Getting wisdom teeth removed without being put under reddit

Hi all! Quick question. I’m getting a wisdom teeth removed shortly and due to the time and day I have to go alone, all my friends will be working at that time. Does someone who has done it before know how am I supposed to go buy antibiotics by myself right after surgery (hospital, not dentist) barely able to open my mouth? The dentist I went to mentioned that it would be prescribed given that its a surgery. I guess they are not given on the spot or bought in advance given that a prescription is needed.

Any thoughts?

UPDATE: For all those so sure that antibiotics are not given well… I was prescribed a box.

I'm just getting the top two out. I'm a little nervous about this because I figured I'd either be asleep or high as hell during the surgery. Instead I'll be my fully conscious self, watching the oral surgeon as he sticks all his knives and mini-buzz saws in my mouth. I wonder if I'll taste blood or feel any pressure or anything like that.

Has anyone done the procedure like this before? Does it hurt afterward?

I normally have no problem with the dentist, so there are no phobias or anything...but I feel a little weird about the idea of being awake during surgery...inside my face.

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Finally, after 22 years, I was going to get my wisdom teeth taken out! 2 on top (each side), and 1 on the bottom right that was impacted. None had broken the surface.

When I went in for the consultation they explained how simple it would be, and how it would only take an hour, tops. Being the fiercely independent/stubborn/idiot that I am, I asked it if was necessary for me to go under general anesthesia for the procedure, all because I wanted to drive myself home afterwards. The lovely young nurse said it actually wasn't necessary, and that they could just do local anesthetic (novocaine) and I'd be on my way. "Sweet deal" I naively thought to myself.

Today was the day. I got up and went to the grocery store to get all my soft food for the next couple days, stopped at the house and took my happy ass down to the clinic. The doctor explained the procedure once more, and the next thing I knew I was being stuck in the back of my mouth with giant needles. This is where I should've reconsidered, the pain was intense, but as the novocaine worked it's magic it got better.

After I was good and numb she started on the first tooth. The assistant was doing a horrible job keeping the blood cleaned up, and I already started sweating when I saw it. Then came the noises, horrible noises, like the hounds of hell scraping their teeth on an obsidian dragon bone. My breathing grew erratic and uncontrollable. Then it came, The icing on the torture cake, the pressure. She was yanking the top tooth out and it felt like she was pulling my entire skull apart, and the pain shot up my nose to behind my eye. By now my breathing was rapid and shallow, I was drenched in sweat....then came the tears. For the first time in my life, I was having a full blown panic attack.

From there it was all pretty simple. They stopped the operation and brought in another doctor who was going to put me to sleep and complete the operation. They didn't even get the first tooth out all the way, and the soonest they can get me in is Thursday. Now I'm sitting at home in excruciating pain, emotionally traumatized, and I haven't even got one tooth out yet. All because, I wanted to be able to take myself to the dentist.

TL;DR' I wanted to drive myself home after getting my wisdom teeth out, so I requested not to go under general anesthesia and do local instead. Shortly after they started the operation I had a full blown panic attack, and they were unable to continue. I'm sitting at home, in horrible pain, with no teeth out. The soonest I can go back is Thursday.

UPDATE: Went back in for surgery this morning, everything went well. Mouth is still in pain but I got meds. Thanks to everyone for their support and advice! Also just for kicks, here's the original X-ray: