How long after taking kratom can i breastfeed

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How long after taking kratom can i breastfeed

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does anyone else take kratom while breastfeeding? I take about 4 table spoons a day in the morning and drink it throughout the day. was curious if anyone has noticed any side effects in their baby from it? sometimes my baby is fussy but other than that he is si happy and hitting all of his milestones. he is 2 months old. I just can't smoke weed anymore it makes me paranoid and alcohol makes me sick.


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Kratom is not good stuff at all. I've been addicted to it two times now for over a year and a half each time. It causes a lot of mental issues and anger/irritation after using it for awhile. Praying you can kick that stuff 🙏


wow this is the first time me hearing about the crap Kartom has i been on it for about s year this kind


Sorry I am just getting back to you. By the grace of God both my husband and I are recovering addicts from heroin and cocaine and other drugs. We used to use Kratom in between drugs all the time to 'get by'. It affects your opiate receptors in your brain and a lot of people coming off of hard drugs tend to use it to cope with the symptoms of withdrawal.. the funny thing is, is that you experience withdrawal from kratom as well... but no one ever tells you that. After getting free from the hard stuff we still struggled with going back to kratom for a few years.. and not just a few times here and there. Literally addicted to it time and time again. It seemed justifiable and fine because it was legal but it's tricky stuff. You get addicted to it quick and before you know it you're experiencing the negative side effects no one talks about until they experience it themselves. Anyway, I didn't mean to scare you if I did.. just wanted to warn you. I pray that God will help you to get off of this stuff. Just start cutting back and weaning down and you'll be good. You won't experience withdrawal symptoms as much or at all that way. Good luck girlfriend and God bless you 🙏❤

What does Kratom do that you like? I have only had it once in a tea and I didn’t notice any difference. Curious what benefits it has.


It doesn't have any benefits. It’s bad stuff. Read my post above

I would really try to kick that Kratos habit also. it can't be good for a 2 month old baby at all.. i dont think.. my friend was addicted bad, he's now not on this earth anymore. I stopped smoking weed n starting smoking cbd occasionally until I was able to kick all smoking habits aside once and for all, hallelujah.  good luck.  don't be scared to get some kind of help for this please. it's not "illegal" so u won't have to worry about cps or anything. but if breastfeeding please try to stop, or don't try,  just do it, for babies sake. wishing you guys well

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Can I use Kratom while breastfeeding?

Although there are no formal studies of kratom transmission through breastmilk, The American Kratom Association ( recommends against use among pregnant or breastfeeding women. However, alleviation of withdrawal symptoms has been reported with breastfeeding39.

How long does it take for drugs to pass through breast milk?

Drugs. If you use amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine or heroin, you should not breastfeed for 24 hours after use. If you smoke cannabis or tobacco you should breastfeed your baby before you smoke, and smoke outside and away from the baby.

How long should you pump and dump after taking medication?

After recreational drug use If you use recreational drugs in a one-off manner, it's essential to pump and dump for 24 hours. It's also necessary to find someone else able to care for and bottle feed your baby while you're under the influence of drugs.

How many hours do I have to wait to breastfeed after drinking?

Moderate alcohol consumption by a breastfeeding mother (up to 1 standard drink per day) is not known to be harmful to the infant, especially if the mother waits at least 2 hours before nursing.