When to start taking your birth control

This is typically the first tip that Dr. Yen gives to women who are taking birth control pills for the first time, for a few reasons.

The time you take your pill is very important, so it’s good to find the optimal time for you.

Dr. Yen recommends taking your pill right before bed because it can help dispel nausea some experience when taking the pill. If you take the pill on an empty stomach, you may be more likely to experience nausea. Additionally, taking the pill right after you’ve eaten can decrease the likelihood of experiencing other unpleasant symptoms.

A good time to take the pill is in the evening, either just before you go to bed or around dinner time, says Dr. Yen. Our a recent interview, she said, “In the 19+ years that I’ve been prescribing women birth control, I’ve only had 2 women who woke up from sleep with nausea. Everyone else has been totally fine.”

If you still have nausea after a week of taking the pill before bed, take it around dinner time or whenever you have your largest meal.

Another good reason to take the pill at this time is that it’ll help with consistency. It is advised that you take the pill at the same time every day, or at least as close as you can. This is because their effectiveness can decrease if you skip a pill or take them at completely different times of day, say 8am one day and 5pm the next. Dinner and bedtime happen every day, giving you a good time marker to take your pill.

Tip 2: Start your birth control on the last day of your period

Although you can start birth control at any time, Dr. Yen recommends taking your first pill on the last day of your period. According to Dr. Yen, this allows the uterus to clean out, as you will have just had your period so you can have a fresh start. 

Another benefit to starting birth control at the end of your period is that it should start working right away. That being said, if you have a BMI of 30 or greater, it may take up to a week for your body to recognize the new hormones introduced by the pill. Either way, it is a best practice to use condoms while taking your first pack of birth control to ensure protection against pregnancy and prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs.).

Tip 3: Give your body some time to adjust 

Give your body at least 2-3 months for your body to get used to any pill. We know the first few weeks can be bumpy, but it takes time for your body to adjust to the medication and hormones.

Even though you may be getting protection right away, your body may need some extra time to get used to it. For example, you may experience some spotting or bleeding between periods. This is your body’s natural reaction to the introduction of new hormones, and it’s nothing to be worried about.

Contact your doctor if you begin to experience symptoms that negatively impact your quality of living. This will help you determine what could be going on in your body and if you should consider trying another type of birth control. This leads us on to…

Tip 4: There are 40+ different pills

Thankfully if you dislike the first type of birth control you are prescribed, there are plenty of other options that you can try.

At this stage, it is important to stay in touch with your doctor as they will want to review your reaction and help you find your perfect birth control match if you experience unwanted side effects.

Tip 5: Everybody is unique and may require something different 

If you are looking for an indication of what type of birth control will work for you, you can try asking your female relatives, such as your mom, sister, or other blood-relatives, what has worked for them.

However, it is important to recognize that every person’s body is different and thus, may require a different method of contraception. 

Plus, if the pill is not for you, you can check out the patch, ring, shot, or IUD

Tip 6: Consult a doctor for advice on which birth control is best for you 

Starting birth control may seem like a scary process! Thankfully, you don’t have to go about it alone.

Although you don’t need to work with an OB-GYN to get a prescription for birth control, that may be a good place to start if you’re nervous. This type of doctor will have more experience helping women improve their reproductive health and will be best placed to answer any questions you may have.

Starting birth control may seem like a scary process! Thankfully, you don’t have to go about it alone. Although you do not need to work with an OB-GYN to get a prescription, that may be a good place to start, as this type of doctor will have more experience helping women improve their reproductive health. 

How can Pandia Health help? 

The pill you’re prescribed will depend on many factors, including your health history, BMI and age. At Pandia Health, we pride ourselves on prescribing birth control based on how your body will react.

We’re the ONLY doctor founded and led birth control company and are here to help make your birth control experience as positive as possible.


With extended hours available seven days a week, our expert doctors are on hand to prescribe the right birth control for you.

With just one $25 payment a year, you can get access to our expert doctors for 364 days (available if you live in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, NV, NY, TX, TN, PA, WA, or WY). That means unlimited questions and advice, which is especially important if you want to change your birth control. Get started to begin your birth control journey today!

Speaking of doctors Pandia Health is proud to be the ONLY #DoctorFounded and #DoctorLed birth control delivery company. Our expert doctors are here to help make your birth control experience be as positive as possible.

If you live in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, MN, MI, NV, NY, IL, TX, TN, PA, WA, or WY, you can sign up for an online doctor consultation with one of our providers. You can also transfer a current prescription to our pharmacy to get your birth control delivered right to your mailbox.

With Pandia Health, you can #SkipTheTrip to the pharmacy and feel confident that you will never run out of birth control on our watch.  


Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor/primary care provider before starting or changing treatment.

Do you have to wait for your period to start birth control?

So there's no need to wait for the first day of your period to start taking your birth control pills — you can start whenever you like! At the longest, you'll only have to wait 7 days for the pills to start being effective — just make sure you're using a backup method like condoms during those days.

Can you start the pill at any time of the month?

Starting the first pack of pills You can start the progestogen-only pill at any time in your menstrual cycle. If you start it on day 1 to 5 of your menstrual cycle (the first 5 days of your period), it'll work straight away and you'll be protected against pregnancy.


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