Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

Do you know the differences between light, medium, and dark roast coffee? If not, you’re in for a treat. This article will explore the differences between these three types of coffee and explain why each one is unique.


Plus, we’ll give you a few extra roasts just in case these three aren’t enough!

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

Introduction to the different types of coffee roasts

Roasting coffee beans is the process of taking green, unroasted beans and heating them until they are anywhere from a light brown to almost black. Roasting caramelizes sugars within the beans creating unique flavors that can’t be found in their original state.

Coffee roasters have many different types of methods for roasting beans – each one creates its own unique flavor and texture. Light roasts are smooth and flavorful, while dark roasts are richer and more intense (perfectly suited for cold brew). Medium roasts are a good compromise between the two and great for pour over coffees.

Light Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is a Light Roasted Coffee?

Light roasting brings out the natural flavors and oils of the coffee beans. The roasting process is done at a temperature that’s between 350 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit. This roasting method is sometimes called the “first crack” because of the chirping sound that is produced by beans as they are roasted. The most common light roast coffee is called the blonde roast – it’s resulted in a smooth, mild cup of coffee.

Benefits of light Roast Coffee

The lighter the roast, the more flavor it will deliver without any bitterness. Light roasting can also unlock unique flavors that were previously unknown in certain coffee beans. Because the beans are roasted just enough to bring the essential oils to the surface but not enough to burn them away, this delicate balance results in a more flavorful cup of coffee than you’ve ever experienced before.

Flavor and texture of Light Roasts Coffee

Light roast coffees tastes best when they’re fresh. They have a simpler, cleaner flavor that makes them perfect for any time of day. You will often see specialty roasts keep their temperatures low. This is because the lower the temperature, the more flavor is retained.

If you love the sweet, fruity, flowery flavor notes of some of the more unique coffees, then you may love light roast coffee beans. It will give you the chance to really taste these notes before being overpowered by the smoky flavors associated with darker roasts.

Medium Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is a Medium Roast Coffee

For many, the perfect coffee roast is halfway between light and dark. Medium roasts fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, bringing out both subtle flavor notes like fruit, citrus, or nuts along with rich aromas.

Benefits of Medium Roast Coffee Beans

The benefits are similar to light roasted coffees – they have a long shelf life due to their low oil content which means they won’t go stale as quickly. However, it’s worth noting that because there is more caffeine in medium roasted coffee than its lighter counterpart, you may want to consider that when brewing your cup of joe.

Flavor and texture of Medium Roast Coffees

Medium roasts are the perfect compromise between light and dark – they have a little bit of everything. You’ll get an even balance of flavors, combined with the perfect blend of acidity and aroma. The citrus and fruit flavors won’t be as pronounced, but the smokey flavors of a dark brew will also put on a bit of a show.

Medium roasted coffees will appeal to most coffee drinkers – especially if you’re not in the mood for anything too strong or too subtle. They offer a perfect balance of flavor, acidity, and aroma. They’re also not as strong as dark roasts, but they still have a lot of flavors. Medium roasts are the perfect choice for people who want a good cup of coffee without having to worry about it being too intense.

Dark Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is a Dark Roast Coffee

Dark roasts typically range from a dark brown to an almost black color. The beans are roasted for longer periods at higher temperatures, which means the oils will start to seep through the outer shell of the coffee bean and burn away if the roaster isn’t careful.

Benefits of Dark Roast Coffee

Dark roast coffee beans have a very strong and lasting flavor. This means that, even when you add cream and sugar to it, the flavor will still come through. Dark roasted coffees also have a long shelf life, meaning that they will remain fresh longer than their lighter counterparts.

Flavor and texture of Dark Roast Coffee

Dark roast coffees will deliver a more “smokey” taste – some people describe it as being acidic or bitter. Many dark roasts are blended with other coffee beans to be even stronger and give you a more intense flavor (including dark chocolate flavors). They’re perfect if you’re looking for something strong and bold in your cup of coffee, but not necessarily the best if you want flavors like citrus or fruit to shine through.

For those who love rich, bold flavor above all else, then dark roast beans are just right for you. It’s a perfect pick me up on a cold winter’s day or as the base for a strong and tasty iced coffee.

French Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is French Roast Coffee

French roast coffee beans are nearly black in color and have been roasted for the longest time at the highest temperatures possible. This results in a very oily, dark exterior with almost no visible cracks or imperfections on the coffee bean itself.

Benefits of French Roast Coffee

The benefits of french roasts come from their extremely long shelf life and strong flavor – they will stay fresh for longer than any other type of coffee and deliver an incredibly bold taste that tastes similar to espresso, although not quite as strong.

Flavor and texture of French Roast Coffee

Essentially, the longer you roast your beans, the more oils are burnt away, which means less moisture is left in the coffee bean and more porous. This means that french roasted coffees have a smoother and more subtle taste than other dark roast varieties.

French roast coffees are typically enjoyed by people who favor a strong, bold flavor over everything else – if you like the idea of espresso but don’t want to drink it straight up, then this might be your best choice. They’re also perfect for blending with other types of coffee beans (including lighter roasts) to get a stronger flavor or smoothness.

Italian Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is an Italian Roast Coffee

Italian roasts are exceptionally dark and oily – they’re almost black and will look similar to French roast beans, except they won’t quite be as shiny due to their darker color. They’re sometimes referred to as “dark Italian” roast coffees and will typically be labeled as such when you go shopping for them.

Benefits of Italian Roast Coffee

Italian roasts are much more subtle in flavor than French or dark roasts, but they retain a similar strong aroma. They have a long shelf life and offer an almost bittersweet aftertaste that isn’t too sharp or overwhelming to the palate.

