How much does an occupational therapist make in florida

  1. Therapist
  2. Occupational Therapist
  3. Florida
  4. Salary

  • Permanent Positions
  • Travel Contracts

Average Travel Occupational Therapist Salary


The average salary for a Travel Occupational Therapist in Florida is $1,736 per week. This is 10% lower than the US average of $1,918.

Estimate based on 106 active jobs in the last 90 days.

What cities in Florida pay the most for Travel Occupational Therapists?

CityAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Deerfield Beach, Florida $2,080 $2,080
Orlando, Florida $1,960 $2,230
Melbourne, Florida $1,919 $2,125
Bonifay, Florida $1,881 $2,010
Gainesville, Florida $1,876 $1,904
Jacksonville, Florida $1,840 $2,010
Fruitland Park, Florida $1,790 $1,790
Hernando, Florida $1,790 $1,790
Leesburg, Florida $1,790 $1,790
Blountstown, Florida $1,778 $2,010

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How does the pay for Travel Occupational Therapists in Florida compare to nearby states?

Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Kentucky $2,159 $2,376
South Carolina $2,005 $4,090
Tennessee $1,983 $2,432
Georgia $1,951 $2,520
Louisiana $1,843 $2,480
North Carolina $1,838 $2,508
Virginia $1,779 $2,805
Mississippi $1,707 $2,240
Alabama $1,646 $2,015
West Virginia $1,642 $2,090

What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Travel Occupational Therapist jobs in Florida?

Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
SkyBridge Healthcare Therapy $2,200 $2,200
Cross Country Allied $2,125 $2,125
Coast Medical Service $1,950 $2,043
ADN Healthcare $1,916 $2,010
Adventure Nursing $1,890 $1,890
Core Medical Group $1,864 $2,230
Uniti Med $1,859 $1,950
Emerald Health Services $1,836 $1,836
Jackson Therapy Partners $1,796 $1,904
Stability Healthcare $1,795 $1,994

Top Travel Occupational Therapist Jobs


Based on 1,050 income tax records

How much do Occupational Therapists make?

The average total salary for a Occupational Therapist is $65,000 per year. This is based on data from 1,050 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Occupational Therapist and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Occupational Therapist salary can vary between $24,000 to $98,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location. Read more

Learn more about Mint Salary


Based on income reported to the IRS in box 1 of W-2.

From consenting TurboTax customers

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Occupational Therapist salary by location

Occupational Therapist salary by company

VCA Hospitals, Florida

11 income tax records

US Department Of Defense, Florida

22 income tax records

BayCare Health System, Florida

24 income tax records

UF Health, Florida

10 income tax records

Baptist Health South Florida, Florida

17 income tax records

Chc Payroll Agent Parallon E, Florida

45 income tax records

University Of Florida Health, Florida

24 income tax records

Encompass Health, Florida

32 income tax records

Orlando Health, Florida

19 income tax records

Lee Health, Florida

20 income tax records

Adventist Health, Florida

16 income tax records

Ascension, Florida

14 income tax records

Select Staffing, Florida

29 income tax records

Tampa General Hospital, Florida

12 income tax records

Genesis HealthCare, Florida

18 income tax records

Occupational Therapist demographics in Florida

Effective Tax Rates for Occupational Therapists in Florida

1,050 full-time salaries from 2019


The average salary for a occupational therapist in Florida is $65,000 per year. Occupational therapist salaries in Florida can vary between $24,000 to $98,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 1,050 tax returns from TurboTax customers who reported their occupation as occupational therapist.

The following companies offer the highest salaries for occupational therapists in Florida: VCA Hospitals ($96,500 a year), US Department of Defense ($78,500 a year), and BayCare Health System ($75,500 a year).

The following cities offer the highest salaries for occupational therapists in Florida: Pompano Beach, FL ($72,500 a year), Saint Johns, FL ($72,000 a year), and Orlando, FL ($68,500 a year).


Total salary amounts here include total taxable wages, tips, prizes and other compensation. Salaries here are not representative of the total population and may reflect different levels of experience or education. Learn more


Total salary ranges shown here exclude outliers.

How much money does an occupational therapist make in Florida?

The average Occupational Therapist salary in Florida is $89,616 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $82,093 and $97,624.

What is the highest paying field in occupational therapy?

According to the BLS, OTs who work in home healthcare get paid the most. The annual mean wage of home health care OTs was $102,640 in 2021. Home healthcare OTs typically work for private agencies in their clients' homes. The second highest-paying OT position was in nursing care facilities.

How long does it take to become an occupational therapist in Florida?

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Programs take two-and-a-half to three years to complete. After completing a MOT or OTD program, graduates will be eligible to sit for the NBCOT national board examination to become a licensed occupational therapist.

Where do OT's get paid the most?

Industry profile for Occupational Therapists:.