What is the solution to 3 3x 9 18

Solve for x




Linear Equation

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Combine 4x and 3x to get 7x.


To find the opposite of 2x+3, find the opposite of each term.


Subtract 3 from 12 to get 9.


Add 2x to both sides.


Combine 7x and 2x to get 9x.


Add 9 to both sides.


Add 9 and 9 to get 18.


Divide both sides by 9.


Divide 18 by 9 to get 2.



Grade 10 · 2021-06-24

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What is the solution to What is the solution to 3|-3x+9|=-18 x=-5 x=5 or x - Gauthmath
x=5 or x=1
x=-5 or x=1
no solution


Emory University

Master's degree



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To find the interval for the first piece, find where the inside of the absolute value is non-negative.

Add to both sides of the inequality.

Divide each term in by and simplify.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

In the piece where is non-negative, remove the absolute value.

To find the interval for the second piece, find where the inside of the absolute value is negative.

Add to both sides of the inequality.

Divide each term in by and simplify.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

In the piece where is negative, remove the absolute value and multiply by .

Apply the distributive property.

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