How to pick a master padlock with a paperclip

Let's say you've lost the keys to your Master Lock, and nobody in town will sell you a blowtorch since that one "misunderstanding" a few years back.

So, what is the next easiest way to pick a Master Lock?The easiest way to pick a Master Lock is by raking it. This is done by first tensioning the core and using a lock pick to bump all of the pins to the shear line. Master Locks can also be picked with a variety of makeshift tools including paperclips, bobby pins, soda cans, and even chicken bones.

The Mechanism of Action of the Lock
To open a lock, you need to know its operating principle. Each master lock will be made up of three major parts: a set of pins, springs above, and a spindle where we insert the key. You can see that there are serrations on each key, each of those will fit into a pin. So, the more pins a lock has inside, the higher its security. These pins have different heights, that’s why each key has a different shape.

How To Pick A Padlock Step by Step
The first major feat is garnering the correct tools for the job. You basically need only two tools, but three is always a help especially with stubborn locks. The two basic tools that you need like with all traditional lock picking is the tension wrench and the pick. These can be purchased, or fashioned out of bobby pins, paper clips or many other house hold items. If you are just starting out, I would recommend getting a clear trainer padlock before moving on to learn how to pick a master lock.

How to pick a master lock when your key gets lost.
Step 1:Straighten the paper clip and then bend the tip down so it is angled a little bit less than 45 degrees.
Step 2:Use a pen to make a tension wrench. Break off the metal clip from the pen cap and bend the tip slightly.
Step 3:Turn the lock so that the large end of the key insert is on the top. As you cradle the lock in your left hand, insert the bent end of the tension wrench into the large end of the key insert and lift up on it slightly with the thumb of your left.
Step 4:Insert the bent end of the paper clip just under the tension wrench as far as it will go. Exert a little pressure on the tension wrench as you wiggle the paper clip up and down. You may need to twist the paper clip simultaneously as you wiggle it. carries many beginner lock pick sets.Finally, we'll finish off this guide with a brief look into the main characteristics you should consider when buying lock picks to help ensure you get what you need.

in: Featured, How To, Skills

March 14, 2018 • Last updated: September 25, 2021

So you know how to pick a lock with a tension wrench and rake. This is an incredibly useful skill, which will allow you to get in your house if you get locked out without having to call a locksmith, and will also allow you to help others who’ve become locked out. You might even need to pick the lock of a door behind which someone is incapacitated and in need of emergency help.

But, what do you do if you find yourself needing to pick a lock, but you don’t have your lock picks on you?

You use the manly art of improvisation and MacGyver yourself out of this tough spot with nothing but paper clips and pliers, of course.

Picking a lock with paper clips works pretty much the same way as picking a lock with a traditional tension wrench and rake. You just need to turn two paper clips into those two very same tools, and then pick the lock with them like you’d normally do.

Below I show you how.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 metal paper clips — the sturdier the better. Don’t use plastic paper clips. They’ll just break.
  • Pair of pliers (like you’d find on a Leatherman)

How to Pick a Lock with Paper Clips

Make Your Tension Wrench

Straighten out one of your paper clips but leave one end still bent. Squeeze those two parts together. This is the part that will go in the lock. Using your pliers, bend the long, straight end of the paper clip 90 degrees to form the handle of the tension wrench.

Make Your Rake

Straighten out the second paper clip. Pinch the end of the paper clip with the pliers and bend the long part 90 degrees to form the first ridge in the rake. Move the pliers down on the long part of the paper clip, and bend again at 90 degrees. Keep doing this until you have 3 ridges in the paper clip. 

Pick Your Lock

With your jerry-rigged lock picking set, you’re ready to pick your tumbler lock. Just follow the instructions in our how to pick a lock article.

Warning: Paper Clip May Break Inside Your Lock

Paper clips aren’t very sturdy and may break while inside your lock. This happened to me while working on one of the doors to my house. Now I’ve got to replace the lock. Doh! Because of this vulnerability, using a paper clip to pick a lock should be a last resort. It’s far better to keep a real lock pick set on you. You can get one at SERE Pick. 

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Can you pick a Master Lock with a paperclip?

Master Locks can also be picked with a variety of makeshift tools including paperclips, bobby pins, soda cans, and even chicken bones.

How do I open a Master padlock?

To open a standard Master Lock combination lock (1500D): Turn the dial 3 times to the right and stop on the first number of the sequence. Turn the dial to the left, past the first number of the sequence, and stop on the second number. Turn the dial to the right and stop on the third number of the sequence.


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