Why do you think malala captured international attention

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Terms in this set (92)

What is the origin of Malala's birthname?

named after Malalai, the greatest heroine of Afghanistan

Why is Malala's name significant considering her gender?

the name comes from a woman who was brave enough to turn a war around with powerful words, which is considered unsuitable for a female

What is Malala's birthdate?

July 12, 1997

How does her mother view Malala's arrival, especially considering her gender?

she was afraid to tell the father it was a girl

How does her father view Malala's arrival, especially considering her gender?

he was delighted

What is the relationship between Britain, India, and Pakistan?

Before, Pakistan used to be a part of India, and Britain used to be in control of it. Because of religious reasons, people created a new country called Pakistan.

What is Independence Day?

the day Britain released rule over India

What is the main religion in Pakistan?


What is the place of women in Pakistan?


List the five pillars of Islam and which of them seem harmonious with Christianity.

1. belief in one god (yes)
2. five prayers a day (yes)
3. giving alms (yes)
4. fasting from dawn till sunset during the month of Ramadan (yes)
5. pilgrimage to Mecca (no)

What is jihad?

holy war or internal struggle

How is Malala's commitment to education demonstrated (6 ways)

1. helped other pupils
2. participated in everything
3. top student in class and would be disappointed if she wasn't
4. had stayed late after school after winter break
5. studying really mattered to her
6. began writing her own speeches

According to Malala, why does she take Safina's jewelry?

she took revenge on her for supposedly stealing her toy phone

"...the almonds in the dish were a reminder of my guilt." Comment on Malala's ongoing sense of guilt: "But I still feel guilty, and to this day I say sorry to God in my prayers."

Malala had stolen costly almonds at a bazaar. Her parents put the handful of almonds in a dish.

Why do Pashtuns not say, "nanama' (thank you)?

because they believe that words aren't enough to express kindness

According to Yousafzai, why were the Americans interested in Pakistan in the 1980s and again after 9/11?

because they wanted to find terrorists and have Pakistan help them

How old was Malala when the World Trade Center tragedy occurred?

9 years old

Consider Malala's letter to God after seeing the children at the "rubbish mountain." What does this reveal about her?

It asked if she could be perfect so the world could be as well. She wanted to bury it so that God would be able to receive it, but she placed it in the river instead.

Why does Ziauddin want to start a school (2 reasons)?

1. the freedom that would come along
2. to encourage independent thought and creativity

What are some challenges that Ziauddin had to overcome to establish his school (7 challenges)?

1. his partner, Naeem, didn't get along with him
2. not many people were convinced
3. little money
4. untrained teachers
5. refused to pay bribes
6. since he got married, the goldsmith demanded money for the wedding bangles
7. floods

What is the importance of greeting in Islamic tradition?

important aspect of respect. If it isn't done, people will lose favor in each other.

How did the Taliban's attitude impact Malala's school (2 ways)?

1. suggested teachers stop teaching to help them
2. attacked girls schools

Describe Malala's surgeries.

had her appendix taken out and tonsils removed

Who was Benazir Bhutto and how did she die?

first woman prime minister in Pakistan. A suicide bomber bombed by the side of her caravan.

Which countries offered to treat Malala (5 countries) Which was chosen and how was she transported there?

1. USA
2. Germany
3. Singapore
4. UAE
5. Britain
Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham. The UAE ruling family offered their private jet so Malala would be flown to Pakistan.

What are 2 of Malala's concerns when she regains consciousness?

1. Where her father was
2. Who would pay for all her care

What one request does Malala make of her father when she learns that he's coming?

to bring her school bag. If he couldn't, buy new books so that she could study for her board exam in March

How did pop stars show their support for Malala (4 ways)?

1. Beyonce wrote her a card and posted it on Facebook
2. Selena Gomez tweeted about her.
3. Madonna dedicated a song to her.
4. Angelina Jolie sent her a message.

What were 2 significant changes in Malala that her parents noticed after their arrival at her hospital?

1. her face wasn't symmetrical
2. her smile was gone

Dr. Richard Irving conducts an eight and a half hour procedure to Malala's facial nerve. What results please her parents?

to see movement on her face

How old was Malala when she delivered her speech at the United Nations?


Dr. Richard Irving conducts an eight and a half hour procedure to Malala's facial nerve. Which results please Malala most?

that she was able to smile and wink

What was Malala's focus for her speech at the United Nations?

She didn't only want to write it for the UN delegates, but for everyone in the world, especially for the suffering. She hoped that every child would stand up for their rights.

How was Malala's message at the United Nations received around the world and in her own country?

Many people supported her worldwide. But people in her country turned against her. They said that she only doing it for the fame.

Who was the first leader of the new country of Pakistan?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

How did the first leader of Pakistan die?

TB and lung cancer due to excessive smoking

If the first leader of Pakistan had lived longer, how would he feel about his country, according to Malala?

very disappointed, that this wasn't the country he wanted. He wanted Pakistan to be independent, tolerant, kind, and freedom for everyone's beliefs.

