How to block someone from seeing comments on facebook

In a recent podcast we discussed trolls and how if you have an online store, you may have encountered trolls or at least some negative comments along the way. Click here to listen to us chat about what trolls actually are, why they do what they do, how we recommend that you deal with them and avoid fuelling their fire, and more. 

I’ve had a few people ask us “how do I ban someone from my page?” so in today’s blog I’m going to show you! 

You might not actually be being “trolled”. When the same person keeps commenting on your posts with trolly or totally irrelevant content, it could be:

  • A bot
  • A troll
  • Someone from your competition (sadly, this happens)
  • Someone who has too much time on their hands 

Now, while sometimes these comments are nasty or malicious, if they aren’t from your target audience or just completely irrelevant you might not want them on your Facebook ads or posts. 

So what can you do? 

You can continue to hide or delete their comments however if they keep doing it it may be time to ban or block them. 

“When you ban someone from your Page, they’ll still be able to share content from your Page to other places on Facebook, but they’ll no longer be able to publish to your Page, like or comment on your Page’s posts, message your Page or like your Page.” – Facebook

You can easily unban them at any time. 

You need to be an admin of the page you want to block someone from. 

How to block someone from seeing comments on facebook

How to ban someone from commenting on my Facebook posts and ads via page settings:

  1. Go to Settings of the page

2. Go to People and Other Pages

3. Select Banned People and Pages from the drop down menu

5. Type in the name of the person you want to block. Double check the profile picture matches that of the person you want to block. Once done, select Save.

Like I said, hopefully, you aren’t getting trolled. If you are, it’s really important to remember that trolls throw negative comments at you because, by definition, they’re people who deliberately provoke others online by saying inflammatory and offensive things. They live to make people upset and angry.

It’s just what they do. It’s how you choose to deal with them that matters.

Don’t fuel the fire.

Trolls love it when you engage. It’s fuel to their fire. The only way to kill the fire is by starving it of oxygen. Follow the steps above to ban their butt. 

Become Unstoppable! 

Of course, the best comeback is to become Unstoppable and have a thriving online store in spite of them!

If you want to learn how to sell more on your online store check out our eComm Ignitor® course.


  1. Yes, you can block someone from seeing your comments on Facebook.
  2. To do this, head to your profile page and click on the “Comments” link in the main navigation.
  3. From here, you’ll be able to see all of the comments that have been posted about you.
  4. To block a commenter, just click on their name and then choose “Block.

How to hide my likes and comments from my friends on Facebook 2020 Ads

How to hide comments on facebook from friends on phone

What is the best comment on Facebook?

There is no one “best” comment on Facebook, as the best ones vary depending on the situation and audience. However, some common tips for writing effective Facebook comments include being thoughtful, keeping your language polite and respectful, and making sure your comment is relevant to the post.

How do you comment on a Facebook post?

To comment on a Facebook post, you first need to open the post in your Facebook app. Once the post is open, you can tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the post. From there, you can select comments.

How do I see comments on a Facebook post?

To see comments on a Facebook post, go to the post and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the post.

How do I comment on a photo?

There are a few ways to comment on photos on Quora. You can either use the built-in commenting tools or use a third-party commenting tool.

How do you write a good comment?

Commenting on a blog post or article can be a great way to share your thoughts with others and get feedback. However, it’s important to note that there are a few key things to keep in mind when writing a comment. First, make sure you’re using the right tone when commenting. If you’re angry or frustrated, your comment may not be taken seriously. Second, be respectful of the author and other commenters.

What is the best comment for friend?

I think the best comment for a friend is to simply be there for them and listen. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just listen and offer our support.

What is a written comment?

A written comment is a piece of feedback that you leave for someone on a blog post, article, or other online content.

What is an example of a comment?

A comment is a short, written message that you leave on a post or reply to someone else’s post.

How do you start a comment?

Commenting on a post is easy – just click on the “Comment” link at the top of the post.

What is comment and its type?

Comment is a type of markup used for marking up text for human readers. It consists of a pair of forward slash characters (/) followed by a text string.

What are comments explain?

Comments are text that appear below articles on websites. They provide context, feedback, and discussion for readers.

Why are comments used?

Comments are used on Quora to allow users to share their thoughts on a question, answer, or thread. Comments can help improve the quality of content on Quora.

Can a comment be a question?

Yes, a comment can be a question.

Is a comment a statement?

Yes, a comment is a statement.

What are comments on social media?

Comments on social media are text or emoji-based responses to posts made by other people on social media platforms. They can be left as part of the post, or as a separate comment. Comments can be used to provide feedback, share opinions, or just chat about the post.

How can I stop someone seeing my comments on Facebook?

You can't hide a comment on Facebook and make it visible to fewer people than can see the content that it's commenting on. Your only choices are to delete it or leave it visible to whoever can see the post or photo.

Can I block someone from seeing comments on my posts?

Tap in the top right, then tap Settings. Tap Privacy, then tap Comments. Next to Block comments from, tap People. Enter the name of the person you want to block, then tap Block next to their name.

Does hiding a comment on Facebook hide it from everyone?

Hiding a comment will hide it from everyone except the person who posted the comment and their Facebook friends. You can even unhide comments later.