychiatrists and Psychologists come from different educational backgrounds. They differ in their expertise as well. Psychiatrists are certified medical professionals with a background of studying medicine. Psychologists approach mental health from a different perspective and have to attain a degree of PhD ( Doctor of Philosophy). Psychiatrists can prescribe medication while psychologists have 

 3.Is a psychologist a Doctor?

Ans. A psychologist is a trained mental health professional who has completed a PhD. This is where the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist lies. A psychiatrist can prescribe medication while a psychologist focuses on the therapeutic approach to recovery. A psychologist uses approaches like REBT, CBT, Counselling and many other approaches to ensure you complete full recovery. 

Is psychotherapy the same as a psychologist?

A psychotherapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional, who has had further specialist training in psychotherapy. Increasingly, there are a number of psychotherapists who do not have backgrounds in the above fields, but who have undertaken in-depth training in this area.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psycho?

Both psychologists and psychiatrists can provide psychotherapy. However, most psychiatrists treat patients primarily by prescribing medication, while psychologists mainly rely on providing talk and/or behavioral therapy.

What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a Counselling psychologist?

Whilst there's a lot of overlap between them, a psychotherapist will usually take a more in-depth approach than that of a counsellor. They're also better equipped to deal with complex mental health problems such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and personality disorders.