How to help sciatica pain when pregnant

Lumbar radiculopathy, commonly called sciatica, is a term that describes symptoms of pain, numbness, and/or weakness that originate in the lower back and radiate along the sciatic nerve into the buttock, thigh, and leg, sometimes including the foot. Sciatica is uncommon in pregnancy and usually does not occur as a result of the growing fetus or bodily changes that take place at the time. However, the symptoms may be experienced due to other underlying medical conditions.

Read on to learn how sciatica may occur in pregnancy, common types of pregnancy-related pain that may mimic sciatica, and tips for effective sciatica relief while pregnant.

Symptoms of Sciatica
Sciatica is typically characterized by a shooting, searing pain that travels down the buttock into the thigh and leg, sometimes including the foot. The symptoms almost always occur on one side at a time. The affected leg may feel heavy and weak.

Pregnancy sciatica may occur due to herniated discs
When a pregnant woman experiences sciatica, it is most likely due to a herniated disc in her lower spine that affects the spinal nerve roots. This occurrence is rare and may take place in one in 10,000 (less than 1%) pregnancies.

While a herniated disc itself may not develop because of the pregnancy, research suggests that this condition is higher in pregnant women above 30 years of age, which is a common age group for herniated disc problems.

Posterior pelvic pain may mimic sciatica in pregnancy
A common type of pregnancy-related pain—posterior pelvic pain (pelvic girdle pain) may cause symptoms that are similar to sciatica. Posterior pelvic pain is common during pregnancy and may affect up to 76% of pregnant women. This pain may also be experienced up to 2 years after childbirth in 5% to 8.5% of new mothers.

  • In posterior pelvic pain, a stabbing, dull, shooting, and/or burning pain may be felt in the posterior pelvic area.
  • The pain may extend into the buttock and radiate to the groin and back of the thigh.
  • This pain, unlike sciatica, is often impossible to locate precisely and may change in type or area(s) affected as the pregnancy progresses.

The exact cause of posterior pelvic pain is not well understood and the pain may result due to hormonal, metabolic, or other biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy.

Tips to relieve sciatica during pregnancy
Several home treatments can help relieve sciatica symptoms while pregnant. As a general rule, any new treatment, including oral or topical medication, must be discussed with a doctor before use to reduce the risk of side effects to the growing fetus.

Use heat and ice therapy
When sciatica is acute, ice therapy may help numb the pain and relieve symptoms immediately. Ice therapy works by decreasing pain signals and reducing blood flow and helps relieve inflammation.

For chronic or recurring sciatica, try heat therapy. Application of heat helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood and nutrient flow, and reduce muscular soreness, aiding in the healing process.

Perform pregnancy-safe stretches and exercises
Several stretching and strengthening exercises are safe to perform during pregnancy. Talk to your physical therapist or doctor about starting a home-based exercise program appropriate for your stage of pregnancy.

Exercise helps promote and support proper posture, which is essential to avoiding unnecessary stress to your lower back.

Go for short walks
Walking short distances may improve function and stability in the lower back. The compressive forces that occur on the spinal discs while walking may help supply nutritive fluids to these structures.

If you’re new to walking or any exercise, start with 5 minutes and gradually add 5 to 10 minutes each week, as tolerated. It is important to keep hydrated and prevent overexertion, which can lead to complications. Cycling, stair steppers, ellipticals, swimming, aerobic dance, and yoga are other safe exercise options when performed under the guidance of a medical professional.

Severe motor deficits require immediate medical attention
Fewer than 2% of pregnant women with herniated discs may develop cauda equina syndrome, a medical emergency that causes severe neurological deficits. Common symptoms of cauda equina syndrome include severe weakness and numbness in both legs, loss of sensation in the groin and pubic area, and decreased or complete loss of bowel and/or bladder movements.Cauda equina syndrome must be treated immediately to preserve leg function.

Sciatica and back pain symptoms should always be addressed as quickly as possible and managed throughout the course of pregnancy. While sciatica is not a common occurrence in pregnant women, it is possible, and a good understanding of the underlying cause can help manage the symptoms and prevent recurrences.

The body experiences a lot of physical changes during pregnancy. As your baby grows, your body has to adjust. Sometimes that leads to unfamiliar aches and pains. 

A common issue for pregnant women is sciatic nerve pain. Also called sciatica, or lumbar radiculopathy, it's described as a "radiating pain" that travels from the sciatic nerve, located in the lower spine, down the back of your thigh. The sciatic nerve is the largest in your body and the main nerve in the legs. 

Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve Pain

Aches and pains that result from sciatica range from mild to excruciating. You may notice a tingling sensation in one part of your body and pain in another area. Symptoms include: 

  • A burning sensation in the lower back and buttocks 
  • Pain that travels from your pelvis down the back of your leg 
  • A sudden jolt of pain that's often compared to an electric shock
  • Pain that worsens when you cough, sneeze, or sit for long periods of time
  • Numbness, muscle weakness, or tingling in one leg or foot

What Causes Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy?

Sciatica occurs when the spine is compressed in some way. It pinches the sciatic nerve, causing inflammation, numbness, and pain. Typically, it's a result of a herniated disk or an overgrowth of bone, called a bone spur, on your vertebrae. 

Pregnancy also causes a form of spinal compression that can affect the sciatic nerve. When you're pregnant, the body releases a hormone called relaxin. It's designed to relax your ligaments and prepare your pelvis for childbirth. However, loose ligaments and a growing uterus can shift your center of gravity and pinch the sciatic nerve, leading to shooting pains down your legs. 

Sciatic sensations may increase during your pregnancy. In fact, lower back pain and sciatic problems are quite common. Sciatica will often develop in the third trimester — though it can occur at any stage of your pregnancy. 

As your baby grows, the additional weight puts pressure on unstable joints and muscles. Sometimes, the baby's position may be the cause of sciatic nerve compression. 

This pain often comes and goes, but it can be constant for some women. While it may not be comfortable for mom, you can at least be relieved to know that, fortunately, this compression and pain doesn't harm the baby. 

What to Do If You Have Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica takes time to heal and requires rest. Discomfort is common, but severe pain is not. If the pain is excruciating, certain over-the-counter (OTC) medications may help. Talk to your doctor before you take any medication to ensure it won't harm your baby. 

Dealing with constant body aches can be exhausting, but there are some simple home remedies you can try to help ease the pain: 

Take a hot shower or use a heating pad. Heat relaxes tight muscles, which are often aggravated as a result of carrying around extra weight. Putting a cold pack on your lower back and rear pelvis can also help.

Keep moving. Rest is important, and it's tempting to curl up into a ball when your body hurts. However, gentle movement is often more helpful in the long run. Sometimes simply going for a walk can help. A prenatal yoga class is also a great way to soothe your muscles and mind. Try to limit too much bending or twisting, though. Low-impact activities like swimming may also be beneficial. 

But — pay attention to the pain. Listen to your body and take note of any activities that irritate your sciatic nerve. Avoid heavy lifting and take frequent breaks if your job requires you to stand for long periods of time.

Get a massage. There's some evidence that prenatal massage can reduce stress, improve blood circulation, and even regulate hormones.

See a physical therapist. Find a professional who can evaluate your condition and provide you with stretches and strength-building exercises to alleviate sciatic nerve pain. 

Sleep on your side. When you lie down, rest on the side of your body that doesn't hurt. This takes the pressure off the compressed nerve. Use a full body pillow to support your hips and legs. 

After pregnancy, keep up these habits if your sciatica persists. Some women will experience full relief from sciatic nerve pain after giving birth, while others may develop postpartum sciatica symptoms due to weakened back and abdominal muscles. Continue to build your strength through gentle physical activity while giving your body time to rest.  If your pain continues or increases during or after pregnancy, see your doctor.

What can I do for sciatica pain during pregnancy?

How Can I Relieve Sciatica during Pregnancy?.
Lay down on the side opposite of the pain in order to help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. ... .
Avoid standing for long periods of time. ... .
Go for a swim. ... .
Take warm showers or use warm compresses to help relieve pain. ... .
Avoid lifting heavy objects..

What makes sciatica worse in pregnancy?

When you're pregnant, the body releases a hormone called relaxin. It's designed to relax your ligaments and prepare your pelvis for childbirth. However, loose ligaments and a growing uterus can shift your center of gravity and pinch the sciatic nerve, leading to shooting pains down your legs.

Can barely walk sciatica pregnancy?

Causes of sciatic nerve pain in pregnancy include loosened ligaments, a shift in your center of gravity, the growing weight of your baby and uterus, and your baby's position. To relieve sciatica pain try warmth, stretching, rest, supportive pillows, and appropriate exercises, such as Kegels and swimming.