According to Malala, what conditions in Pakistan require attention? (5 conditions)

1. Many people were illiterate.
2. Many women weren't educated.
3. Schools were being blown up.
4. No reliable electricity supply
5. At least one Pakistani was killed a day.

How does Malala respond to death threats?

It didn't worry her because she knew everyone was gonna die one day. She refused to stop speaking because she considered herself a proud Pashtun.

Why does Malala's father refuse a police escort as he goes to the hospital to visit Zahid Khan?

If he did, the Taliban would use Kalashnikovs or suicide bombers and more people would be killed.

What is the significance of the "Ayah al-Kursi" to Muslims?

The Verse of the Throne from the 2nd surah of the Quran. If it was said 3 times at night, the home would be safe from devils. If it was said 5 times, the street would be safe.

What is noteworthy of the way Malala ended her evening prayer?

She had said to bless all human beings.

How do Malala's parents respond to news of her attack?

Her father was horrified, started to lose hope and desperately prayed to God.
Her mother was convinced that God would save her. She recited verses from the Quran and prayed.

Why was Malala targeted according to the Taliban?

because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism. She promoted Western culture in Pashtun areas, spoke against the Taliban, and called Obama her idol

Which of Malala's causes did the Taliban claim not to attack?

campaign for education

Describe Malala's attack.

After her exam, she rode on the bus with her friends. Two young men stopped the bus asking who Malala was as one of them shot her and a few others from the back.

Describe Malala's medical complications and the treatment plan. (7 incidents)

- On the ride to Peshawar, she was vomiting blood.
- She was put to Intensive Care on a drip. Wound stitched above her left eyebrow and spine palpated, locating a bullet on her left shoulder.
- In another CT scan, there was a bullet near the brain and particles of bone had damaged the brain membrane.
- Later, her brain swelled, causing her consciousness to fade and blood vomiting. A bone had fractured and splinters were in her brain. Pieces of skull had to be removed. The skull bone was put into her stomach.
- A tracheotomy was performed and clots and a bullet were removed. Someone needed to donate blood.
- She was put in an induced coma. Her carbon dioxide lever fell and her condition was deteriorating.
- Infection set in. Blood wasn't clotting, blood pressure was low, blood acid rose, urine wasn't passing, lactate levels rose.

How did General Abbas show his support for education?

When Ziauddin didn't have enough money to pay his teachers, he sent him 1,100,000 rupees.

How did the July monsoons around Malala's 13th birthday impact Malala's school?

The school had to drain water, which left marks on walls. Mud coated everything and smelled disgusting. Money had to be spent to repair.

How did the July monsoons around Malala's 13th birthday impact Pakistan in general? (6 ways)

- Muddy floods raged down the valleys due to lack of trees in the mountain because of the Taliban and timber smugglers.
- Indus River burst.
- Roads, crops, bridges, and villages were washed away. Buildings, homes, and schools were destroyed.
- 2,000 people drowned and 14 million people were affected.
- There was no power afterward.
- No clean water.

According to Malala, when and why does she decide to become a politician? (3 reasons)

- She felt as if her country was running out of hope after the murder of Benazir.
- She knew that her country was going through so many crises and had no real leaders to tackle them.
- She had a long list of demands, such as rebuilding schools and building a girls' university. She felt she'd be able to accomplish these as a politician.

How does Malala feel about her height at age 13?

She felt short for her age.

How did the Raymond Davis episode influence local people's attitudes on America?

There were protests. People thought people like Raymond were in their bazaars, collecting intelligence to send to the US.

How does Swat respond to the killing of Osama bin Laden by American SEALs?

They were supposed to be allies, but the US never involved Pakistan. They felt ashamed not knowing that a terrorist had been hiding in their country for so many years. People were mad at America since they seemed to embarrass them.

Who nominated Malala for the international peace prize of KidsRights?

Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa

How does Malala explain the results at KidsRights?

When she didn't win, Malala pointed out that all she had done was speak out. She didn't have an organization doing practical things like the award winners.

What prizes did Malala receive from the government of Pakistan? (2)

- half a million rupees
- that the prize should be awarded annually to children under 18 and be named the Malala Prize

How was Malala honored by the Sindh government?

They were renaming a girls' secondary school in Malala's honor. She and the members of the Sindh government visited some school, Malala made a speech, children sang for her, and she was presented a painting of her.

Why were so many schools attacked/blown up?

Because Muslim Khan said that some particular schools taught Christianity or taught boys and girls together

Who was Gul Makai?

Gul Makai was the pseudonym used for Malala when she started writing a public diary.

Why was a teen girl publicly beaten?

Because she had come out of her house with a man who wasn't her husband

When and why does Malala's family leave Swat?

Because of the Taliban. Her parents' friends had lost a relative in gunfire. Seeing their grief made Malala's mother want to leave. They left May 5, 2009.

What does IDP mean?

internally displaced persons

What was Malala's request of the American envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan?

to help girls get an education

Describe the earthquake and peoples' attitude to the natural catastrophe.

