Condolence message for friend father death anniversary

Anniversaries that mark the passing of a loved one can be difficult. Acknowledging these anniversaries by offering words of comfort on the anniversary of a death or providing remembrance messages to mark the death anniversary are simple ways to provide support to loved ones.

Alternatively, you may be the person who recently lost someone and are looking for remembrance quotes for a death anniversary of someone close to you. It can be difficult to put your own feelings into words, so reading the comforting words that others have written on the anniversary of a death can be helpful.

General anniversary of death quotes / remembrance quotes

Here are some general anniversary of death quotes and remembrance quotes for loved ones to help comfort you or someone you love during this difficult time:

  1. “Death is never an end, but a To Be Continued…” – Renée Chae
  2. “The life of the dead is placed in the heart of the living” – Cicero
  3. “To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die” – Hazel Gaynor
  4. “While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil” – John Taylor
  5. “Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity” – Terri Guillemets
  6. “To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die” – Thomas Campbell
  7. “Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply” – Zane Grey
  8. “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us” – Helen Keller

Words for one year anniversary of death

If you’re looking for ways you can support a loved one on the one year death anniversary or are looking for inspiration in writing death anniversary messages for friends, try out some of these templates.

  1. “It’s been one year since we lost [name]. I wanted to make sure you knew that you’re in my thoughts and in my heart during this time. I think of you and [name] often and I’m wishing you peace and strength.”

  2. “While I know nothing can alleviate your loss, I do want you to know we are remembering [name] on this day. [He/she] was a wonderful and loving soul who we were blessed to have known.”

  3. “Today marks one year since we lost [name] and we know you’re hurting just as we are. Without [him/her], our lives feel a little less brighter. Thinking of you and yours during this time. We love you.”

  4. “Even though [name] would likely kick and scream at the thought of people sending messages on [his/her] death anniversary, I just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of both you and [him/her] during this day. I’ll be sure to have a drink in [his/her] honor and watch the sunset with you both in my thoughts.”

  5. “Today I’m thinking of the time when [describe favorite memory] and how much that meant to me. This world is a little more cold without [name] in it and I can’t wait until I can see [him/her] again.”

Words for one year anniversary of the death of a parent

The bond between a parent and a child is special and difficult to quantify. Losing a parent is one of the most painful experiences one can go through, so being there for your friends and family if they’ve lost a mother is important. Sending the right death anniversary message for a mother can be tricky, so here’s some ideas to get you started.

Words for one year anniversary of the death of a mother

  1. “[Friend’s name], I wanted you to know that you’re in my heart and mind on this anniversary of losing your mother. She was an amazing woman and an incredibly loving soul. Thinking of you always.”

  2. “Your mother was one of the most important, influential, and strong women I’ve had the opportunity to meet. This world is lesser for the loss of her and we are thinking of you on this day.”

  3. “Please know how much of an impact your mother had on the lives of all those around her. She was incredible and we miss her each and every day.”

  4. “I’ve never met a more loving and perfect mom. You were lucky to have her and we were lucky to know her. You’re in our thoughts always.”

  5. “Our family is holding your mother’s spirit in our hearts and minds today as we remember all the wonderful times we shared together.”

  6. “I just remembered the time when [describe memory]. Your mom was famous for doing things like that! I’ll never forget her and am thinking of you and yours today.”

  7. “We made [favorite dish] in honor of your beautiful mother today and are holding you in our hearts and minds. We love you and will always remember your mother and the impact she had on everyone around her.”

Words for one year anniversary of the death of a father

  1. “It’s been a year since we lost your wonderful father and what a year it has been. If he saw you today, we’re certain he would be immensely proud of you. We love you and are thinking of you today.”

  2. “One year down, too many to go. I miss your father each and every day and am always thinking of him whenever I go to [special place]. We know he is smiling down at you always.”

  3. “Your father was one of the most amazing men I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. What an extraordinary life he lived. We are thinking of him and everything he accomplished on this day.”

  4. “A year has felt almost like an eternity without your father here. We love him and miss him each and every day.”

  5. “One year has passed and we are all thinking of your father and his warmth, kindness, and wonderful sense of humor today. Please know that you all are in our hearts and in our minds.”

  6. “Tonight we are headed to [favorite bar / restaurant] in honor of your Dad! We will never forget you, [name]!”

  7. "Today marks a year since losing my dad. Thank you all for your support during this past year and for keeping both him and my family in your thoughts today. Love you, Dad."

General one year death anniversary quotes

  1. “Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply” – Zane Grey

  2. “You’re missed more and more each day. A year without you is almost too much to bear.” - Unknown

  3. “It’s been a year since you passed and your presence is always missed.” - Unknown

  4. “Remembering and honoring you on this day, one year after this world lost a precious soul.”

  5. “A year without you has felt like an eternity. Missing you always.” - Unknown

  6. “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear” – Anonymous

  7. "To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die” – Hazel Gaynor

  8. "When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Whichever quote or message you decide to send, your loved one will surely appreciate the gesture and thought. If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to start up a memorial website so that you can start collecting memories and condolences from your friends and family. Memorial websites help others stay connected to each other after losing someone, even years later. It can be incredibly healing to see memories and messages from those you love after losing someone, especially if it’s been some time since you last spoke.

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Last updated June 23, 2022

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How do you wish a friend on his father's death anniversary?

I hope that happy memories of [her] will flood your mind and heart today. On the anniversary of the loss of your [father], I wanted you to know that you and your family are continually in my thoughts. I hope for courage and strength for you all.

How do you say condolences for death anniversary?

--Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength. --Keeping you close in heart and prayer for the loss of your beloved (name of deceased). --Our deepest sympathy. --May loving memories ease your loss and bring you comfort.

How do I say condolence to my friend's father?

Messages for a friend that lost a father.
"I am so sorry to learn about your dad's passing. ... .
"I'm so sorry about your father. ... .
"Your dad was the best guy I've ever known! ... .
"I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's death. ... .
"I looked up to your dad and am heartbroken to hear about his death. ... .
"Your dad led a remarkable life..


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