When can i eat fried chicken after wisdom teeth removal

When can I start eating chicken after wisdom tooth extraction?

Are you wondering when you can eat solid food after wisdom teeth removal? It's advised to slowly introduce solid foods into your diet about seven days after your surgery.

When can I eat greasy food after wisdom teeth removal?

Always cool down any hot foods or liquids during the first 24 hours. If you were sedated for surgery, do not eat fatty, creamy, or oily foods; these foods may cause nausea. You should eat only soft foods for the first week: for example, soups, eggs, mashed potatoes, and meatloaf are fine.

Can I eat chicken 4 days after wisdom teeth removal?

After three days, you can eat soft food that might involve some chewing, like scrambled eggs and macaroni and cheese. Avoid tough or crunchy foods, including popcorn, hamburgers, chips, chicken breast, salads, and similar foods. You should also avoid acidic, spicy, or sugary foods.