California university of science and medicine average mcat

The 2023 tuition at California University of Science and Medicine is $66,000. California University of Science and Medicine's tuition is 4.93% higher than average tuition of U.S. medical schools and 1.8% higher than average tuition of California medical schools.

California University of Science and Medicine 2023 Tuition & Fees

California University of Science and Medicine Tuition & Fees$66,000
U.S. Private Medical School Average$62,900
California Private Medical School Average$64,827

The average MCAT score of enrolled students at California University of Science and Medicine is 513. Compared to the average MCAT of all medical schools, the MCAT score of California University of Science and Medicine is around average of U.S. medical schools (the average score is 512).

The average GPA is 3.66 and it is around average compared to other medical schools (the average GPA is 3.73).

California University of Science and Medicine 2022 MCAT and GPA

MCAT - California University of Science and Medicine513
U.S. Medical Schools512
California Medical Schools514
GPA - California University of Science and Medicine3.66
U.S. Medical Schools3.73
California Medical Schools3.76

The 2022 acceptance rate at California University of Science and Medicine is 2.05% where 6,306 applicants have applied to and 129 students have accepted and finally enrolled to school. The acceptance rate at California University of Science and Medicine is lower (difficult to get in) compared to other medical schools in united states (the average acceptance rate is 3.52%). Note that the acceptance rate means the percentage of applicants who are accepted and enrolled (not just accepted).

California University of Science and Medicine 2022 Acceptance Rate and Yield

CaliforniaOther StateMenWomen
Applicants6,306 3,992
Enrolled129 126
Acceptance Rate2.05% 3.16% 0.13% 2.42% 1.75%
U.S. Medical Schools3.52% 10.29% 1.04% 3.48% 3.56%
California Medical Schools1.51% 2.14% 0.63% 1.52% 1.51%

For the academic year 2021-2022, total 129 first-time students have enrolled in California University of Science and Medicine.By residency, 97.7% of new students is California residents and 2.3% of enrolled students from other States. By gender, 48.1% of enrolled students is women and 51.9% is men students.

A total of 420 students have enrolled to California University of Science and Medicine. By gender, there are 221 male and 199 female students at California University of Science and Medicine.

2021 Student Population at California University of Science and Medicine

Total Enrollment420
Men Students221
Women Students199
First-time Students129

Discover the medical school admissions statistics you need to get into your top-choice programs, including average GPA and average MCAT scores by school

(Note: We recommend using this resource alongside our free, 102-page comprehensive guide to medical school applications, Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat, as well as our MCAT Ultimate Guide.)


No matter how the medical school admissions landscape has changed over the years, one thing has remained constant: GPA and MCAT score are the foundation of every application. And regardless of how many medical schools point to their holistic admissions process, the trend of ever-increasing stats among matriculating students shows no signs of slowing down.

In other words, while your written materials, such as your medical school personal statement, AMCAS Work and Activities section, letters of recommendation, and secondaries are incredibly important for getting into med school, they cannot overcome low stats.

(Suggested reading: What MCAT Score Do You Need to Get Into Medical School?)

The question of where to apply to medical school to maximize your odds of admission can only be reliably answered if you're aware of each school's matriculating students’ average MCAT and GPA. So, if you’re wondering whether your stats are “good enough” for a given school or you simply want to know—statistically speaking—the easiest medical schools to get into, you need to know the numbers.

Because the process of finding this information can be incredibly tedious, we decided to do the heavy lifting for you. Specifically, we visited every U.S. medical school's admissions website to find the average GPA, average MCAT score, and (when reported) minimum MCAT score to help ensure that your application efforts are not wasted on schools where you're unlikely to be competitive.

We update this information routinely, but if you notice a discrepancy between what is listed on this page and a medical school’s website, please email so we can look into it and make any necessary changes.

Without further ado, here is the complete list of U.S. medical schools, including the average GPA and average MCAT scores by school.

(Note: Students often observe discrepancies between the data below and those reported on MSAR. These discrepancies are largely attributable to the fact that medical school websites often report different stats than MSAR, including:

  • Whereas MSAR reports median GPA and MCAT, many schools report mean GPA and MCAT.

  • Schools typically report data on students entering the first-year class (i.e., matriculating students), but the default MSAR setting is “all accepted applicants.”

  • MSAR is published in the spring of each year. On the other hand, medical schools may update their website with average GPA and average MCAT data at any time. This may lead to MSAR and medical schools reporting data on different classes.)


Average GPA and MCAT score for every medical school

Click any column header to sort the data.

What MCAT score do I need for UCSF?

For accepted students, the median MCAT score is 518. A score of 511 would put you in the 10th percentile, while a score of 524 would put you in the 90th percentile.

What MCAT score do I need for USC?

USC Medical School Median MCAT: 517 (129 chemical & physical / 128 critical analysis / 130 biological & biochemical / 130 psychological, social)

What MCAT score is needed for UCLA medical school?

The median MCAT score for matriculants at UCLA is 516 and the median GPA is 3.8. However, there is no “required” MCAT score or cut-off GPA for admission into the MD program at UCLA.

What is the average MCAT score for medical school?

Applicants accepted to allopathic (MD-granting) medical schools for the 2021-2022 year had an average MCAT score of 511.9. This is an increase from 2020-2021 when the average was 511.5. The average MCAT score for entering osteopathic medical students is 503.