When does your first tooth fall out

Children usually lose their first tooth sometime between age six and seven years old. Some kids are a little earlier and others a little later though. One big influence seems to be the timing of when he started getting teeth and when he got his last baby tooth.

The average child gets his first baby tooth at age 6 months and then gets three to four new teeth every three to four months. This continues until the second molars erupt at about age 2 to 2.5 years, at which time your child should have all 20 baby teeth.

If your child got his first tooth early or finished getting all of his baby teeth early, then he might start losing his baby teeth early too. On the other hand, if he didn't get his first tooth until age 12 months or 15 months, then he might be a little later than average in shedding or losing his first tooth.

Getting Permanent Teeth

Once he does start losing his teeth, the pattern will seem like a reverse of how these baby teeth came in. He should first lose the bottom two middle teeth, which are called the mandibular central incisors. Next, the top two middle teeth will fall out, followed by his canines, first molars, and second molars. By age 11 to13, the process should be complete and all of his baby teeth will be gone.

The secondary or permanent teeth soon begin erupting as your child loses baby teeth. This process isn't complete until your child gets his third molars or wisdom teeth at 17 to 22 years of age.

The Tooth Fairy

The other big question is how much money should your child expect the tooth fairy to bring?

It varies, from a few quarters to a few dollars, although the tooth fairy often brings more for the first baby tooth that is lost.

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By Vincent Iannelli, MD
Vincent Iannelli, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Iannelli has cared for children for more than 20 years.

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At what time do you fall asleep? When do the leaves start falling? At what age do baby teeth fall out? There's a pattern here. Can you recognize it? All of these questions have an answer, but the answer isn't the same for every person, tree, or child. Concerning losing baby teeth — that's a big deal. It should be celebrated, enjoyed, and fruitful for your child (see tooth fairy). But before we share a typical timeline for teeth falling out, let's dig a little deeper into tooth loss and how it's a normal part of growing up.

Why Do Kids Lose Their Teeth?

The first question should be, why? Why is your child losing their teeth? Well, that's quite simple. It's because everyone's' teeth do. How we lose our teeth is a little more detailed. And that's due to the baby tooth's roots dissolving. As it dissolves, it becomes loose, and it could take a few months for the tooth to fall out. When we're born, we have all of our baby and adult teeth. The adult teeth below will begin to grow, making the baby tooth looser. It's up to you how much you divulge to your little one, but the most important thing to communicate to keep them relaxed and calm is that losing your teeth is normal and healthy.

Which Baby Teeth Fall Out First?

It's a good question. And typically, baby teeth start falling out in the same order they came in. The bottom two front teeth and top two front teeth are usually the first invited to walk the plank from out of their gums to under their pillow. So prepare yourself for unbalanced smiles as your child grows up. It's all part of the growing process. But again, this is typical. Don't be alarmed if this isn't the order for your little one. If you're concerned or have questions, talk to your dentist.

So 'when' is the big question? When do baby teeth fall out? Typically, it's right around when your child is going to school full time. So around kindergarten or 1st grade is pretty standard for them to have some gaps in their smile. The Mayo Clinic says:

  • From ages of 6 up to 13 is common
  • Each child varies
  • Girls usually lose their teeth sooner

You may find the eruption chart from the American Dental Association for both baby and permanent teeth helpful. Again, all of these details are average. Don't fret if your little one is a little early or late compared to their BFF or even a sibling. The order in which they come in is actually more important. If you're worried about the timing or order of your child's baby teeth falling out, schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss it.

How To Keep Baby Teeth Healthy

Like many things in life, the sooner you're able to start a routine, the better. And this definitely applies to your kid's oral hygiene. So they should be:

  • Brushing twice per day
  • Flossing regularly
  • Using fluoride toothpaste
  • Seeing their dentist twice per year

If you're able to teach and establish a good oral care routine with your child, you'll be well ahead of the curve. Without this, plaque and tooth decay could form, leading to cavities. And that's a whole other conversation.

When your child's baby teeth fall out varies from person to person. Usually, it starts around the age of 6 and ends around 13. If you or your child notice anything strange or irregular about their baby teeth going out and adult teeth coming in, set up a time to have your dentist take a look. Your dentist's experience and an X-ray should help things fall into place.

Is it normal for a 4 year old to lose teeth?

It's considered normal if kids start feeling a loose tooth as early as age 4 — or haven't lost any as late as age 8. Even if your kid has an accident and loses a tooth younger than age 6, you probably don't need to worry. Just be sure to check in with your dentist, who can address any concerns.

What age do 1st teeth fall out?

At what age do children start losing their baby teeth? Answer From Miao Xian (Cindy) Zhou, D.M.D., M.S. A child's baby teeth (primary teeth) typically begin to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth at about age 6. However, sometimes this can be delayed by as much as a year.

Do all 1st teeth fall out?

Your baby will begin to gain teeth around 6 months of age, and this will continue until around the age of 3. From the age of 6, your child will eventually lose all of their baby teeth by the time they're 12 years old. By the time your child reaches their teenage years, they'll have 32 permanent adult teeth.

Is it normal for a 5 year old to have a loose tooth?

On average, children start to get loose baby teeth around age 6. This is just the average though. Some children will experience their first loose tooth at age 4, or even as late as age 8.


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