Your boyfriend game don x reader

Im thinking about writing something with a sadomasochistic relationship between Y/N and Peter

Like, Y/N isn’t in love with Peter but sees him as a little puppet which can control to their will BUT they have some killer tendencies and uses Peter to take out people without them being the “culprit”(?)

And Peter, oh sweet and love blinded Peter, he’s just so SO enamoured with Y/N that he doesn’t see well through their lies.

“He tried to touch me in the alley, i was so scared” and Peter blinded by rage that someone, a fucking piece of garbage, tried to touch his darling but actually the target was someone that Y/N just hated.

Also Y/N ENJOYS physically hurting Peter and he just enjoys as well cause at least they are touching him.

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#your boyfriend peter #your boyfriend game #your boyfriend x reader #your boyfriend imagine #your boyfriend scenario #yb peter #yb peter x y/n

requests: open ig

warnings: yandere-behavior, 18+ (creator’s wishes, respect them.)

word count: 1.1k

a/n: this game has been stuck in my head for the past week and my ass is obsessed. it’s a literal gold mine for angst fics 😌

part two • part three

YBF belongs to @/y0urb0yfriend & @/invertedmindinc

“You know I love you, right?”

You couldn’t help but sneer at your so-called boyfriend. “You don’t love me.” You spat, crossing your arms, eyes fixated on the TV that played in front of you. In your peripheral, you could see his face drop, he looked like a kicked puppy… good. Scooting a bit closer to you, he held your hands in his, looking at you with those big blue eyes. “B-But I do love you, I swear I do.” He declared, silently begging for you to look at him. Fed up with his desperate facade, you snatched your hands away from him.

“No, you don’t. People don’t kidnap the people they love!”

You shouted, shooting him a glare before continuing, “People don’t stalk their partners, get upset the minute the attention isn’t on them or hurt their partners. That is not how love works, Peter.” You claim, muttering the last part to yourself. After that, the two of you went silent. Deathly silent. If a pin dropped, you would be able to hear it. You continued to stare at the TV, not paying attention to what was playing. Anything was better than looking or conversing with him. Peter just looked down at his hands, eyes wide with shock. You’ve raised your voice at him before but never flat out yelled at him. He wasn’t sure if he liked that behavior.

The silence quickly became uncomfortable, seeing as neither of you were speaking. Deciding to check on Peter, not that you cared about him, you looked in his direction. Only to see him now glaring at his hands. Anger imprinted on his face and suddenly a sense of dread washed over you. Things never ended well when he was upset.

“Do you really think I don’t love you?”

He inquired, you knew it was rhetorical, so you stayed silent. “Everything I do is for you and you think I don’t love you?!” He exclaimed, placing a hand on his face and laughing to himself. You just stared at him, holding yourself a little tighter. “Oh darling, you are a funny one.” He sighed before grabbing your face and yanking it close to his, “The things I do for you, that’s dedication, that’s loyalty, you should be ecstatic that someone wants to be with you that badly. So don’t you ever doubt my love for you again, I would move heaven and hell just to be with you. Don’t forget it.” He demanded, his smile dropping as he finally let go of his death grip on your face.

You held your face and gently rubbed your cheeks, no doubt there will be bruises there in the morning. It took everything in your power not to say anything back to him, that would only escalate the situation and make him angrier. But just as quickly as his anger formed, it disappeared. And you found yourself dealing with his facade once again. “Did I grip your face too hard? I’m sorry.” He apologized, reaching out to rub your cheeks for you. You cursed yourself internally for flinching slightly. Peter noticed, obviously, but moved his hands away from you regardless. Instead opting to just kneel in front of you. “…You know, I don’t like hurting you. Just sometimes you make me so angry. I mean you think I don’t love you for christ’s sake, how could you ever think that?” He asked. This time you knew it wasn’t a rhetorical question, due to the way he was looking at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. But you didn’t grant him the privilege of receiving one.

Peter sighed to himself before standing up and walking to the kitchen. And you let go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. You had to get out of here, that much was evident. But that wasn’t easy, he watched you 24/7 and you’re almost sure he had cameras everywhere, the bathroom included. Not only that, you didn’t know the layout of his house very well. Flashbacks of the last time you tried to escape flooded your mind, making you subconsciously pick at the cast encasing your leg. You didn’t want to think of what he would do if he caught you trying to leave again. He might just cut off your leg completely, he was crazy enough to do it. Insane bastard.

After a moment of thinking, you finally came up with a plan. You had to play along. As much as you despised and feared this man, you had to pretend to love him. That’s the only way you could gain his trust and with that trust, he might slip up. Giving you the opportunity to get help or at the very least get some distance between the two of you. Because this current situation was not doable, you refused to be cooped up in this house with this deranged man for the rest of your life. If you had to flee the country, change your name, appearance, whatever, you would do it. Your family probably already thought you were dead so you might as well keep it that way. You knew this wouldn’t be easy and you knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Peter was insane but he wasn’t stupid. He probably would catch on to your fakeness if you weren’t careful.

Hearing his footsteps approaching, you took a deep breath in an attempt to compose yourself. “Here darling, I made you dinner,” Peter stated, handing you a plate of food. If you wanted to get out of here, you had to stop the silent treatment. You wouldn’t get anywhere if you didn’t speak to the man. “…Thank you.” You said, taking the plate and began eating. You noticed how Peter’s eyes shone with happiness, with good reason. Most days you spoke a maximum of two sentences to him and refused to eat. Sometimes to the point where he would have to force-feed you. So, in his eyes, this was progress. He sat back down, next to you, and watched you eat intently, when you finished, he waited for your review as if you were some food critic.

“Dinner was great, thanks.”

You complimented, you thought about using a nickname like babe but you figured that it was too soon. Baby steps. Peter smiled widely, glad that you liked his cooking. He placed the plate aside and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, “I’m glad you liked it darling.” He murmured in your ear. Even though fiber in your body was yelling at you to push him away, you didn’t. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him gently. “I’m sorry about earlier, I’m appreciative of everything you do for me… I was just upset.” You apologized, not meaning a single word. Peter returned the hug, squeezing tightly. You could feel his smile widen even more against your neck.

You could play this game, and you intended to win.

abogaboga © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.

What gender is Y N in your boyfriend game?

Y/N's gender is gender-neutral, the player can decide what their gender is.

Who is Peter from your boyfriend?

Peter, also known as Your Boyfriend, is the main antagonist of Your Boyfriend. He appears in the game and is deeply in love with you, willing to go through great lengths to prove how much you mean to him. Even if you don't want anything to do with him. Peter appears to have a grey body.

What is the game your boyfriend about?

The player takes on the role of Y/N, a young adult who works at a greasy spoon diner in order to pay off their rent, is in an unexpected relationship with a stranger who goes by "Your Boyfriend". The player is then given choices to choose how they want to behave or act around the stranger.


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