Thank you letter after nurse practitioner interview sample

When Should You Send a Thank You Letter After an Interview?

After you have a job interview, it's important to follow-up right away - that means within 24 hours of your interview. If time permits, send a handwritten thank you note. Surveys report that more than half of hiring managers prefer a handwritten note to an email. However, if the interviewer mentions that they will be making a decision fast, send a thank you email. Hand written thank you notes often will sit on the hiring manager’s desk, window sill, or in a personnel file reminding them of your interview… emailed thank you notes often get deleted and forgotten.

If timing isn't discussed, you could do both - send a quick email and follow up with a thank you card. Either way, be sure to ask the interviewer for a business card so you have his or email address and mailing address. Here are some examples below of professional, thank you cards that can be hand written.

General contents of a thank you letter can be found below:

April 11, 2013

Mary Anne Nurse, RN, MSN
Patient Care Manager
Sacred Heart Hospital
890 Cherokee Lane
Elkhart, IN 46514

Dear Ms. Nurse,

It was a pleasure to meet with you and your nursing staff for the Staff Development position. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and found it rewarding to share some of the same philosophies and teaching methodologies. Thank you for the tour of your new Education Center, the information you provided and the chance to talk with several patient families. Even more so, I appreciate the time you and your staff spent in covering every detail and aspect of the Staff Development position; the hours, the mission, your vision for the future and the job details. After the interview, I am even more convinced that if selected, I will pour my heart and soul into this extraordinary opportunity.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any further questions for me, or if you decide to schedule 2nd interviews, I look forward to the opportunity.

Susan B. Jenkins, DNP, RN

It's always a good idea to send a thank-you note after interviewing for a new job. Writing a thank-you note immediately after each interview you’ve had with a potential employer is a perfect opportunity to remind them of your unique qualifications for the nursing position they are seeking to fill.

Your thank-you letter is not merely a polite gesture—it also works like your initial cover letter and resume did as a selling tool. Thus, as you write it, try to reflect upon some of the questions raised during your interview, answering them with descriptions of your skills and experience.

It’s a good idea during your interview to take notes about your discussion, including the names of your interviewers so you’ll have good talking points to use in your follow-up thank-you letter.

Here's information on what to include in an interview thank-you letter, tips for writing a letter that will make the best impression, and a sample you can download to use as a starting point for your own correspondence.

What to Include in an Interview Thank-You Letter

Start with a salutation. At the start of the letter, address the person with a proper salutation, such as “Dear Dr. Lastname.” or “Dear Ms. Lastname.”

Say thank you. Use the words “thank you” in the first sentence of your email or note, so the recipient is clear about the reason you’re writing. If you are sending an email, include the phrase “Thank You” in the subject line as well.

Be specific. Remind the person why you are a good fit for the job, and, if you need to address any concerns that were raised during your interview, address them.

Offer more information. Ask the interviewer if there’s any further information you can provide to help them make a decision.

Say thank you again. Before closing your email or letter, reiterate your appreciation for the opportunity to interview.

Closing. Use an appropriate closing, such as “Regards” or “Sincerely.” Then end with your signature (handwritten and typed if it is a letter, handwritten for a thank you card, and typed if it is an email).

Thank You Letter Writing Tips

Writing thank you letters is considered by some people to be an old-fashioned nicety. However, it’s ironic that the rarer personal correspondence like thank you letters becomes, the more these notes are appreciated and remembered by their recipients. This holds true as much for business thank you letters as it does for personal ones.

Particularly in a job search context, thank you letters are a powerful tool for reinforcing the connection you’ve made with an employer during a telephone, online, or personal interview.

When written strategically, thank you notes sent immediately following an interview will confirm your serious interest in a job, remind the hiring committee of your skills and qualifications, further address any concerns that were raised during your interview, and keep your name in mind as the employer makes their hiring decision.

If more than one person is interviewing you, you should send a thank you letter to each of them. If you are sending an email letter, there is no need to include your return address or your contact's address. List your contact information in your signature.

Thank You Example for a Nurse Position

This example is specific to a nursing position and can be used in a hard copy letter or in an email. Download the nurse interview thank you letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Thank you letter after nurse practitioner interview sample

Thank You Example for a Nurse Position (Text Version)

Christine Johnson, R.N. 
123 Main Street 
Anytown, CA 12345 

November 8, 2021

Joshua Lee Director, Human Resources 
Acme Hospital 
123 Business Rd. 
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me a second time regarding the position of staff nurse at Acme Hospital. Thank you for your continued interest in the skills I believe I would bring to your organization.

My nursing experience is extensive and, as we discussed at length during our meetings, as a certified emergency nurse (CEN) with ACLS, PALS, BLS, and CPR certifications, I have worked in several ER and trauma unit environments similar to yours. I thus feel I would fit in well and be an asset to your staff team.

You mentioned during our interview that because of the current shortage of skilled nurses in our community, your ideal candidate would be willing to regularly work overtime or on the weekends as needed. I would like to assure you that I have both the energy and the flexibility to do this, as I have demonstrated in my current role as a staff nurse at PeaceHealth Medical Center’s Level 1 trauma center; I typically work extra shifts anywhere from 3 to 5 times a month to ensure our uncompromised coverage of our ER and trauma unit shifts.

If you hire me, you will find me to be detail-oriented and conscientious in caring for your patients and supporting their families through the stressful stages of emergency medical and recovery care. I’m well-versed in supervising and mentoring LPNs and CNAs and have served as a mentor to first-year nursing students. Dedicated to organizational excellence, I also have regularly served on various hospital committees, including our JCAHO Readiness Taskforce, Critical Care Committee, Ethics Committee, and Medical Care Evaluation Committee.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon; please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help you in your decision-making process.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Christine Johnson, R.N.

Sending an Email Thank You

When you are sending your thank you note via email include your name in the subject line of your message:

Subject: FirstName LastName – Thank You

List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the email as follows:


FirstName LastName, R.N.
Your Email
Your Phone Number

How do you write a thank you email after nursing interview?

How to write a nursing interview thank you letter.
Write your thank you letter as soon as possible. ... .
Address the person you interviewed with. ... .
Thank the interviewer. ... .
Mention specifics about the interview. ... .
Reiterate your qualifications/experience. ... .
Emphasize your enthusiasm for the position. ... .
End the letter..

How do you write a thank you note after an interview examples?

Hi [Interviewer Name], Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position, and I'm very excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and help [bring in new clients/develop world-class content/anything else awesome you would be doing] with your team.

How do you express gratitude at the end of your interview?

Top Five Ways to Show Gratitude After an Interview.
Send a Thank-You note. ... .
Remember Names. ... .
Follow Up. ... .
Be Gracious. ... .
Always be willing to interview again..

What do you say in a follow up email after an interview?

Be polite but direct: Thank them for their time in the interview. Explain that you're following up on your interview - remember to be specific about the job, mentioning the job title and interview date. Restate your interest in the position and say you're keen to hear about next steps.