Why couldn t the chicken find her egg

Updated: December 3, 2020

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

…To get the new edition of the Farmers’ Almanac, of course!

To celebrate National Tell A Joke Day, here are some of our favorite chicken jokes:

On what side does a chicken have the most feathers?
The outside.

How do chickens dance?
Chick to chick.

Why couldn’t the hen find her eggs?
Because she mislaid them.

What’s the best kind of car to be driving when you want to play chicken?
A coupe.

What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
Poultry in motion.

Why didn’t the chicken skeleton cross the road?
Because she didn’t have enough guts.

What do you call a scary chicken?
A poultrygeist.

What day do chickens hate most?

What do chickens grow on?

What do you call the door to a chicken coop?
The hen-trance.

Where do chickens go on vacation?
San Di-egg-o.

Got any chicken jokes of your own? Share them with us in the comments below!

Can’t get enough? We’ve got more brainteasers and riddles here.

About the author

Keep Exploring

So it turns out that I’m the bad super hero as I appear to use this blog for bad rather than good! (Mostly at how bad my jokes are, although if there’s any opportunity to tell a bad joke I’ll take it every time!)

But today saw the completion of the chicken run in the Walled Garden, and I have to say that I very much dislike chicken wire! It doesn’t sit well with the perfectionist in me! But after a fair few days of work and a few too many overtime hours the run was finally completed!

Duncan, Anthony and Nelson building the run

There were lots of people who helped us on the way, (including Nelson, who helped by bringing me his ball so I could throw it and stop stapling wire and digging post holes!) Duncan and I really enjoyed digging in all those posts, especially since those big ones had to have about half a metre of clay dug out without the auger!
I was however very grateful that Paul and Alan dug out most of the trench for the lower wire to be buried into! and I was even happier when Anthony told me off for not putting the turf back in the holes properly! Although over the past few weeks I have realised that there is someone out there who’s more (much more) of a perfectionist than I am! Which I find quite comforting!

Alan couldn’t resist either!
Paul joins in the Fun!
Duncan and I admire the colour of the sky and the lovely
thunder and lightening!

 But it was nice to know that the gods were on our side or rather they weren’t as we had a nice thunder storm go over head, but the rain was thankfully not too heavy for too long and I did get to try out my new waterproof trousers! Which looked even better  as I had to tie the bottoms up a little bit to fit my short legs! I think the name Worzel Gummidge may have been banded which I think may have been a little harsh!!! (however having seen some photos maybe those comments were fair! but shhhh don’t tell the gardeners that!)
After several days of Anthony and I putting up chicken wire I think by the end we were starting to get the hang of it and it was going on a lot quicker than when we started.

All Smiles!

 However much we tried to continue putting the finally lot of wire on last night (we had to give up at about 5.20 as we could barely see!) Although it only took us a few hours this morning to finish and then it was time to make the inner gate and just after lunch we managed to finish everything! Anthony and I still had grins on our faces at the end, perhaps that was due to the random 80s and 90s theme tunes we were signing or the random games which kept us laughing most days!

Hopefully the chickens will enjoy their new home and will be safe from any pesky foxes! (Although I think if they manage to make it over the large wall and both fences then they deserve a chicken!)

(N.B. Anthony/Paul I accept thanks for my hard work in the form of shiny, sparkly, pretty things or alternatively a drink down the pub!)

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