What mama dont know waterboy

LITTLE GIRLS ARE THE DEVILLL!!!! Whoops, sorry sometimes I get a little carried away. Anyhow, I don’t know about you, but I love driving around on my tractor. Me and my tractor go everywhere. We drive down the highway, through football stadiums, and even around town just to do the simple things in life like buying groceries. I have so many good memories with it. In fact, it just so happens that the character we will talk about today also relies on his trusty tractor.

Have you ever taken the time to participate in the adventures of Bobby Boucher? Man let me tell you, this movie will make your eyes bleed. Both in good ways and bad, but hopefully more good than anything else. Anywho, there’s nothing like watching a grown man spend his time working as a water boy for the University of Louisiana and if you don’t believe me then you have another thing coming buddy.

So, let me talk about some of the things that make watching a clearly dumb guy with a weird lisp who doesn’t seem to have his head screwed on straight conduct himself on a day to day basis. First off, the cast man. There’s nothing like a movie with a great cast such as this. The Waterboy stars no strangers to the screen including: Adam Sandler, Fairuza Balk, Kathy Bates, and Henry Wrinkler. And wait until you hear about this wonderful plot. Long time water boy for the University of Louisiana, Bobby Bouche, gets fired for “messing” with the football team’s players. Shortly thereafter, Bobby finds another job waterboying for the South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs, where he quickly becomes the most feared linebacker in the country after defending himself against the team’s quarterback. The story follows the stuttering 31-year old’s epic tale of ups and downs with laughs awaiting around every corner.

Between Farmer Frank’s indecipherable words and Coach Klein’s countless mental break downs, I can promise you that this movie will not disappoint. The Waterboy offers a unique experience that only the true ones will understand. Of course, that means you! For instance, if I told you that this movie shows that Bobby likes to boil his water before serving it, you would probably think that’s weird, but also slightly humorous! Am I right or am I right.

Besides how could you miss watching Bobby tackle his biology teacher for insulting his beliefs on why alligators are always so angry (It’s because they’ve got all them teeth and no toothbrush by the by)! And how could you even live with yourself if you missed Bobby going insane and seeing visions that enable him to tackle and destroy his foes. His tackling fuel if you will…

All in all, the Waterboy offers a special kind of humor, the kind that causes you to laugh when you learn Bobby pees himself every night. It’s a very classy movie and one that will truly open your mind to the meaning of life. And by that of course I mean playing football really well. Honestly though, if you can’t play football well you really have no reason to be on this earth.

So maybe watching Farmer Frank eat alligator cupcakes isn’t really you’re forte. That’s okay. I won’t judge. However, I may have to tell Bobby you think that water sucks and Gatorade is better. You may want to start running now… hehe.

Anyway, it is time my friends. Go forth unto Netflix and stream this heartwarming classic to your heart’s content. I promise it will be worth every second of your time and the movie itself will give you absolutely wonderful dreams. And remember. Even if you should be doing something else like studying for a test or reading a book and you keep thinking to yourself, “What would my mother say?” Just remember what Coach Klein said, “What momma don’t know won’t hurt her…”

Goodnight y’all, I hope you all have the most epic of dreams full of drunken cheerleaders and mascots and people with multi personality disorders.

Until next time!

Love you very caring,

-Blogging Dog 😊


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