Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard

Almost Real: A Speculative Biology Zine (Vol 1) →


Kickstarter Update #1: Two days into the campaign and Almost Real is over a quarter funded!

It’s with great delight to say we’re over ¼ funded in just about 48 hours from our launch point with less than $15k to go! Almost Real now has ~70% left until we’re Real! (Are you getting tired of that joke? Sorry, it’s just too good to pass up.)

It means the world to us whenever you share Almost Real or tell whomever you can about it- for now, this’ll serve as both a thank you, AND a reminder that one half of the editor team and some of Almost Real’s contributors will be at Emerald City Comic Con this March 1st-4th! We’ll have some exclusive sneak peeks of Almost Real’s pages at Artist Alley Q10 (if you’re a backer, come by for a free gift!), and you can find other contributors:

  • Kory Bing ( @korybing) = Show Floor 208
  • Abby Howard ( @abby-howard) = Show Floor 1108
  • Amanda Lien ( @alienfirst) = Artist Alley GG6

Also, are you interested in writing about Almost Real (and getting a sneak peek at the zine in turn) while our campaign is live? Want to know more about who we are, our contributors, and our inspirations? Email us at almostrealzine (at) gmail dot com! 

That’s all for now, everyone! Thanks again for your pledges, and we’ll see you soon!

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard


(via jayrockin)

 Art and science can go hand in hand- logical and fantastical can meet and make something that walks, talks, flies, or crawls. How great were those publications of old where you could crack open a magazine or encyclopedia and see how creatures and critters’ insides worked, as we scribbled down monster designs in the margins of our sketchbooks? Almost Real is an ode to those who looked for art and science to go hand in hand and were inspired by childhood bestiaries, for those who wanted logic and lopsided monsters to meet and make sense, and for those who wanted see creatures so lifelike that they could be... well, Almost Real.

Creator(s): Hye Mardikian, Jay Eaton, Kory Bing, Magera Gordon, Deadwood Dross, Abby Howard, Amanda Lien, Emily Outerbridge, Julian Pancaldi, Kanesha Bryant, and various
Audience: All ages
Format: 65 pgs, softcover magazine, full color
Trim Size: 8.5" x 11"

Edited by @jayrockin and explodinghye, Almost Real will be a 50+ page, full color magazine styled in the old encyclopedia days and inspired by Zoobooks of the 90s/early 2000s. With full, multiple page spreads showcasing anatomy of hypothetical creatures, the societies they live in, and the worlds that they could exist in, the zine’s inhabitants could be Almost Real. 

Kickstarter Update #1: Two days into the campaign and Almost Real is over a quarter funded!

It’s with great delight to say we’re over ¼ funded in just about 48 hours from our launch point with less than $15k to go! Almost Real now has ~70% left until we’re Real! (Are you getting tired of that joke? Sorry, it’s just too good to pass up.)

It means the world to us whenever you share Almost Real or tell whomever you can about it- for now, this’ll serve as both a thank you, AND a reminder that one half of the editor team and some of Almost Real’s contributors will be at Emerald City Comic Con this March 1st-4th! We’ll have some exclusive sneak peeks of Almost Real’s pages at Artist Alley Q10 (if you’re a backer, come by for a free gift!), and you can find other contributors:

  • Kory Bing ( @korybing) = Show Floor 208
  • Abby Howard ( @abby-howard) = Show Floor 1108
  • Amanda Lien ( @alienfirst) = Artist Alley GG6

Also, are you interested in writing about Almost Real (and getting a sneak peek at the zine in turn) while our campaign is live? Want to know more about who we are, our contributors, and our inspirations? Email us at almostrealzine (at) gmail dot com! 

That’s all for now, everyone! Thanks again for your pledges, and we’ll see you soon!

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard

Sometimes it's a real treat when you're working through mountains of to-be-read books and you finally hit a real gem. As I love speculative biology and I love hunting for new artists I didn't really doubt that I would enjoy finally working my way through this, but it's such a pitch perfect project for me that I really want to emphasize how fun this book is. Plus if you're a fan of the anthology format and discovering new talent then this should be an instant win for you.

Edited by Jay Eaton and Mia "Hye" Mardikian, the Almost Real zines highlight various indy creators by letting their imaginations run wild. Each artists gets between 2-4 pages to create a unique creature or environment, and each of their narratives is completely different as well. Some approach it with a more clinical voice, while others may insert more emotion, tone, or a subtle mini-story.

For example, one of my favorites was the case studies of 'False Centaurs' by Kanesha C. Bryant. It takes the form of notes from an unnamed observer recounting their interplanetary findings and the opinions of their benefactor as they failed time and time again to find a true centaur. In ten paragraphs Bryant paints a humorous and horrifying (Humorifying?) series of encounters that are both engaging and unsettling.

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard

Also, Bryant coins the term 'Disappointment Fish' and I love her forever for that.

Likewise, Deadwood Dross' entry of the Universal Donor, a giant tree of human donor body parts, is also another disturbing creation that creates a unique story through its vague set-ups. Dross develops a fascinating concept and world within four pages that deserves an entire book to itself.

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard

On the tonal flipside we have Abby Howard's The Wallaby Folk, which utilizes a great comedic approach that examines the cultural clashes that would occur if humanity met up with an evolved wallaby species.

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard

There's a lot crammed into this 64-page package and it all has a pretty broad range of appeal. And while there are elements of body horror within some chapters it's all very vague or just gross without being too graphic, so the package is still all-ages appropriate. Plus seriously, if you have a kid already into speculative biology they're gonna love the gross stuff. This is a pretty fantastic zine for just $20, so do yourself a favor and go grab a copy.

Almost real a speculative biology zine volume 1 abby howard