How to get rid of divots on face

You may have survived that last-minute acne flare-up showing up at an inopportune time in your social calendar, but the war is far from over: say hello to acne scars, those pesky souvenirs marking the crime scene from a bad breakout. In some cases, you might get away with hyperpigmentation but in others, you may be left to deal with deep indentations in your skin. If left unattended, they can take a long time to fade away, if ever. So, how can you deal with these pitted scars? Here's what a dermatologist wants you to know.

What are pitted acne scars?

“Known as atrophic scars in the world of dermatology, such scars form a hollow pit or indentation on the facial skin as a result of recurrent moderate-to-severe acne," says Dr Madhuri Agarwal, founder of Yavana Aesthetics Clinic. She adds, "They can occur as a consequence of the extreme ongoing inflammation triggered by acne that leads to the conversion of healthy, existing collagen into fibrous strands that pull the surface skin inwards. The loss of collagen and blood vessels entrapped in the damaged skin also affect the future generation of new collagen,” she explains.

If you are confused about how to identify one, Dr Agarwal shares an easy guide. “Rolling scars are broader scars with smooth, ill-defined edges, while boxcar scars can appear similar but with well-defined, sharp edges. Both of these scars are usually located in the lower half of the face as well as the jawline. On the other hand, ice pick scars are tiny, deep and narrow scars that are generally difficult to treat. These can be seen on the forehead and the upper portion of cheeks where the skin is thinner,” she says.

How to treat pitted acne scars on the face

For starters, it is essential to know that over-the-counter purchases or the latest buzzy skincare ingredient can’t wave its magic wand and make pitted acne scars disappear. Dr Agarwal recommends seeking procedural treatment at a trusted dermatologist’s clinic. “Chemical peels, micro-needling radiofrequency and intradermal radiofrequency, fractional minimally ablative CO2 laser and dermal fillers are some of the recommended treatments for long-term reduction of acne scars,” she adds.

The Mumbai-based dermatologist does advise tempering your expectations though, as the removal depends on the type of scars. "Studies have shown that boxcar scars respond better to treatment as compared to rolling scars, while ice pick scars are poor responders to treatment. Likewise, shallow and newer scars can demonstrate near-complete clearance as compared to old, deeper scars," she cautions.

While you consider your treatment options, it pays to bear in mind that certain skincare missteps could be making your scarring worse. "Neglecting active acne, especially if it is severe and recurrent, is a major no-no, as well as picking and prodding active acne repeatedly. Other mistakes that can compound the problem are not wearing sunscreen, smoking, self-treatment using multiple active ingredients on active acne and not consulting a dermatologist."

As a rule of thumb, she advises adopting some vigilance to your skincare regimen to avoid struggling with stubborn scars later.

"Treat active acne immediately to prevent future scars as it is easier to improve active acne than to struggle over removing acne scars," she signs off.

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Natural and cosmetic skin treatments are some of the best ways to remove divots from the face. Since divots are often the result of acne breakouts, dealing with one?s acne breakouts properly is essential to stop marks from appearing on the skin.

According to WebMD, acne scars develop on the face where cystic lesions were present. Divots are deep scars in the face left behind after acne. When a person picks a pimple instead of letting it heal naturally, it can leave an unsightly dent in the face after it heals. Deep exfoliation is an excellent way to remove divots from the face, and one must exfoliate twice daily for the best results. Chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing treatments are other effective ways to treat an uneven skin tone. Retinoid cream can also be applied to affected areas to rebuild the skin and fill in any marks. Fractional laser technology treatments stimulate collagen production and aid in the resurfacing of skin fractured with indentations. A filler injection can also help to fill very large divots left behind from acne. Applying aloe vera gel and lemon juice to the surface of the skin can help to rejuvenate facial cells.

The prevention of divots is the best solution to avoid long-term facial scars and endless skin treatments. One should avoid popping pimples prematurely and allow acne to heal without irritation to stop divots from forming. Applying a moderate sunscreen every day is fundamental to avoid worsening acne scars of all kinds.


What causes divots in face?

A divot is a small depression in the skin. Divots can be temporary or permanent. Once permanent some people may refer to them as a scar. Acne scarring is the most common cause of permanent divots on the face.

Do face craters go away?

The fact of that matter is that this will ultimately depend on the type of scarring you have. Some atrophic acne scars, like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, will fade after several weeks or months as the skin heals. But even atrophic scars can linger for years based on your skin type and the severity of your acne.