Oct. 8, 2005. 7.6 on Richter scale. Affected an area as big as Connecticut. More than 73,000 people killed and 128,000 injured. 3 and a half million lost homes. Few buildings collapsed in the local area. But neighboring areas and northern Pakistan were devastated. Entire villages turned to dust. Roads, bridges, water, and power were gone. 6,400 schools were destroyed and 18,000 children died.
Ziauddin gathered essentials. Rescue workers helped people in the mountains. Other countries helped out. Mullahs called this a warning from God.

Who is Isa?


How is Isa mentioned in the story?

The Mullah say that Isa was the Son of Maryam, not the Son of God

What reason does Mullah Ghulamullah offer for demanding that Malala's dad close his school?

Good Muslims thought his school was a blasphemy, that girls shouldn't be going to school.

How does Ziauddin to Mullah Ghulamullah's demand to close the school?

Maryam was everywhere in the Quran and that she was a good woman

How does Ziauddin solve the problem he has with Mullah Ghulamullah complaining about his school?

By telling the mufti that the school had another gate and girls would enter through there

How does the experience of seeing children at the "rubbish mountain" impact Malala?

She wanted her father to give them a place at their school.

"I'll protect your freedom, Malala. Carry on with your dreams." Who says this?


"Teach him, if you can the wonder of books...But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat." Who says this?

Abraham Lincoln

"Freedom isn't worth having if it doesn't include the freedom to make mistakes." Who says this?

Mahatma Gandhi

"She had to overcome obstacles to get where she was going, and I though if you want to achieve a goal, there will be hurdles in your way, but you must continue." Who says this and what does this refer to?

Malala, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

"It's horrible to feel unworthy in the eyes of your parents." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala had stolen almonds in the bazaar, and now she had stolen jewelry from Safina. She wanted to make her parents proud, but she had failed them.

"I'll protect your freedom, Malala. Carry on with your dreams." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala was happy a girl could go to school in Swat, but the Taliban were right around the corner. Ziauddin wanted her to be free in what she believed in.

"Teach him, if you can the wonder of books...But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala had stolen almonds in the bazaar, and now she had stolen jewelry from Safina. Ziauddin consoled her by telling her that even the greatest heroes made mistakes and it is important to make them as long as you learn from them.

"Freedom isn't worth having if it doesn't include the freedom to make mistakes." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala had stolen almonds in the bazaar, and now she had stolen jewelry from Safina. Ziauddin consoled her by telling her that even the greatest heroes made mistakes and it is important to make them as long as you learn from them.

"It was as though they wanted to remove all traces of womankind from public life." What is the situation and significance behind this?

The MMA government removed anything that conveyed women.

"I think when there is a great disaster or our lives are in danger, we remember our sins and wonder how we'll meet God and whether we will be forgiven. But God has also given us the power to forget, so that when the tragedy is over, we carry on as normal." What is the situation and significance behind this?

13 year old Malala and her family lived in an apartment building with a big water tank on the roof. Her mother was terrified and insisted they leave. But her father believed their fate was written by God.

"We were scared, but our fear wasn't as strong as our courage." What is the situation and significance behind this?

A suicide bomber struck at Haji Baba High School close to Malala's home with more than 55 people.

"Though we loved school, we hadn't realized how important education was until the Taliban tried to stop us. Going to school, reading, and doing our homework wasn't just a way of passing time. It was our future." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Fazlullah's deputy announced that all girls' schools would close.

"Manual workers made a great contribution to our society but received no recognition, and this is the reason so many of them joined the Taliban - to finally achieve status and power." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Shabana had been killed for her dancing at the bazaar. People enjoyed seeing her dancing, but didn't like her. This applied to the manual workers as well.

"I couldn't understand what the Taliban were trying to do. 'They're abusing our religion,' I said in interviews. 'How will you accept Islam if I put a gun to your head and say Islam is the true religion? If they want every person in the world to be Muslim, why don't they show themselves to be good Muslims first?" What is the situation and significance behind this?

Ever since Shabana's murder, every moment became worse. The Taliban killed people for not following their lifestyle.

"I began to see that the pen and the words that come from it can be much more powerful than machine guns, tanks, or helicopters. We were learning how to struggle. And we were learning how powerful we are when we speak." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala started writing a diary under the pen name Gul Makai, which received much attention across the world.

"Coming first didn't matter if you couldn't study at all. When someone takes away your pens you realize quite how important education is." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala had exams in March at school. But she was afraid the Taliban would do bad things to her if they found her going to school.

"Education is education. We should learn everything and choose which path to follow. Education is neither Eastern or Western. It is human." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Muslim Khan had said girl shouldn't go to schools and learn Western ways. He insisted to have his own education system.

"I know the importance of education because my pen and books were taken from me by force." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala was invited by the chief minister of Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif, to speak in Lahore at an education gala.

"It is my belief that God sends the solution first and the problem later." Who says this?

Dr. Javid

"It is my belief that God sends the solution first and the problem later." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala's father had to stay when she was taken to the UK.

"She had to overcome obstacles to get where she was going, and I thought if you want to achieve a goal, there will be hurdles in your way. But you must continue." What is the situation and significance behind this?

Malala was enduring headaches. She had just gone through surgery and she herself was facing obstacles because of her campaign for education.

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