No period after miscarriage could i be pregnant mumsnet

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RaachelMorrow · 11/04/2020 22:35

Hello everyone,

I miscarried at 5/6 weeks about 8 weeks ago, naturally. I'm sure my period is due any day now but just wondering for piece of mind, I wasn't expecting it to take so long because I was so early on in my pregnancy? What was your experience? I was expecting it to arrive at 4 - 6 weeks after.

It was confirmed by an internal scan that my body looked after itself 8 weeks ago.

Is it crazy that sometimes I think I might still be pregnant? I will probably be hit with all the emotions all over again when it arrives. This self isolation business is also heightening all my feelings :(


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Cgem1 · 11/09/2021 21:04

Hi i’m wondering if someone can give me a peace of mind, I’m going to the doctors next week.

I had a miscarriage 25th July this year, me and partner tried when it was safe. I started experiencing spotting on 18th august but no period.

I had a strong feeling so i took a few strips and stick tests last week and all came back with a strong positive line and clearblue said 2-3 weeks. When i took clearblue last pregnancy i was told 2-3 usually indicates around the 4-5 week mark.

I didn't have a period, I’m just wondering how far along if anyone can help me calculate i'd really appreciate any help! thank you so much

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shellyt2188 · 12/04/2021 16:42


I had a miscarriage in Dec last year at about 10wks pregnant, was diagnosed as a mmc and I then had an MVA (manual vacuum aspiration) which all went fine and I've since had negative pregnancy tests.

I'm just now getting a bit concerned that I still haven't had a period after the miscarriage. I have always had a regular cycle, and so what is strange is that I can feel each month ovulation pains and then 2 weeks later I get really bad period pains, but no bleeding! and then 2 weeks later again I get the ovulation pains, like clockwork! It's just a bit odd that there is no actual flow, like nothing at all.

Has anyone else had this? and did your periods just come back one month? I'd really like this chapter closed now but feel like I can't move on not knowing what's going on down there :(

Thanks x

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Could I be pregnant after miscarriage and no period?

You may be surprised to learn that you can get pregnant after a miscarriage without even having a “normal” menstrual period.

What happens if your period doesn't come after a miscarriage?

A person who does not have a period after 6 weeks following a pregnancy loss may want to take a pregnancy test. If there is no pregnancy, but a period does not occur, people should speak with a doctor. A medical professional may recommend waiting until after a period arrives to try for another pregnancy.

How long does it take to see menstruation after miscarriage?

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle restarts, and many women will have their first period 4–6 weeks later. However, it can take several months for the menstrual cycle to return to how it was before pregnancy.

Can you ovulate without a period after miscarriage?

It's possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage and before you have a period. Some people do not experience any delay in the return of normal menstrual cycles. In these cases, ovulation may occur as early as two weeks after a miscarriage, and that ovulation can result in a pregnancy.