Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf

  • School University of New Mexico, Main Campus
  • Course Title MATH **316
  • Pages 6

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Unit 6 Lesson 17 Cumulative PracticeProblems1. Here the graph of quadratic function.Andre uses the expressionto define.Noah uses the expressionto define.Do you agree with either of them? Explain yourreasoning.

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Algebra 1 Unit 6Lesson 17CC BY 2019 by Illustrative Mathematics1

2. Here are the graphs of,, and.a. How do the 3 graphs compare?b. How does the -5 inaffect the graph?c. How does the +2 and the -8 inaffect the graph?

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3. Which equation represents the graph ofmoved 3 units to the left?

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4. Selectallthe equations with a graph whose vertex hasbotha positive- and apositive-coordinate.Algebra 1 Unit 6Lesson 17CC BY 2019 by Illustrative Mathematics2

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Having trouble navigating Illustrative Math? Need an easy cheat sheet of all the standards, lessons, and assessments? This is it! I was part of the group of teachers who piloted Illustrative Mathematics Algebra and found this tool to be immensely helpful in many different areas. I used it for easy standards reference grading, referencing my students strengths and weaknesses in each standards cluster, allowing my students to retake assessments based on standard, making connections between the lessons and the assessment problems, and so much more. I also found that Illustrative spirals a lot and this quick overview allowed me to look at when we would come back to material my students might not have completely grasped.

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About Illustrative Mathematics

Illustrative is an excellent free math curriculum. They previously only had middle school material but have recently added high school Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II.  My co-teacher and I were among many schools that piloted the curriculum last year (2018) before they released it to the public. It focuses on student engagement, collaboration, math discussions, and real world situations. Illustrative is free to any teacher who qualifies. This TPT product has been made based on the Illustrative Mathematics Algebra curriculum.

Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf

Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf

Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf

Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf

Illustrative mathematics algebra 1 unit 6 answer key pdf