What happens if you dont winterize your sprinkler system

Living in Kansas City means that you know how cold winter can be. You also know how often the ground freezes and the havoc it can cause. If you have an irrigation system, it is imperative that you call the professionals for winterization. Failure to do this can result in serious consequences and costly repairs when spring arrives.

What is Winterization?

The winterization process for your sprinkler system involves a professional coming to your home and removing all the water from the sprinkler heads, valves and pipes. It is absolutely essential to do this before the first freeze of the season.

While there are some homeowners who may want to try and handle this process on their own, it typically isn’t a good idea. If you use too much air pressure to blow the water out, it can cause damage to the pipes and other sprinkler components. A professional service will know what to do and how to ensure no damage occurs to the system during the winterization process.

Consequences of Failing to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Winters in Kansas City and surrounding areas can be severe. In fact, there have been some winters that the ground has frozen up to three feet deep. If a pipe becomes frozen, it will shatter – just like glass. At this point, the only option will be to replace the entire damaged part. In some cases, only 10 feet of pipe will have to be replaced, but if you failed to winterize your sprinkler system, then you may have to replace all the pipe. Having to dig up and replace an entire irrigation system can get extremely costly.

Another issue that may arise during cold weather is with the backflow preventer valve. This is what keeps the irrigation water from entering into the drinking water lines. This is the only part of your sprinkler system that is aboveground. If water is left in the lines, this component may crack and split. Replacing this costs more than $300 in many cases.

Prevention is Much More Affordable than Repair and Replacement

When you invest in winterization now, you can avoid any issues with your sprinkler system in the spring. Keep in mind, if you have to repair or replace various parts (or all) of your sprinkler system, it can cost quite a bit. Winterization is extremely affordable and can be extremely helpful.

If you are ready to schedule your winterization for your sprinkler system, contact us at The IDL Company today.

“Do I need to worry about winterizing my sprinklers?” This is one of the most popular questions we at Georgetown Irrigation Specialists encounter here in Georgetown and Sun City. In our years of service, after witnessing countless sprinklers getting damaged during the colder season, our answer is still a resounding “Yes.” Part of the responsibilities of having a sprinkler system is preparing it for winter. Now the question is: What happens when it is not winterized?

For those of you who are not familiar with the practice, winterization is the process of removing all the water in your entire sprinkler system, including the head, pipes, valve, and pumps, before it freezes and results to damage and costly repairs come spring. This involves “blowing out” the zones by hooking up the air compressor to the main valve. Some people still prefer to manually drain their pipes, which can also work if the people involved are professionals. On the other hand, the pipes are also recommended to be insulated to avoid future problems.

Blowing air through the pipes and ensuring that there is not a puddle left helps homeowners gain a sense of reassurance that their sprinklers are safe. Many people ignore winterization because they underestimate the freezing weather. As winter progresses, the frost level sinks deeper into the soil, which means higher possibility that it will reach underground, where your pipes are located.

If your pipes haven’t been winterized, they can easily crack, warp, erode, or shatter and cause leaks in spring. Even galvanized pipes, which are known for their durability, can split as years go by. You would be lucky if only 10 feet of the pipe was broken during winter, since anything more than that will require replacement, which can get very expensive.

The backflow preventer valve, which keeps the irrigation water from mixing in with drinking water, can also be broken. Its replacement will also set you back by hundreds of dollars. Unfortunately, companies often do not honor warranties if the sprinkler system has not been winterized.

We at Georgetown Irrigation Specialists understand that not everybody has to time to personally winterize their sprinkler system. This is why our services include making sure that residential and commercial sprinklers in Georgetown or Sun City, Texas are ready for winter. Does your system need winterization? Please call (512) 864-1375 now so we can assist you right away.

What happens if you don't winterize?

Cracked pipes and fittings If an irrigation system isn't properly winterized, water will be left in the pipes all winter. When temperatures get below freezing, the water will freeze and expand in the pipes, which could cause cracks in the pipe or on the fittings.

Do I need to drain my sprinkler system?

To keep your investment functional, make it an annual habit to winterize your irrigation system. Simply drain the system and shut it down when you're done watering for the year. This guide walks you through the methods of draining an irrigation or sprinkler system.


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