What is the difference between tonsillitis and tonsil stones

What is the difference between tonsillitis and tonsil stones

When you hear the word stones in reference to a health issue, your mind probably goes straight to kidney stones. However, another type of stone that people have often never heard of until their dentist explains the condition is tonsil stones. Some people are more susceptible to getting recurring tonsil stones than others, and they most commonly affect those who have chronic inflammation in their tonsils. 

Learn more about why you may be experiencing tonsil stones and what you can do to prevent them from becoming a reoccurring issue. 

Common Causes of Tonsil Stones

Your tonsils are filled with nooks and crannies where bacteria can become trapped. As a result, the bacteria and debris combine to create a white pus formation in the pockets, and tonsil stones form when the trapped debris hardens. 

The most common causes of tonsil stones include:

  • Bacterial infections 
  • Viral infections 
  • Streptococcus bacteria 
  • Adenoviruses 
  • Influenza virus
  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Parainfluenza virus
  • Enteroviruses

Symptoms of Tonsillitis 

While the main symptom of tonsillitis is inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, there are a few other symptoms to watch for if you think you are experiencing tonsil stones, including:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • A frequent sore throat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Earaches and ear pain
  • Ongoing cough
  • Swollen tonsils 
  • White or yellow debris on the tonsils 

Preventing Tonsil Stones From Forming

Tonsil stones are most commonly found in those who experience chronic tonsillitis. The most effective way to prevent both tonsil stones and tonsillitis is to have your tonsils surgically removed. A tonsillectomy removes the tissues of the tonsils entirely, and in trade, eliminates all possibilities of further health issues with your tonsils. 

Undergoing a tonsillectomy typically leaves patients with difficulty swallowing and a sore throat for a few days to a week after the procedure. Once the patient is healed, they will no longer experience pain and discomfort from tonsil infections. 

Home Remedies and Treatments 

If you have tonsil stones, they may reoccur regularly if you choose not to have your tonsils surgically removed. While there are a few preventative steps you can take to keep them from returning, surgical intervention will likely be necessary at some point in the future. 

Home remedies and treatments include:

Improving your oral hygiene habits.

Practice good oral hygiene at home, including cleaning the bacteria off the back of your tongue with a toothbrush when you brush your teeth.

Quit smoking.

Eliminate smoking or using other tobacco products that could be creating the bacteria in your throat that is causing you to have tonsil stones. 

Gargling with saltwater. 

Gargle vigorously with a saltwater rinse to ease throat discomfort and help dislodge stuck tonsil stones. Try dissolving ½ teaspoon of table salt in a cup with 8oz of warm water and gargle. 


Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to keep tonsil stones from forming. Water can also increase natural saliva production and help to change the chemistry in your mouth. 


Energetic coughing can help to loosen stones. Try coughing after first gargling saltwater when the stones have been loosened with liquid. 


Antibiotics can help lower the bacteria count that plays a crucial role in the development and growth of future tonsil stones. Antibiotics should not be used as a long-term solution because they will not treat the underlying cause of the stones.

When To Worry About Tonsil Stones

Sure, they may be uncomfortable and annoying, but how can you tell if your tonsil stones should receive professional attention? It comes down to the size and location of the stone, as well as your discomfort level. 

When in doubt, check-in with your dentist and discuss whether you should consider having your tonsils removed. If you experience chronic tonsil infections and tonsil stones, a tonsillectomy could be the answer to your recurring pains. 

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Tonsil stones are small hard lumps that can form in your tonsils. Tonsil stones can cause bad breath, an irritable cough, gagging, and throat discomfort. Unlike tonsillitis, tonsil stones are more common in adults than in children, although they can happen at any age.

Can tonsil stones be tonsillitis?

You can get tonsil stones without having tonsillitis — in fact, many people get tonsil stones very frequently. And usually tonsil stones are harmless, but in some rare cases, they can cause tonsillitis. (3) And that's why you may notice those white spots and patches if you have tonsillitis.

Should you remove tonsil stones if you have tonsillitis?

Trying to scrape them off with a cotton swab or your finger can sometimes make the infection worse. If this happens, you should seek medical attention. You should see a doctor if your tonsil stones persist, continue to get larger, or if they're large.

How do I know if I have tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones look like small white or pale yellow bumps on your tonsils. Usually they're gravel size or slightly larger. They can smell foul and cause bad breath. Other typical symptoms include: sore throat, the sensation of something being stuck in the back of your throat, and problems swallowing.