Had a heavy period then found out i was pregnant reddit

I'm just asking this for some peace of mind. Because I constantly see tiktoks of girls saying they didn't know they were pregnant until they were in labor and how common that is and it is freaking me out. A lot of the comments on these videos are around the topic of periods. I commented that from my knowledge it's absolutely impossible to be pregnant and get heavy & regular periods. Only some spotting during early pregnancy. Well some girl just told me that it is possible. I was sexually assaulted in in March. I have gotten my period regularly every month and for a solid 7 days each. And I always get bad cramps, it's definitely an intense experience each time. But those videos are freaking me out so bad that I might still be pregnant. I'm 5'4 / 1.64 m and weight 123 pounds/55 kg. So I defenitley don't look 8months pregnant and haven't gained weight In the last few years.

I actually managed to not think about what happend to me on a regular basis but whenever I see videos like that it just makes me worried.

TLDR: I had a full period and then a positive pregnancy test 4 days later. Could I actually be pregnant??


My husband and I have 2 kids and have been trying for number 3. Last month we tried a lot so I was very hopeful that this would be it. My cycles have been about 27 days, so I took a pregnancy test day 25. Negative. Went to take one again the next morning, but woke up to my period instead.

It was a weird period. Day 25 I actually had brown spotting that I thought may be implantation bleeding, then had some clots the next day. Had what I would consider a full period with normal flow for 4 days, then had and additional 3 days of light flow. Those 3 days were extra strange because I only bled for a few hours each day, just using a tampon from about noon to 8pm. Total “period” lasted 7 days, not including the day of spotting.

I should also mention we’ve all had Covid during this time. So I have had nausea, but I assumed it was due to covid.

So last night, which was cycle day 11, I used an OPK (ovulation prediction strip) to start tracking my fertility for this month. I was surprised to see it was super positive, as in, this was likely my most fertile day. I got a tiny inkling that I should take a pregnancy test, since OPKs can pick up on hcg as well… it was positive!!! I took another one, also positive.

Now this is where it doesn’t make any sense. I haven’t had sex since before my period, so it would have to be from last month’s cycle. But how, if I bled for 7 days??

Today I went to see my OB, who agreed that it is not physically possible to be pregnant and have a full period. And this was not just spotting or light bleeding. He did an ultrasound and we saw a tiny spot that could be a gestational sac. Or a cyst. Or who knows. No heartbeat, but if I got pregnant last month I wouldn’t expect to see one for another week or so.

My pregnancy test in his office was positive. He drew blood for beta HcG and I have to go back Friday to get another blood draw done. Of course I won’t have today’s result until Friday and Friday’s result until Monday or Tuesday.

So now I’m googling the heck out of this, trying to figure out if it’s actually possible I’m pregnant. Or if I miscarried and didn’t realize it (but then why would we see a sac on ultrasound)? Or if it could be ectopic?

Gosh I want this to be a viable pregnancy. Please share stories if you’ve ever had something like this happen!

Hey everyone, so I had what I thought was my normal period (3.5 days long) and 5 days later as I started to do an ovulation test, it came out blazing positive - most fertile.

For the following 4 days it continued to be positive, which I thought was odd, I decided to try a pregnancy test and it came back with a clear positive. Since then, I ve done 5 pregnancy tests in different days, which all came positive, I used clear blue and easy at home.

I've called my GP and she said to try another pregnancy test in a week and if it's still positive to come back for blood test to fully confirm.

I’m really confused. Is it possible to be pregnant so soon after a period I am on #cycle day 15 being day 1 the first day of bleed.

Many thanks!

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Can you have a heavy normal period and still be pregnant?

Intro. The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn't possible to have a period while you're pregnant. Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color.

Had my period then got a positive pregnancy test?

If you are experiencing heavy blood flow like a period and have tested positive on a pregnancy test, you should seek medical care right away.

Does heavy period mean chemical pregnancy?

In general, bleeding associated with a chemical pregnancy may start as light spotting and then turn to excessive bleeding with visible clotting (dark red clots), similar to a heavy period. Cramping and heavier bleeding are other signs of a chemical miscarriage.