Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Een van de meest gevierde restaurants van Washington. De afgelopen 4 jaar op rij verkozen tot het beste Italiaanse restaurant van Washington door AOL Digital City. Filomena, gelegen in het hart van Georgetown, is een herkenningspunt dat de tand des tijds al meer dan 25 jaar heeft doorstaan. Geprezen voor pasta, zeevruchten, zelfgebakken brood en spectaculaire desserts. Zondagse brunch. Dagelijks open.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Filomena Ristorante Continues to Offer Curbside Pick-Up and Delivery.
For Take Out and Curbside Pick-Up, Call Us at (202) 338-8800.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Discover A Washington Tradition Since 1983.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Our Passion For Fine Dining Begins With Superior Ingredients.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

“100 Best Restaurants in America for a Big Night Out”

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

We’re The Perfect Place For Business Lunches, Special Occasions, Holidays, And Elegant Date Night Dinners.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Filomena Has Been Featured On The Travel Channel And Food Network.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc


Located in the heart of Georgetown in Washington, D.C., Filomena’s doors opened on May 23, 1983. Since that time, people have packed Filomena to catch a glimpse of an all but forgotten time when the dinner table was not only the center of family life, but also the source of entertainment, wonderful memories and great satisfaction for all.

Visit us today and experience the finest Italian cuisine and a truly memorable experience.

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

"Top 3 Italian Restaurants in Washington"

Filomena ristorante wisconsin avenue northwest washington dc

Enjoy Authentic Italian Cuisine In An Elegant Atmosphere.