Flavor and texture of Italian Roast Coffee

Italian roast coffee beans also deliver a much smoother drink – this means that you won’t get any jittery feelings from drinking it in the same way that you would from a strong, black coffee! If you want something that tastes smooth and rich without being overly bold, then this is your best choice.

Italian dark roast coffees are typically enjoyed by people who want a bold flavor without being overpowered – if you like the idea of French or dark roast but don’t want anything too powerful, then this might be perfect for you! They’re also great for anyone who wants to drink straight espresso but doesn’t want an overwhelming taste.

Breakfast Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is Breakfast Roast Coffee

Breakfast roast is a relatively new term widely used when people talk about medium to lighter roasted coffee beans. Roasting begins at around 400°F and goes up to around 500°F, resulting in a much lighter colored coffee bean with visible oil but also one that’s not quite as bold or intense as other types of coffee.

Benefits of Breakfast Roast Coffee

Medium roasted coffees benefit from being less acidic than light roasts while still providing all the benefits associated with caffeine. They have a long shelf life and can be enjoyed straight-up without being blended with any other types of beans.

Flavor and texture of Breakfast Roast Coffee

Breakfast roast has a very smooth, almost creamy flavor – many people will describe them as tasting “buttery” or “Carmel-y.” While they are slightly acidic, this acidity is much lighter than the kind you find in other types of coffee – it won’t burn your mouth or leave any bitter aftertastes.

Breakfast roast coffees are typically enjoyed by people who want all the benefits that come from caffeine without being overpowered by a dark, bold flavor. If you drink french or dark roast but don’t like how sharp their taste can be, then breakfast roasts might be perfect for you! They’re also good for anyone who wants to drink straight espresso but doesn’t want an overwhelming taste.

Half City Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is Half City Roast Coffee

Half-city roast coffee is halfway between light and dark roasted coffees – they typically have a rich, amber color with noticeable oils. Roasting begins around 400°F and stops at around 450°F, resulting in a strong flavor that isn’t overpowering like other coffees (such as french or dark).

Benefits of Half City Coffee

Light roasted coffees are less acidic than breakfast roasts but still provide the same caffeine boost – they’re also very long lasting and can be enjoyed without additional blending. They’re known for having less aftertaste than darker beans, leaving you to enjoy their delicious flavor instead!

Flavor and texture of Half City Roast Coffee

Half city roast has a strong flavor that’s a little more intense than a lighter roast, but it still won’t leave your mouth burnt or overwhelmed. They’re typically described as having a deep caramel sweetness with hints of chocolate floating throughout – they have a very rich flavor without being overly sharp.

Half city roasts are popular among people who like highly caffeinated drinks without tasting too potent or bitter. If you drink breakfast or light roast but don’t like how weak their flavors can be, then half city might be perfect for you! They’re also good for anyone who wants to drink straight espresso but doesn’t want an overwhelming taste.

Full City Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is Full City Roast Coffee

Full-city roast coffee beans are dark roasted beans and have a deep, dark brown color with very little oil. Roasting begins around 450°F and goes all the way up to 550°F, resulting in a coffee that’s both bold and strong – it tastes much more intense than lighter beans but is still smooth.

Benefits of Full City Coffee

Dark roasted coffees are intensely caffeinated while still having a rich flavor – they’re also long-lasting and can be enjoyed without being blended with any other beans. They’ll leave a “wake me up” taste in your mouth for hours after you’ve finished drinking them!

Flavor and texture of Full City Roast Coffee

Full city roast has a strongly acidic and very powerful flavor – many people will describe them as tasting “smoky.” They’re often darker than other types of coffee, leaving the water you use to brew them deep brown instead of light brown.

Full city roasts are popular among people who enjoy rich, bold flavors that leave a strong aftertaste in their mouths for hours afterward. If you drink french roast but don’t like how bitter they taste, then full city might be perfect for you! They’re also good for anyone who wants to drink straight espresso but doesn’t want an overwhelming taste.

Espresso Roast Coffee

Whats the difference between medium and dark roast coffee

What is Espresso Roast Coffee

Espresso roast coffee beans are extremely dark roasted until they have little oil left on them – these are sometimes called black gold because of how dark they are. Roasting begins around 675°F and goes up to 825°F, resulting in a very dark brown and extremely strong coffee.

Benefits of Espresso Roast Coffee

Espresso roast coffees are intensely caffeinated while still having a rich flavor – they’re also long lasting and can be enjoyed without being blended with any other beans. They’ll leave a “wake me up” taste in your mouth for hours after you’ve finished drinking them!

Flavor and texture of Espresso Roast Coffee

Because this type of coffee is so dark, it has an acidic, pungent taste that’s more intense than lighter roasts but isn’t as harsh as the darkest ones on the market. The oils from these beans have turned black on their surface, leaving behind a coffee that is dark brown and oily.

Espresso roast coffees are popular among people who enjoy rich, bold flavors that leave a strong aftertaste in their mouths for hours afterward. If you drink french roast but don’t like how bitter they taste, then espresso roast might be perfect for you! They’re also good for anyone who wants to drink straight espresso but doesn’t want an overwhelming taste.

Is a dark roast coffee stronger?

Unlike the flavor, aroma, and color of coffee beans, the caffeine content doesn't concentrate or increase during roasting. In fact, darker roasts generally have slightly less caffeine than their lighter counterparts.

Why is medium roast stronger than dark?

The most basic difference between the two is that a dark roast is roasted longer than a medium roast. The extra roasting time causes the resulting coffee to have a bolder taste with less acidity. However, that additional roasting also removes much of the individual flavour and character of the coffee beans in question.

Which roast of coffee is the strongest?

If you measure your coffee by scoops, light roast will have more caffeine. Since the beans are denser than a dark roast. However, if you weigh out your scoops, they will both have similar amounts of caffeine per cup.